I actually asked something like this some time ago, and I ended up making an "Oh, Shit! kit"
Its a useful basis for extra gear runnners should have, even if a bit expensive. It can be put together after a while. This is for a strater runner and costs around 25K:
[ Spoiler ]
Oh, Shit! Kit:
Ruger Super Warhawk (SS; 6 (cy); 6P/-2AP; RC:0; 0-5, 6-20, 21-40, 41-60;Mods:)
Hammerli 620S (SA; 6 ©; 4P/0AP; RC:1; 0-5, 6-20, 21-40, 41-60;Mods: Integral Gas Vent I, Smartgun, HP ranges)
Armored Jacket (B/I: 8/6; e: 8 )
Disposable Commlink
Fake SIN (1-6) Rtg 4 Paid for Safehouse and locker where the kit is located
Fake License (1-6) Rtg 4 Oh, Shit! Kit: Permit for Hammerli
Medkit R (1-6) Rtg 6
Medkit Supplies
Trauma Patch
2 x Tranq Patch (1-6) Rtg 6
2 x Stimulant Patch (1-6) Rtg 6
2 x Ration Pouch 3 days
Sleeping Bag
2 x Thermal Smoke Grenade
2 x Flash Grenades
10 x Plastic Restraints (per 10)
Latex Face Mask
Tag Eraser
120 x Regular Ammo 10 Full Clips for Hammerli and 10 Speed Loaders for Ruger Super Warhawk
60 x Gel Rounds 10 Speed Loaders for Ruger Super Warhawk
18x EX-EX Rounds 3 Speed Loaders for Ruger Super Warhawk
Credstick 1/3 starting rolled
Survival Knife
Swiss Army Knife
Safehouse (Squatter LIfestyle, 1 month prepaid)
As for basic gear, it depends. I'd go for something like this. This gear is for a character that is not a specialized hacker, but knows how to use the matrix fairly well (relevant skill groups around 3, but lacking cybercombat), including the main commlink this goes around 70K. Yes its expensive, but its also higly tweakable:
[ Spoiler ]
Main Commlink:
Type Novatech Airware
Resp 5
Signal 5
OS Type Novatech Navi
Firewall 5
System 5
Armor Case 10
Biometric Lock
Customized Interface
Environmental Resistance
Hardening 6
Simsense Accelerator
Personality Software
Biofeedback Filter 3
Data Bomb 3
Decrypt 5
Defuse 5
Disarm 5
Exploit 5
Sniffer 5
Spoof 5
Stealth 5
Track 3
Common Use:
Analyze 5
Browse 5
Command 5
Edit 5
Encrypt 5
Purge 5
Reality Filter 5
Scan 5
Fake License (1-6) Rtg 3 (Security Consultant, Gun Permit for Savalette Guardian)
Fake SIN (1-6) Rtg 3 (Security Consultant, Donovan Sullivan Paid for main lifestyle and workshop)
Fake SIN (1-6) Rtg 3 (SIN #2)
Fake License (1-6) Rtg 3 (Security Consultant)
Fake License (1-6) Rtg 3 (SIN#2, Gun Permit for Raecor Sting)
2 x Commlink (Vector Xim with Metalink OS)
Software Programming Suite R 1-5 Rtg 5
Hardware Shop
Subvocal Microphone
BTL Hot Sim Module
Nanopaste Trodes
Sim Module
10 x Skinlink
Contact Lenses (1-3) Rtg 3
Image Link
Vision Magnification
Monocle (1-4) Rtg 2
Vision Enhancement R(1-3) Rtg 3
Earbuds (1-3) Rtg 3
Audio Enhancements Rtg 3
Spatial Recognizer
2 x Certified Credstick w/ 1/3 each of starting 'yens
Grapple Gun
2 x Stealth Rope 100m
Catalyst Stick
Keycard Copier (1-6) Rtg 6
5 x Jazz
Combat Load Vest
Wire clippers
Chemistry Kit
Hardware Kit
60x Regular Rounds 5 Full Clips for Savalette
140 x Regular Rounds 5 Full Clips for HK 227X SMG
50 x Flechette Rounds 10 Full Clips for Raecor Sting
40 x Taser Dart
Smart Pack
Swiss Army Knife
Survival Knife
Low or middle lifestyle 1 month
Armours Ballistic/Impact [encumbrance]:
Mission Outfit
Bal/Impact 10/11 [11]
Camouflage Suit; Mods: Thermal dampening 3,Biomonitor,Skinlink
SecureTech Helmet; Mods: MicroTransceiver,Skinlink
SecureTech Leg and Arm Casings
SecureTech Shin Guards
SecureTech Vitals Protector
Street Wear
Bal/Impact 12/8 [12]
Armored Vest
Lined Coat
Mods Concealable Holsters (x2)
Oh, Shit! Kit Bag:
Bal/Impact 6/2 [6]
Body Armour Bag
Meet Outfit
Bal/Impact 6/3 [6]
Synergist Business Longcoat +2 to concealed objects
Synergist Business Slacks
Synergist Business High-Collar Shirt
Synergist Business Suit Jacket integral concealed holster
Shock Gloves (Reach:0; 5S (e)/-1/2 AP)
Raecor Sting (SS; 5 ©; 6P (f)/5AP; RC:0; 0-5, 6-15, 16-30, 31-50;Mods: Nonmetallic, flechette)
Savalette Guardian (SA/BF*; 12 ©; 5P/-1AP; RC:0; 0-5, 6-20, 21-40, 41-60;Mods: Can BF with a complex action, Smartgun)
Mission Guns:
Defiance EX Shocker (SA; 4m; 8S(e)/-1/2AP; RC:0; 0-5, 6-20, 21-40, 41-60;Mods:)
HK 227X SMG (SA/BF/FA; 28 ©; 5P/0AP; RC:(1); 0-10, 11-40, 41-80, 81-150;Mods: Retractable Stock, Smartgun, Sound Suppresser)
(I forgot to add the Narcojet, but is deffintely useful. VERY)
Now, the necessary explanations:
Some guns don't have licenses. This is intentional, these weapons are used when during runs, that way the cops nor corps have any records on them. These guns should be customized often to avoid them being tracked as having been used in different crime scenes (barrel changes, for example).
Guns with licenses are the everyday ones. Those he uses for personal protection and only pulls out in situations when he can confront LS or KE and say: I shot in self-defense. These guns should /never/ be associated to /any/ shadowrun he is in.
Avoid killing if possible. Use Narcojet and tasers whenever possible while on the run. Its easier for your conscience: it keeps you saner longer.
He has various outfits, again, know when to use them. Blend into the general populace. Use your "perception" enhancers rarely, they make for a bothersome life and you don't need to live wired all the time.
Switch identities. This makes it more difficult for anyone to track you. Include as a lifestyle cost new SINs and licenses all the time. Never, never, own more than one gun in one identity
The extra commlinks exist as decoys. His professional one is used only during runs, the rest of the time it's off. Eventually you'll want to improve those. Start with the one in the "Oh, Shit! kit": the sooner oyu improve it, the safer you'll be.
An agent running constantly with Analyze, Track and Nuke is a good way to improve your main 'link security.
For teh extra ones, go with a simple constant analyze.
This guys doesn't use highly customized weapons, but rather good generic ones: easier to replace.
For history reasons the only one I wanted to pimp out badly was the warhawk. His trusty gun to bring down trolls.
Yes, lots of guns and redundant gear, this was done on purpose. This guy doesn't depend on only one gun or trick: he is a runner, able to blend in a lot of situations adequately.
There are lots of things for this guy to go to, or to change. Depending on type of character: mages can drop the programming suite and go for a magical lodge. Reduce the cost of the main commlink and get a focus. But as far as gear goes, this covers a lot of things.
He does lack a vehicle and getting drones would help too. These are things to plan for.
EDIT: He lacks Stick and Shock, the reason: in my campaigns they aren't used. This guy tries to stick to the BBB, with some exceptions as this makes it easier for him to be approved by Gm's