I read about a concept that Neraph created where an AI rigger's home node was a cluster consisting of a Thundercloud Contrail with walker mode and two full mechanical arms with implanted commlinks. He meant it to be a bi-pedal only drone. However, this gave me an idea. An idea which GMs everywhere will probably hate me for.
You see, I had overlooked the fact that the walker mode modification removes the wheels in a vehicle. So when I read "with walker mode" my brain went, "TRANSFORMAR!" However, when I was informed of the contrary, I set out to make my own "non-invasive walker mode" modification. This modification would basically add a certain number of legs to give a wheeled-mode vehicle the option to change to a walker-mode vehicle. With a Complex Action (?), a vehicle that has come to a complete stop can unfold its legs and change to a walker-mode vehicle. Now, I suppose this is kind of broken/illogical, because who expects a Bulldog to suddenly erupt with caterpillar legs and walk down the street, resulting in the kind of terror usually reserved for an observer of The Luggage. So I suppose it would need a Body maximum. 3 slots, 10,000 new ones.
Here's what I designed for it: a motorcycle that, when stopped, can unfold its legs and arms and rise to a bipedal drone. I have my own fluffy story for it, but the idea is similar to Neraph's. The arm commlinks and drone's system are connected via fiber optic cable to a center commlink in its own compartment.
Thundercloud Contrail (5,000) [10 slots]
+Non-invasive Walker Mode (10,000) [3]
+Motorcycle Gyro Stabilization (1,800) [1]
+2 Full Mechanical Arms with Armor 2 and Implanted Commlinks (13,200) [4]
+Commlink Compartment (Same price as Smuggling Compartment, ensures commlink's safety even in rough driving conditions) (1,500) [1]
+Rigger Adaptation (2,500) [1]
+Response and Signal upgrade to 4 (2,500)
+Firewall upgraded to 5 (2,500)
3 Sony Emperor Commlinks with Response upgraded to 4 (8,100)
3 Novatech Navi OSs with Firewall upgraded to 5 (12,000)
Spoof Chip (500)
Morphing License Plate (1,000)
Total: 60,600
And they told me I was mad to try.
So, with an AI with System 4 and Firewall 5, and a clustered node of 3 Commlinks, each with attributes at 4 (Firewall at 5), what would its clustered home node's matrix/hardware stats look like? Including such things as processor/persona limit.