I was inspired by this artwork (sorry, I can't find the artist, I believe I got it from a SR thread on a different site) to make a twenty-something female with Neoteny that was a master with swords. Naturally, a "neotenous" character would have low physical stats, so with my SURGE points I took Metagenetic Improvement: Agility and Biocompatability: Cyberware (along with Extravagant Eyes) to create a highly cybered little girl ninja pirate etc. I also took Restricted Gear: Custom Cybertorso.
Give her ones in Body, Agility, and Strength. Technically, Agility is a two, but you know what I mean: no BP cost. Give her these cyberlimbs (Essence cost includes Biocompatability):
Synthetic Cybertorso [¥25,000; Av. 12; Cap. 5; Ess. 1.35]
Customized Agility R4 [¥6,000; Av. +4]
Customized Body R3 [¥4,500; Av. +3]
Customized Strength R1 [¥1,500; Av. +1]
Enhanced Agility R3 [¥750; Cap. 3; Av. 9]
Cybergland [¥500; Cap. 0; Av. 4]
Now, with the remaining two slots, you could either take Armor R1 or Breast Implants. I'm leaning towards flavor, but that might be crossing the creeper line. Armor R1 is ¥300, Breasts are ¥3,000.
Obvious Full Cyberarm (Left) [¥15,000; Av. 4; Cap. 15; Ess. 0.9]
Evo Kali Optimization [¥5,000; Av. +4; Cap. 2]
Customized Agility R3 [¥4,500; Av. +3]
Customized Body R1 [¥1,500; Av. +1]
Enhanced Agility R4 [¥1,000; Av. 12; Cap. 4]
Enhanced Strength R3 [¥750; Av. 9; Cap. 3]
Enhanced Body R2 [¥400; Av. 6; Cap. 2]
Armor R2 [¥600; Av. 10; Cap. 4]
Obvious Full Cyberarm (Right) [¥15,000; Av. 4; Cap. 15; Ess. 0.9]
Evo Kali Optimization [¥5,000; Av. +4; Cap. 2]
Customized Agility R3 [¥4,500; Av. +3]
Customized Body R1 [¥1,500; Av. +1]
Enhanced Agility R4 [¥1,000; Av. 12; Cap. 4]
Enhanced Strength R3 [¥750; Av. 9; Cap. 3]
Enhanced Body R2 [¥400; Av. 6; Cap. 2]
Armor R2 [¥600; Av. 10; Cap. 4]
Obvious Full Cyberleg (Left) [¥15,000; Av. 4; Cap. 20; Ess. 0.9]
Customized Agility R3 [¥4,500; Av. +3]
Customized Strength R3 [¥4,500; Av. +3]
Customized Body R2 [¥3,000; Av. +2]
Enhanced Agility R4 [¥1,000; Av. 12; Cap. 4]
Enhanced Body R4 [¥800; Av. 12; Cap. 4]
Enhanced Strength R2 [¥500; Av. 6; Cap 2]
Armor R2 [¥600; Av. 10; Cap. 4]
Hydraulic Jacks R6 [¥6,000; Av. 9; Cap. 6]
Obvious Full Cyberleg (Right) [¥15,000; Av. 4; Cap. 20; Ess. 0.9]
Customized Agility R3 [¥4,500; Av. +3]
Customized Strength R3 [¥4,500; Av. +3]
Customized Body R2 [¥3,000; Av. +2]
Enhanced Agility R4 [¥1,000; Av. 12; Cap. 4]
Enhanced Body R4 [¥800; Av. 12; Cap. 4]
Enhanced Strength R2 [¥500; Av. 6; Cap 2]
Armor R2 [¥600; Av. 10; Cap. 4]
Hydraulic Jacks R6 [¥6,000; Av. 9; Cap. 6]
Grand Total: ¥174,150 (35 BP); Ess. 4.95
35 BP gives us these attributes for all limbs: Body 1/6 (7/9); Agility 2/7 (10/10); Strength 1/6 (6/9)
Arms have 10 Agi, 6 Bod, and 6 Str; Legs have 10 Agi, 9 Bod, and 8 Str. She also has an additional unencumbered 9 B/I armor. With an Evo HEL, FFBA, and PPP, that's B21/I23 with no encumbrance, and room for 5/1 more armor before encumbrance.
With a nodachi, and assuming Blades 6 (Two-Handed Swords +2), she has a dicepool of 10+6+2+2(Evo Kali two hands)=20 (and likely a positive reach modifier), and deals 6/2+4=7P AP -2. Not to mention any Martial Arts bonuses I could tack on.
One glaring weakness to this build is 1 IP. The thing is, I don't want her to be too crazy (i.e. Cyberpsychosis) or detached. I'm not sure how "levels" of detachment are affected by Essence. For example, dropping to 0 Essence means death, but dropping to 5 Essence means 1 point of magic lost. Right now this character has 1.05 Essence. If she takes .5 Essence's worth of ware, does she drop to the "next level" of detachment, as seen in death, or does she stay at her current level as seen in magic loss? Because Enhanced Pheremone Receptors would be nice to tack on. The options include biting the bullet and taking Synaptic Boosters R2 at chargen, Lightning Reflexes, or later upgrading the limbs to a higher grade and getting Revitalization (mega-spensive), giving Essence space for an IP booster. I think I'll go with LR and a psychologist. However, is Jazz incompatible with LR?
And another character portrait.