I'm looking for some pointers regarding campaign missions from published SR4/A material.
I started with SR1 when it was first published back in the day, and ran a very successful, long running campaign through most of 2nd and 3rd editions. Although I do like to make published adventures my own when using them in a campaign, and will flesh things out with original material, I am a bit time-starved when it comes to prep. So when running SR, I really do like to recycle as many published adventure sources as possible to keep ahead of the curve. My original campaign used most of the adventures published in the 90's, either in pieces or in whole. This most notably included the Harlequin missions. The last time we pulled the old crew out of retirement was about 6 or 7 years ago for Survival of the Fittest, which fit very well into the old campaign.
Since then I've been gaming in other lands, under the harsh sun of foreign rule systems. I've been asked to consider returning to the shadows, but I am completely done with that old campaign, and wasn't seeing anything new that piqued my interest until recently. I came across the Dawn of the Artifacts books, and I have to admit that would be a fun twist to inflict on my players with a completely new team of PCs. Since it looks like CGL will actual get all four books out the door, I'm looking for other sources of development and lead-in missions for a campaign outline. But I'm pretty new to SR4, and still finding my way around.
I've absolutely identified the Missions seasons as a potential gold mine, but I'll leave that topic for the appropriate sub-forum. So, outside of Missions, what are the current sources of published adventure material? Ghost Cartels is clearly a significant source, but that seems to be the only other dedicated adventure book for SR4/A. I also saw hooks and outlines in some of the setting books (Corporate Enclaves comes to mind). There seems to be strong support in 4th edition for splatbooks and setting porn (not that there's anything wrong with that!), but not so much for actual plotted and mapped adventure products. Am I missing something?
Mercy Buckets!