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Full Version: Minimum Force to Effect Vehicles?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I was looking over the vehicles and magic rules, and noticed a discrepency. In the rigger section, it says the spell must have a force greater than the vehicle's armor to effect it, giving the example of a Powerbolt trying to hit an armored vehicle. However, in the magic section, it says that the force must be greater than half the vehicle's OR, which is 8+Body+1/2 Armor. These contradict, so which is correct?

They don't actually contradict, and it seems clear to me that both are intended—the former restriction applies only to combat spells, and can apply in some corner cases that would be allowable under the more general rule (consider Body 2, Armor 7—OR is 13, so minimum Force 7, only for Combat Spells that doesn't exceed vehicle armor and the minimum is 8).

That seems weird. The language seems to imply that it's one or the other... the rule where armor only applies is in the section on how magic effects vehicles. The general rule is in the magic section, and doesn't discuss vehicles at all.

If they both apply, the armor one almost never comes up since armor is rarely that high on such tiny vehicles. It seems... very odd. I figured one was out of date or something.

The Ares Sentinel P has Body 1 and 12 Armor; the Hachiman may also trigger the condition depending on how Ablative Armor is accounted for. Similarly, the Ares Guardian has Body 2 and 12 armor.

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