Nov 26 2010, 03:12 PM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 08:06; Java Jane's, Loveland, Puyallup District, Seattle Metroplex
[[@Hugo [Luis] ###We're sorry, but this account is no longer active. Please check the addressee and try your message again.###]]/color]
"[color="#00FFFF"]Damn. You are needy aren't you? Let me make a few calls and see what I can come up with." Michael passes a contact ARO to Hugo. The object takes the form of a peace pipe. "The soup kitchen's percentage will be determined based upon how many other people we have to bring into this job to make it work and their requirements...."
Michael sips his drink and appears to think for a moment. "You work on the truck. I'll work on the hacker." With that he gets up, shake Hugo's hand and prepares to head out.
Nov 29 2010, 01:48 AM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 08:24; Java Jane's, Loveland, Puyallup District, Seattle Metroplex
Lucky; PAN = hidden [Datajack]; SIN = Hugo Sanchez (not broadcast)
After Michael Racing-Bike had left, Hugo sat and sipped his coffee thoughtfully for few more minutes. From what he had been able to tell (which wasn't much) this guy seemed fairly honest. Kilroy wouldn't have put the two in contact if not. He just had to trust Kilroy. It seemed he couldn't trust his gut instincts anymore, really. When did he get so bad at reading people? Maybe Danny would know...
Hugo decided to put out some feelers to see if he could get lucky with finding a truck to use. He got up to leave, then remembered the "appointment" to meet his mom in a little while. Sitting back down, he thought some more. It seemed very strange, but who would want to harm him? A trap, for him? Or something else? Had he made the Mob angry somehow? Ideas and thoughts whirled through his head.
Well, there's nothing to it but to show up and find out what's going on. I'll see if Danny can be there too, for backup if I need it.
His decision made, he stood up again and caught Jane's eye. Nodding his head towards the back room, he got a small nod in return. Striding through the double doors separating the main area of the coffee shop from the back, he found his jacket and Ares in a small locker under a roasting machine.
I need to play this one quiet and inconspicuous at first. Jacket stays here. He grinned to himself. And that means I have to come back tomorrow!
As he settled the Ares in the concealed holster on his back he briefly checked the status through the smartlink. Everything seemed fine, clip was full of gels, he was ready to rock and roll if needed. He felt wired. Every nerve in his body was alive. Hadn't felt this excited in awhile. Maybe it was the lack of sleep. Or all the coffee. He hadn't meant to have a third cup, but it was hard to resist.
Heading back into the main room, he stopped to give Jane a quick peck on the cheek as he wired her payment for the coffee. She looked up from busily filling cups, surprised. He gave her a wolfish grin, showing all his teeth from between his beard as he walked out the door.
The morning sun hit him full force, blasting into his eyes with all the power of a locomotive. Momentarily blinded, he took a second to fish his sunglasses out of his pocket. While he was still fumbling around, he felt a warm, wet nose force it's way into his hand. Realizing what was going on, he retrieved his glasses and then dipped again into the pocket for some soy-bacon. He knew a shakedown when he felt it.
"We've got a busy day today, Cabre. Let's get to the bus stop!"
As they walked, Hugo sent out some messages.
<<@LoneStar--ImpoundLot[Lucky]: Hey, this is Hugo. You guys have any delivery trucks in impound I could borrow for a day or so?>>
<<@Danny[Lucky]: Sorry again about bailing last night. Got a potential situation today, you available for backup? 10:10am @ West Coast Busline, Tacoma Terminal, 3310 96th st S, Tacoma, WA>>
Dec 2 2010, 06:10 PM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 10:45; West Coast Busline, Tacoma Terminal, 3310 96th st S, Tacoma
The bus was running pretty much on time today and as usual, the driver allowed Cabre on board, but required Hugo to buy him a ticket as well.
The duo arrived at the bus station a full half hour before the bus' scheduled arrive time, which meant they got to sit and wait for over an hour since it is running forty-five minutes late today.
Hugo's mom steps off the bus. It had been more than five years since Hugo had last seen her as his father refused to travel and Hugo's life really hadn't accommodated it. Looking at her, her hair had gotten very gray and she looked disheveled from the ride. She was carrying two large handbags. Seeing Hugo she smiled and opened her arms wide as she rushed to her son. When she reached him, embracing him, he could tell she had begun to sob, "Oh, Hugo...."
Dec 3 2010, 08:42 AM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 10:45; West Coast Busline, Tacoma Terminal, 3310 96th st S, Tacoma
Lucky; PAN = hidden [Datajack]; SIN = Hugo Sanchez (not broadcast)
### In Spanish ###
"Mom, it's great to see you! You look well...but what's the matter? Why didn't Pape come with you? You must be tired from your trip - let's go sit down over there."
As Hugo held his mom in a one-armed hug, his mind whirled. Things were about to get a lot more complicated. This was not going to be a case of two great tastes that taste great together.
Dec 3 2010, 05:19 PM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 10:46; West Coast Busline, Tacoma Terminal, 3310 96th st S, Tacoma
##Spanish##"Oh Hugo... He's gone." Hugo struggles to understand the meaning of those words as the move over to a bench, where she continues. "His pension was cut and he had to get a job to make ends meet. I told him we could move to a smaller home, but he wouldn't hear of it. The only job he could get was night clerk at the Quicky Start." She pauses, her face momentarily full of anger. "Can you imagine the only job he could get would be that?! Ten nights ago he died in a robbery. They took a couple of cases of beer and thirty-two nuyen worth of corporate script." She pauses again, puffing up. "In the end, his life was worth thirty-two nuyen and two cases of beer." She buries her head in Hugo's shoulder and sobs.
Cabre sits, his head cocked to the side, unsure of what to make of the scene.
Dec 3 2010, 05:55 PM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 10:47; West Coast Busline, Tacoma Terminal, 3310 96th st S, Tacoma
Lucky; PAN = hidden [Datajack]; SIN = Hugo Sanchez (not broadcast)
Hugo's vision turned black. Staring blankly at nothing at all, his pupils expanded so far that they were almost totally dilated, leaving no color showing other than the whites. His mouth hung open slightly, drool painting a thin line stretching from his lower lip into the forest of his beard. A strange buzzing sounded in his head, angry bees filling his mind with a crescendo of noise. He stayed this way for a long time. Minutes turned into hours. Still the buzzing continued. His whole world was reduced to buzzing and blackness. Then he heard a dog bark, as if from very very far away. Shaking his head groggily, he came back to himself and realized his mother was crying on his shoulder. Struggling to remember what she had been saying, he spoke to her, his voice thick as if from lack of use.
### In Spanish ###
"What's that, Pape's gone? I can't believe he'd do such a thing! Why would he leave, did you two have a big fight or something? Look, I know how hard these things are. Maria and I fight a lot - you just need a little time apart. I know a great place where you can stay, take some time until you and Pape are ready to make up. I'm sure it won't take long - he can't stay mad at you forever! You two are so lucky to have each other, I bet he'll be here faster than you would think."
As Hugo continued to stroke his mother's hair, he sent a quick message.
<<@WICANS[Lucky]I need a big favor - my mother is in town and has nowhere to stay. Do you have an extra room for her?>>
Dec 3 2010, 06:57 PM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 10:48; West Coast Busline, Tacoma Terminal, 3310 96th st S, Tacoma
Not understanding Hugo's apparent confusion, she pulls her head from his shoulder to correct him. She gently places a hand on either side of his face. She speaks gently, beginning to control her own emotions. ##Spanish##"No Hugo. Your father is dead. He was cremated last Monday."
She then gestures back towards two large suitcases on the ground outside the bus as the driver unloads everyone's baggage. "I have moved here."
<<@Lucky [WICANS] Yes. Bring her down.>>
She turns back to Hugo. "I won't be much trouble though. I know how you value your privacy. I have a little money and will still get part of your father's pension." She makes a sad pouty face. "I just have no place else to go."
Dec 6 2010, 06:10 AM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 10:48; West Coast Busline, Tacoma Terminal, 3310 96th st S, Tacoma
Lucky; PAN = hidden [Datajack]; SIN = Hugo Sanchez (not broadcast)
Having his mother in town was a bit of a strange experience for Hugo. He hadn't seen her in person in a long time, not since his wedding so many many years ago. There was a lot to discuss, but Hugo wasn't sure how much he should tell his mother about his life now. She hadn't yet mentioned his missing arm, strange. Had he told her about it already? He couldn't remember. He couldn't remember a lot of what he had told his mother or not about his current situation. He hoped his parents would resolve their differences soon - he hated it when they fought.
Hailing one of the many cabs parked outside of the bus station, Hugo decided his mother's visit was worth the expense. He made sure to choose one of the more reputable cabs, the ones that gave you an AR view of the current fare in real-time, instead of the ones that just told you an amount at the end of the ride. Usually those types would cheat you. And thankfully this cabbie didn't have a problem with Cabre. The ride to WICANS was quiet, with the silence broken sporadically by his mother asking him some question or other about Seattle. She seemed to be avoiding any direct questions about his life. Hugo was grateful.
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 12:23; WICANS, 18020 B St E, Loveland, Puyallup District
After getting his mother situated at her room at WICANS, Hugo decided to spend the day showing her around Seattle. There wasn't much he could do but wait to see if the feelers he put out about the truck would turn into anything useful.
Dec 9 2010, 05:56 AM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 4:07; WICANS, 18020 B St E, Loveland, Puyallup DistrictThree nuyen plus three nuyen per mile. And something called a Neighborhood surcharge. 30

Not really much more than the cost of bus ride including bribes to get Cabre on. Autocabs tend not to notice that one rider is a dog, but they don't roam in the Puyallups so catching one is usually a one-way opportunity.
More bus rides, more cab rides, sight seeing just southern Seattle turned out to be an expensive endeavor, especially with Cabre in tow. He was turned away from more places than he was allowed to enter, but he was able to treat his mom to an iced yogurt snack and see the Tacoma docks. Another 75

gone and he was saying good bye and leaving the center, Cabre still in tow.
Contacts within Lone Star hadn't panned out. In fact, he got the impression from the impound yard that they were pretty put off he'd even assume they would work with him. He'd offered to pay them and really didn't understand their response to him.
Danny had always did that palm to the forehead thing when
Hugo started trying to negotiate. Most times,
Danny just took over the negotiations.
<<@Lucky [Satr] Yo Hugo! Heard a rumor the mall is open tonight. Just thought you might want to know.>>
Dec 13 2010, 05:11 AM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 4:08; WICANS, 18020 B St E, Loveland, Puyallup District
Lucky; PAN = hidden [Datajack]; SIN = Hugo Sanchez (not broadcast)
The Crime Mall...well, that was an interesting development. Hugo mulled the idea over. He DID seem to have a large laundry-list of things he needed. Skinlinking his Predator and commlink would be good, he didn't want to officially link them to his SIN, so Weapons World seemed like a bad idea. Maybe he could get that done at the Mall. And Racing-Bike had said something about a tag-eraser...
Maybe Hugo could even find someone who could get him a truck. He'd have to ask around carefully. Having made up his mind, he accessed his mapsoft to find the nearest bus stop that would get him within walking distance. He'd better start out now, he thought. No telling how long it would take to get there.
<<@Rojos [Lucky] Just heard the Mall is open tonight.>>
<<@Satr [Lucky] Thanks for the tip. You looking for anything from there?>>
Dec 15 2010, 11:58 PM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 4:08; WICANS, 18020 B St E, Loveland, Puyallup District
<<@Lucky [Rojos] Thanks for the tip.>>
<<@Lucky [Satr] I'm good. Stay outa trouble man.>>
The bad news came when he reviewed the map. The closest place he could get dropped was nearly a three mile walk to the Mall. Three miles of walking through territory you just didn't walk through. He was gonna need an alternate plan.
<<@Lucky [MRB] I think I found a chummer who'll work the Matrix side of the job. He's got a soft spot for hard luck cases as well. I'm meeting him tonight.>>
Dec 19 2010, 03:26 AM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 4:08; WICANS, 18020 B St E, Loveland, Puyallup District
Lucky; PAN = hidden [Datajack]; SIN = Hugo Sanchez (not broadcast)
<<@MRB [Lucky] I'm heading to the Mall tonight, see what I can find. Your guy have a tag eraser? Need one?>>
Dec 19 2010, 05:42 AM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 4:08; WICANS, 18020 B St E, Loveland, Puyallup District
<<@Lucky [MRB] We'll find out tonight. If not, we can pick one up at the Mall. Say, how the hell are you getting there?>>
Dec 19 2010, 05:50 AM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 4:08; WICANS, 18020 B St E, Loveland, Puyallup District
Lucky; PAN = hidden [Datajack]; SIN = Hugo Sanchez (not broadcast)
<<@MRB [Lucky] Still trying to decide how to get to the Mall. Didn't know you were headed there too - you able to give me and a friend a ride in?>>
Dec 19 2010, 05:58 AM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 4:08; WICANS, 18020 B St E, Loveland, Puyallup District
<<@Lucky [MRB] Shotgun Joe will pick you up. See you there.>>
Dec 19 2010, 06:13 AM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 4:08; WICANS, 18020 B St E, Loveland, Puyallup District
Lucky; PAN = hidden [Datajack]; SIN = Hugo Sanchez (not broadcast)
Hugo sent MRB his geo-coordinates to pass along to Shotgun Joe. He smiled a little - how lucky he was, to not have to worry too much about the transporation-to-the-mall issue anymore. He realized he should make a mental list of things he'd need at the Mall.
Tag eraser, maybe. After talking with Michael and this other guy. Skinlink the Pred and maybe the comm, if there's time. Something for Mom and Kendra? Maybe Kendra working graveyards mans she could use some Longhaul. Mom definitely needs a taser, living here. It's not safe. Wonder if Danny wants anything?
<<@Danny [Lucky] Heading to the Mall tonight - sort of like old times. Want anything?>>
He hoped the message wouldn't bounce like it had been doing lately. Maybe Danny had lost his commlink or something. No telling, really.
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 6:10; WICANS, 18020 B St E, Loveland, Puyallup District
While he and Cabre were waiting for Shotgun Joe they decided to make themselves useful. Hugo got the ok from Nora to hold a self-defense class, giving the women (including his mom) some of the basics of hand-to-hand defense, and how to properly use a taser or pepper punch. With Cabre more-or-less cooperating, he was also able to teach basic wild-animal handling, how to approach or avoid strange animals.
Dec 20 2010, 02:38 PM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 6:12; WICANS, 18020 B St E, Loveland, Puyallup District
Danny's message bounced again leaving Hugo momentarily without comprehension about what had just happened. His mother had approached immediately thereafter providing a much needed distraction however and the bounce was lost in the moment.
The intervening two hours flew. It took half an hour just to get coordinated, but once it got going Hugo's mind was occupied and the residents had a nice break to the monotony of their day.
Hugo had just finished working with the first pair of residents on approaching an unknown animal when the rumble of a motorcycle could be heard outside. Coming down the street was a bike with a sidecar. As it came to park, he noticed that Shotgun Joe is a dwarf and based on his manner of dress, a Chosen like Michael. Not really having any experience or skill with motorcycles, a few things strike him: Its a big bike especially for a dwarf. Its an older bike. Its definitely a custom job, especially the bulky sidecar.
A Hugo and Cabre approach, Shotgun Joe calls out, "Oy!". He is also extending and arm to shake.
Dec 21 2010, 02:50 AM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 6:12; WICANS, 18020 B St E, Loveland, Puyallup District
Lucky; PAN = hidden [Datajack]; SIN = Hugo Sanchez (not broadcast)
Hugo clasped hands with Shotgun Joe with enthusiasm. He wasn't sure why, but he felt that he would like this man. Something about his manner, or maybe it was because he was reminded of Jane.
"Hoi, chummer. Very glad to see you! We appreciate the lift to the Mall."
Saying his goodbyes to his mom, Nora, and the other women of WICANS, Hugo followed Shotgun Joe to his bike. Even though he knew nothing about bikes, he could tell a lot of work and love had been put into this one. Whistling appreciatively, he remarked,
"Beautiful bike! I'm honored you'll let us ride in something so nice. How long did it take you to get it looking so great? If you want to hang out at the Mall, I'll gladly pay your parking fees. Wouldn't want such a fine vehicle to come to harm."
Dec 23 2010, 01:38 AM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 6:13; WICANS, 18020 B St E, Loveland, Puyallup District
Smokey Joe smiles at the one armed man after shaking hands, before turning and heading back to his bike. He takes off his brown, fringe, raw-hide style jacket. Tribal tattoos cover his arms. He then rolls up the jacket and sticks it in a compartment in the side-car, exchanging it for a heavy, but bland, black jacket. He walks around to the other side of the bike and climbs on. "You're gonna want to lose the Star gear." He reaches to start the motorcycle, but hesitates. "And as much as we all love dogs, he's not gonna be welcome in the Mall." His voice is deep and his beard long. He is very stereotypical and his eyes betray a number of years in the game.
Dec 24 2010, 05:00 AM
Saturday, April 5th 2070; 6:13; WICANS, 18020 B St E, Loveland, Puyallup District
Lucky; PAN = hidden [Datajack]; SIN = Hugo Sanchez (not broadcast)
Sadness filled Hugo's heart at the thought of leaving Cabre behind, if even for a little while. He wasn't used to being without his friend lately, had even come to rely on him a fair amount in the past year, with Danny being so unavailable all the time. He signaled to Joe that he would be right back, then headed to where his mom was standing.
Hunkering down to where he was eye-level with Cabre, he gave the dog a vigorous petting that ended with him holding the dog's jaw in his hand. Looking straight into his eyes, Hugo said firmly "Stay" He looked up at his mother, and down again at Cabre. Releasing his grip, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a few pieces of soy-bacon and handed them to her. Straightening up, he gave his mother a small smile and a nod, then he turned to go back to the bike.
With a heavy heart, he approached Smokey Joe. "I'm ready now." he said quietly as he climbed into the sidecar.
Dec 24 2010, 05:50 AM
Prologue Completed: Proceed to
Puyallups II Main Thread