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Eh, microbes get hammered by the pressure wave too. That combined with the fire probably results in pretty much all living things dead in the blast radius.

BLU-96 Fuel Air Explosive bomb. Note that it is being set off several dozen meters away from the two story structure, but the blast wave still nearly obliterates the building. The only bits left are a couple of interior concrete walls.*

Now expand that to a bomb the size of the entire CDC building. The building basically IS the bomb.

Now there ARE problems with the scenario presented in The Walking Dead.

Namely to get a good dispersal of the reactive fuel in a building with so many internal walls you'd have to spray the fuel from nozzles in every room and corridor for a couple of minutes, rather than using a concussive charge to spread the fuel into a cloud like the BLU-96 does. But we saw no evidence of that in the episode - the explosion just "appears", nipping at the heels of the fleeing human survivors. Also, with the fuel at enough saturation to be effective, everyone trying to flee the building should have been choking on the fumes, probably wouldn't have gotten halfway to the exit before collapsing from oxygen deprivation and the noxious vapors in their lungs. And lastly, that grenade they used to open the window should have set off the fuel cloud.

But the blast effect shown isn't one of the problems. If anything, the explosion wasn't BIG ENOUGH, as the hollywood gasoline explosions burn a lot slower than true FAE fuel.


* - Note that the BLU-96 is a 2000 lb bomb. It is hardly the largest FAE bomb the USA fields - that status belongs to the GBU-43 MOAB, which is a 21000 lb bomb. The MOAB is so large that there is no aircraft capable of mounting it on any sort of hardpoint or launcher - instead it is simply tipped out the back door ramp of a C-130 cargo lifter when over it's target.
QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Nov 2 2011, 06:34 PM) *
But when you're talking microbes, I think it'd be the overwhelming factor. I may be wrong, though.

I'm still not convinced, but I'd have to do nontrivial research to pursue the point. Maybe sometime.


That was a gasoline bomb, as are 99% of Hollywood explosions.
You know what works on everything?

Nukes. nyahnyah.gif
I have to admit season two is kind of slow for me. Not sure why I feel this way-but there it is.
Of course it's slow. Fast Zeds get Zombie Bullshit called on 'em. Zoey in Left 4 Dead did that. nyahnyah.gif
I wish I was just talking the Zombies. Heh.
I new Shane was gonna ice that guy. I expected him to at least shoot the guy in the head so he didn't get eaten alive though. That was brutal.
Yea Shane is all kinds of messed up I Think it is time to put the names in the hat to who we think will be the one to off him.

So who will be the one to kill Shane and how soon do you think it is going to happen?

My thinking is the kid on the season finally
QUOTE (blackhawk1w @ Nov 6 2011, 03:44 PM) *
Yea Shane is all kinds of messed up I Think it is time to put the names in the hat to who we think will be the one to off him.

So who will be the one to kill Shane and how soon do you think it is going to happen?

My thinking is the kid on the season finally

Well that's what happened in the comic so I don't think he'll be the one to off Shane since the Tv series is trying to not follow the comic to closely
QUOTE (Fabe @ Nov 6 2011, 04:40 PM) *
Well that's what happened in the comic so I don't think he'll be the one to off Shane since the Tv series is trying to not follow the comic to closely

Really that happened in the Comic book? I have not read them because I was afraid of spoilers. Well I guess I just lost.
QUOTE (blackhawk1w @ Nov 6 2011, 05:42 PM) *
Really that happened in the Comic book? I have not read them because I was afraid of spoilers. Well I guess I just lost.

Yeah the TV series is not following the comic so you can read those and not have to worry about spoilers
I just finished season one the other day and my curiosity is driving me sane. What did that doctor whisper in Rick's ear? Gah!
Hocus Pocus
went to comic con a few weeks ago and some some of the actors there, they were the popular attraction there. I didnt' pay too much attention to them though as I was there for the Star Trek the next generation cast and stan lee.
Long live the Rick-tatorship!
Hocus Pocus
Daryl, Shane and Merle were at the convention.

would be something if they killed Rick off :O
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