Mar 14 2004, 08:54 PM
Having a look through Lester's Sixth World site a number of the country pages for places like Iran, Iraq, Syria, the Algerian Theocracy etc. mention that they've had profiles done on them as part of the fan-based Neo-Anarchists' Guide to the World. Does anyone know if or where these might still be up on the web? Or have copies on their HD's they might be able to share? Thanks.
Mar 15 2004, 04:48 AM
you might be able to find them on Kazaa. i think i dl'd one or two; i'll take a look tonight.
Mar 15 2004, 09:24 AM
isn"t it NAGEE or NERPS ?
Mar 15 2004, 05:16 PM
Neo-Anarchists Guide to the [Rest of] The World was a NERPS project that died during the construction process.
Mar 15 2004, 09:11 PM
QUOTE (Liquid_Obsidian @ Mar 15 2004, 09:24 AM) |
isn"t it NAGEE or NERPS ? |
No, but NAGEE is a very good supplemental which I'd recommend getting anyway. Lots of kewl stuff, like the production gun price calculations for stuff constructed from CC (which are all prototypes or custom jobs and so cost an arm and a leg).
But I think fanpro are slowly but surely starting to do the rest of the globe. I think in Germany they probably already have! For us mere mortals, however, Shadows Of North America, the upcoming Shadows of Europe, T:AL and T:W cover quite a lot. Theres more out there in several old FASA books and printed runs, you just have to dig (and if you see the London sourcebook, snag it. Its a bit of a cheek squeezing in the rest of the UK in the back, but its still a good sourcebook. Had lots of fun in UK campaigns. Still want to try a Germany one though...
Anyway, I digress, what I'm getting at is that there is stuff out there for a fair chunk of the globe, however breifly, you'll just have to browse the second hand shelves of you FLGS.
EDIT: which reminds me - Support your Friendly Local Games Store, ding blast it!
Mar 15 2004, 10:48 PM
QUOTE (Adam) |
Neo-Anarchists Guide to the [Rest of] The World was a NERPS project that died during the construction process. |
So it died before it really got started? Shame. Would have liked to have seen what people had come up with for those areas. :/
QUOTE (spotlite) |
Theres more out there in several old FASA books and printed runs, you just have to dig (and if you see the London sourcebook, snag it. Its a bit of a cheek squeezing in the rest of the UK in the back, but its still a good sourcebook. |
Bu-wha? Snag it? Burn it more like. That has to rival Tir Tairngire as one of the worst books they ever did.
Meh, each their own I guess.
Large Mike
Mar 15 2004, 11:26 PM
Dude, even if it sucks, I've never seen a copy of it, and therefore would love to have on on my shelf. Don't burn it, give it to me.
Mar 15 2004, 11:36 PM
i've got NAGEE v1-6. if people are interested, i'll make it available for download for 24 hours, max; i don't want to eat all my bandwidth for the month.
Mar 16 2004, 12:42 AM
Lots of kewl stuff, like the production gun price calculations for stuff constructed from CC (which are all prototypes or custom jobs and so cost an arm and a leg). |
That was issue 14 of
The Shadowrun Supplemental, actually.
But I think fanpro are slowly but surely starting to do the rest of the globe. I think in Germany they probably already have! |
Actually, the only location books that are German-language only are the two [?] extra books about Germany and area. Most Shadowrun development occurs in English, first.
Mar 16 2004, 08:12 AM
Adam is absolutely correct. FanPro Germany has released four locations books to date (in the past 10 years): DidS1 (which was translated and adapted as the FASA Germany SB) and DidS2 which covered Germany (in about 360 pages) and two other books which covered North Germany and Switzerland (D&C), and North Germany and Austria (SW&Pe) respectively. All of those countries will be covered and updated in Shadows of Europe which is on final approach.
Mar 16 2004, 08:15 AM
QUOTE (Synner) |
All of those countries will be covered and updated in Shadows of Europe which is on final approach. |
Promises promises.
Mar 16 2004, 12:08 PM
"Soon" ®©
*goes and finds his sack of salt*
Mar 16 2004, 03:15 PM
QUOTE (Synner) |
(D&C) [and] (SW&Pe) |
Actually it's
C&D - Chrom & Dioxin (in English: Chrome & Dioxine)
WP&SI - Walzer, Punks & Schwarzes ICE (in English: Waltz, Punks & Black ICE)
Crimsondude 2.0
Mar 16 2004, 06:17 PM
QUOTE (FlakJacket @ Mar 15 2004, 03:48 PM) |
QUOTE (Adam) | Neo-Anarchists Guide to the [Rest of] The World was a NERPS project that died during the construction process. |
So it died before it really got started? Shame. WOuld have liked to have seen what people had come up with for those areas.
There was, once, back in the mid-90--sometime before Aztlan (I'm pretty sure b/c there were countries in Central America with their own topic). It had chapters on each continent (incl. Antarctica) and Space. it was kind of sparse, and probably never finished. The countries that had been covered in canon (that is, like NAN or TT) simply got a reference eqv. to "see XXXXX." Some countries got more information than others. But it did exist. I had printed out and d/l'd it to another computer, and in the ensuing years all reference to it has disappeared. But it did exist.
Mar 16 2004, 06:59 PM
it certainly existed in draft form, but a lot of the people who promised they would contribute didn't, and it ended up withering on the vine - as did the NERPS "Stuff" [wacky gear and whatnot] book.
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