QUOTE (Gamer6432 @ Sep 27 2010, 12:54 AM)

Thanks for the info. The situation in question is a PC Nosferatu with a serious Munchkin problem. That 6 month Essence Loss? Yeah, frakking joke in a game. The group is trying to come up with ways to handle the situation within the rules, though if that fails to reign him in other measures will be taken.
As someone who is also a current player of a nosferatu PC, I can tell you that how much of a drawback Essence Loss is depends on how often in-game your group does a shadowrun. Within the timeframe of a single mission, Essence Loss will never matter for
any Infected critter, not even the 1-month-interval guys like banshees and vampires. Beyond that, it also won't really matter if you do a job once every week or two - a vampire would only lose an Essence point every other job. It would get more balanced if they did a job every month or so with a vampire, but I guess that doesn't help you with your nosferatu.
I guess you could consider this then. Nosferatus are designed to be powerful. They are one of the rarest forms of Infected, and also one of the most dangerous owing to their intelligence, patience, and natural predisposition towards plotting. So his character is supposed to be a little overpowered. So if you want to keep him in balance, don't use methods that rely on power. I would imagine that among HMHVV-learned circles in-game, any discovery of a nosferatu is SERIOUS BUSINESS. So be a little stricter with him than the others when it comes to his preserving his anonymity. If he starts recklessly exposing himself, I think that would be an appropriate time to bring in some vampire hunters. Or agents of rival nosferatus who want to eliminate vampiric competitors. Or a mutaqua.
In essence (no pun intended): he should be working hard to keep his condition a secret. That in and of itself should balance things a bit.
also if his character doesn't have any character traits even bordering on mental disorders, than he's doin it wrong.
EDIT: I also agree with Summerstorm. No nosferatu should have maxed stats in anything, and it's not like they don't also have severe natural limitations.