I just updated
Alchemy at SWW to include troy ounces as well as avoirdupois.
For the curious, an ounce (troy) of non-magical gold is worth about:
- 1,300 USA$ in 2010
- 125 nuyen in 2070
- 500 UCAS$ in 2070
What some forget is that a real USA dollar has little connection to a Shadowrun UCAS dollar, and that Shadorun's
refined materials are the closest to present day finished goods, since
radicals are hand prepared magically useful materials.
For everyday goods, the following works well as a basic assumption.
- $1 (USA) = 1¥ (nuyen) = 1€ = $4 (UCAS)
For more on conversion rates see
Nuyen at SWW
Edited: 2010 November 18, 3:00 AM