I've been looking at the High Pain Tolerance quality, and I'm finding myself scratching the back of my head, with regards to how I'm suppose to in terpret the effect.
With regards to wound penalties, you normally don't suffer penalties for the first two boxes worth of damage, where after you suffer -1 from the 3rd-5th box, then increasing to -2 etc. Obviously the High Pain Tolerance Quality says that you ignore the quality's level worth of damage boxes, before you start taking penalties from damage. However...Once you cross over the threshold, which penalty do you suffer?
I.e. A character with High Pain Tolerance (3) won't be suffering penalties from damage for the first 2+3 boxes worth of damage, but from the 6th box whe will suffer a wound penalty on her actions. Here's my question: Which penalty does she suffer? -1, because it's the first level of penalties you suffer? Or -2 because you are already dealing with the pain from the damage you've taken, but once you cross over the edge of your tolerance, it REALLY hurts?
Sorry if this question has an obvious answer, but my search-fu seems to have failed me thus far...