So I play a derelict Elven shaman (knowing blood magic) and I've had a request from one of my party members to convert his character into a doll. He didn't really have a back-story for the character, and is trying to start some intrigue, so it's definitely a good start having him be a freak; even a pariah. He didn't quite have it thought out what his new vessel would be composed of, but came to me because he didn't want there to be anything technological about this shell. The GM liked the idea of working with me on this project, be that there are realistic restrictions, and we factor in that I'm not allowed to give him any ideas as far as offensive benefits.
I already had jumped first to bone as far as material to use on this, but would waiver if I found something more suitable for the durability he has in mind.
Now's the part where I do need some interweb assistance, however. Does anyone have some point of baring for how to build out this character's stats (old character sheet's obviously going out the window on this,) or ideas on benefits/weaknesses to associate?
Thanks much, and I'm glad to finally stop just being a lurker here.