Mar 17 2004, 03:25 PM
A player in my group is trying on his decker hat for the first time, and he raised an interesting point/question: in the novels, plenty of people have more than one data jack, but in game there doesn't seem to be any real use for this.
so what do you guys think? is it worth it to put another hole in your head?
A Clockwork Lime
Mar 17 2004, 03:33 PM
Datajacks are more useful than routers for starters. You get several free router ports and a useful implant aside, unlike routers, and they're roughly equivalent in costs (datajack is 0.2 essence and 1,000 nuyen, whereas a router with three ports costs 0.13 essence and 1,600 to 2,500 nuyen).
That's the main use for my characters. Beyond that, you can be driving a vehicle with one jack while doing some research or social engineering on your cellphone or pocket secretary with another. Security riggers can link to a CCSS while still communicating with the team on a radio. If you have a knowsoft link installed in one, you can be using a skillsoft while performing some other action with your other port(s). If one of your more visible ports gets gummed up with a jackstopper, you still have one of your more carefully hidden ports to use. etc.
Mar 17 2004, 03:52 PM
I find plenty of uses for multiple datajacks, even for nondeckers. One for a pocket computer full of maps, one for a radio, or one for a VCR and one for a deck, or two for different remote decks...
Mar 17 2004, 04:27 PM
yeah.. the maps thing thats what head wear memory and display link is for.... or a HUD with some decent MP.
Mar 17 2004, 04:34 PM
So in a case like Jane in the Box, are we saying that she's actually only jacked into one deck and the other jacks are being used for comm links and stuff?
Mar 17 2004, 04:45 PM
Headware memory is in no way, shape, or form worth it for any but the most highly specialized datacarriers. Most people will get far better results from an extra datajack and a pocket computer (and an image link).
Mar 17 2004, 05:18 PM
Maybe all those multiple jacks are like RCA cables. and you can pull out the yellow cable and change the deckers matrix feed from stereo to mono.
Mar 17 2004, 08:14 PM
Another use for more than one datajack is smartlink systems. Not every person goes for the induction pads in the palm for their smartlinks, and as many of the pictures show in the books, this means a cable running from the gun to your datajack. If you're using more than one gun at a time, or want to have another gun already plugged in and ready, you're going to need more than one datajack port.
Mar 17 2004, 08:27 PM
Skillsofts, Datasofts, computer storage, blank omc's for copying data onto, external transducer, any and all DNI-control modified devices... Multitasking!
More iffy: One connecting to a cyberdeck, one to an RC deck, one to the vehicle you are currently operating and one to an online portable computer with full radio capabilities - the rest to various skillsofts and datasofts, as well as a gun or two.
Mar 17 2004, 08:42 PM
rock and roll guys, thanks for the input.
Mar 17 2004, 10:33 PM
Most people will get far better results from an extra datajack and a pocket computer (and an image link). |
Or a shitload of DNI'ed memory in a cyberlimb.
A Clockwork Lime
Mar 17 2004, 10:34 PM
That's a cheaper option, too, considering the ridiculous costs of computers in Shadowrun.
Mar 17 2004, 10:36 PM
Purely for RP reasons, two datajacks may be useful for the rigger/decker combos. It has been pointed out that forebrain datajacks are prefered by deckers becasue they more easily interface with higher order thought centers in the brain. Conversely, behind-the-ear/lower brain datajacks are prefered by riggers because they more speedily access balance/motion control centers. That, and a lower datajack is less wonky when you have a helmet on.
Mar 17 2004, 10:42 PM
yeah, i was pretty sure about that. i meant mainly for deckers only.
Mar 17 2004, 10:47 PM
Can be very useful for Otaku if you want to use external rather headware memory to store your paydata.
Herald of Verjigorm
Mar 17 2004, 10:55 PM
Bah, the only good datajacks are induction (finger mounted) and eye.
John Campbell
Mar 17 2004, 11:03 PM
Eye datajacks have always been in my "WTF use would anyone have for that?" category. What advantages do they have that make it worth losing use of the eye whenever you need to jack into something?
Mar 17 2004, 11:16 PM
Another thing to consider isn't there a bandwidth cap on datajacks? I thought I saw that there was somewhere, so linking datajacks may increase overall bandwidth and that translates into speed. dunno if that still holds true, as that may have been a 2nd edition ruling, I'll have to pour over Matrix source.
Mar 17 2004, 11:37 PM
there was a bandwidth cap introduced in Shadowtech, along with 4 levels of datajack that offered increasingly higher transfer rates. as of SR3, though, there's no limit.
Mar 17 2004, 11:58 PM
IIRC the current I/O speed of a standard datajack listed in SR3 is nearly two times faster than the fastest jack listed in Shadowtech, faster jacks shouldn't really be an issue unless the GM wants to make it one.
Kanada Ten
Mar 18 2004, 12:03 AM
Eye datajacks have always been in my "WTF use would anyone have for that?" category. What advantages do they have that make it worth losing use of the eye whenever you need to jack into something? |
The optical scanning eye datajack is perfect for silent communication. You just look at each other and pass data, with no real way for enemies to intercept it. Passing encryption codes, or during radio back outs, ect. Works better than hand gestures and requires no other skills (though a transducer or display is required). But the pure datajack plug in the eye is dumb, IMO.
Mar 18 2004, 12:09 AM
QUOTE (John Campbell @ Mar 17 2004, 11:03 PM) |
Eye datajacks have always been in my "WTF use would anyone have for that?" category. What advantages do they have that make it worth losing use of the eye whenever you need to jack into something? |
It's more for the sneaky-sneaky type characters. I can't remember if it's canon or not, but I'd give it a higher TN to be caught with a cyberware scanner. All that metal in a cybereye would make it a lot harder to pick up.
QUOTE (Kanada Ten) |
The optical scanning eye datajack is perfect for silent communication. |
I could be wrong, but I think he meant the version where you stick the actual jack plug into the cybereye to jack in. Hence the loosing vision.
Mar 19 2004, 01:00 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Headware memory is in no way, shape, or form worth it for any but the most highly specialized datacarriers. Most people will get far better results from an extra datajack and a pocket computer (and an image link).
~J |
I dunno ...
image link + headware memory could be really useful when on a run, and you need to reference information.
Though, this might be better accomplished with a knowsoft . . . how's it any different? I figuredthat you could jsut copy the knowsoft to headware memory (or part of it - like the map of Seattle, or the floor plans of a building).
External storage gets in the way and attracts attention at inopportune moments. =)
Eyeless Blond
Mar 19 2004, 03:18 AM
QUOTE (John Campbell @ Mar 17 2004, 06:03 PM) |
Eye datajacks have always been in my "WTF use would anyone have for that?" category. What advantages do they have that make it worth losing use of the eye whenever you need to jack into something? |
Well, if you're insane enough to play a decker/mage they're great for the Essence cost reduction. Eyes only cost .2 and they give you .5 E to play with, so you can get your micro vision while you're digging around in there too. It's not like you're going to miss your eyes in the Matrix anyway.
The Essence-saving bit alone is actually a good reason for all deckers to consider an eyejack. Saves you room for those big-ol' encephalons and Math SPUs to bring up your Hacking Pool.
Third, you might see pretty-boys wanting to keep their head from sprouting too many open-metal sores from their frontal lobes going for the more normal-looking eyewear adjustments.
Though, this might be better accomplished with a knowsoft . . . how's it any different? I figuredthat you could jsut copy the knowsoft to headware memory (or part of it - like the map of Seattle, or the floor plans of a building). |
Well, sort of. Datasofts can go directly from headware through the datajack into your brain, as datajacks can grok pure data, but knowsofts require an interpreter (usually in a chipjack or similar); the datajack can't do the interpretation job by itself (SR3 p. 295). Activesofts of course require a chipjack for interpretation and skillwires so you can actually *do* the task it's telling you to. (Ugh, skillwires, now that's something I'd never get used to, same with Move by Wire. Just gives me the shivers.)
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