Name: Damien Stein
Alias: Frankenstein
Metatype: Troll
Age: 21
Physical Mental Special Special
Body: 10 Charisma: 2 Edge: 4 Current Edge: 4
Agility: 4(

Intuition: 4 Essense: 0.33 Astral Init: -
Reaction: 3(5) Logic: 2 Initiative: 7(9) Matrix Init: -
Strength: 8(12) Willpower: 3 Res/Magic: Hahaha Init Passes: 1(3)
+40BP (Metatype)
+0BP (Positive Qualities) +35BP (Negative Qualities) -35BP
+230BP (Attributes) +200BP (Edge) +30BP
+92BP (Active Skills) +92BP (Knowledge Skills) +BP (Languages)
+18BP (Contacts)
+20BP (Resources)
+BP (Other)
= 400BP
Karma Expenditure
Active Skills
Skill Rank Att Modifiers Total
Name x +y +z = n
Athletics Group 2 8 = 10
Dodge 2 3 (+2 w. Wired Reflexes) = 5(7)
Intimidation (Physical) 2 2 (+2 Spec) = 4(6)
Perception 3 4 = 7
Tracking 2 4 = 6
Unarmed Combat (Boxing) 6 4 (+2 Spec|+4 Punching) = 10(16)
- Finishing Move
- Set Up
- Watchful Guard
- Two-Weapon Style*
*Boxer, two fisted, yo
Total Active Skills: 2x10 + 15x4 5x2 = 90BP
Knowledge Skills (L+I)x3 = 18
Underground Fight Scene 4
Gang Identification 2
Organlegging Outfits 3
Seattle Mafia 4
Urban Brawl Statistics 2
Local Area Knowledge 3
English (Bad) N
Perception Modes
Unmodified: +7 Perception
Vision: +10 Perception; Thermographic
Positive Qualities (BP):
Biocompatibility: Cyberware (10)
Boxing (10)
- +2 DV Unarmed
Restricted Gear: Two Elfs Worth of Cyberarms (10)
Local Fame (5)
Negative Qualities (-BP):
Bad Rep (5)
Day Job: Bill Collector (5)
Mystery Mod Noise (5)
Cyberpsychosis (10)
Wanted: Mafia (10)
Name Loyalty Connection
Doc Sanderson 4 4
Doc Sanderson was the kindly old black clinic street doctor who found Frank crawling out of an alley half on fire and barely alive. He was the one who managed to pull Frank
together, and to re-build him. Frank now lives with the doctor in the apartment above his Tacoma clinic, and acts as the Doc's bill collector.
Red Eddie 2 2
Eddie is a Rastafarian Troll who has a penchant for street art, both traditional and ARO. He is not overly connected, but keeps and ear to the street. Eddie and Frank met when
Frank scared off a gang of Humanis punks who were looking to gang up on the peace loving troll.
Delilah 3 2
Delilah is an elf, and is one of the dancers at Wiggles, the gentleman's cabaret down the street from Doc Sanderson's clinic. The two met when Delilah came to the Docs after
being beat up by a coked up ganger when she refused to come home with him. Frank left the clinic shortly after hearing about what happened, and returned two hours later with the
ganger's two golden front teeth. Delilah has taken a shine to the lug, and when he comes around the club she passes him information on fellow patrons.
`Sudsy` Wilson 1 4
Sudsy is the owner of the gym across the street from Doc Sampson's. He runs perscription drugs out of the locker room, and is a smalltime fixer for beat up washout boxers.
Weapon Reach Damage AP Notes
Punch 1 10P - Plastic Bone Lacing; +2 DV from Boxing
Armor B/I Notes
Armor Vest 6/4
Implant Grade Rating Essence Capacity Notes
Cybereyes 2 0.27 8
- Flare Compensation [1]
- Protective Covers
- Thermographic Vision [2]
- Vision Enhancement 3 [3]
Wired Reflexes 2 2.7
Full Arm (2) 1.8 8
- Customized Fully -
- Strength Enhancement (4) [4]
- Agility (4) [4]
Aluminum Bone Lacing 0.9
Total: 5.67
Stun Track: 10
Physical Track: 13
Commlink: Meta Link w. Vector Xim
Response Signal Firewall System
1 2 1 1
Programs: Fetch Module
Lifestyle: Room Above Doc Sanderson's Clinic (Low; 1760*/month; 1 months pre-paid)
Comforts: Low (2)
Entertainment: Low (2)
Necessities: Middle (3)
Neighborhood: Squatter (1)
Security: Middle (3)
Qualities: Easygoing Landlord (1)**, Perfect Roommate (2)**, Rough Neighborhood (-1), No Forwarding Address (-1)
*+10% cost for roommate, split evenly
**Landlord and Roommate are both the same person
It pays to live with your doctor. It especially pays if your doctor cuts you a deal and lets you stay in the spare room of his apartment because you happen to be a big nasty troll, and
you scare away the creditors that show up looking for him and keep the lowlifes around the neighborhood out.
Nuyen: 100000
Spent: 98460
Physical Description:
Standing at a shade over eight and a half feet tall, Frankenstein would be an imposing figure even if his features were plain as day. The fact that he sports two very obvious cyberarms
(each weighing about the same as your average elf) which are always on display and has flat silver cybereyes would be enough to unsettle most people. Then there is the fact that every
bit of exposed torso, and half of Frank's face, is covered in scar tissue from extensive burns. Yeah, that is enough to make some people wish they had stock in adult diapers.
Sometimes it pays to have the Mafia in your corner. Usually that is when you know they are there, and you do not mind playing by their rules. The man now known as Frankenstein
neither knew the mob was being the management of his fight career, nor would he have cared if he did. You just do not ask a mountain of a troll to take a dive.
Then again neither Frank nor his manager knew that someone had actually fixed the fight that sealed their collective fate in Frank's favor, and despite his manager pleading with him,
after catching a low blow (a result of his doped up opponent misjudging a punch on his larger opponent) Frank was inclined to do nothing but punch the man's skull in. In fact he actually
did punch the poor guy's skull in. And when it came to light there was drugging involved, Frank was implicated, and his rising star was shot right out of the sky - the fight community
may hate him, but damn do the fans still remember his name.
But none of that mattered much the week after, when his manager's bosses, who happened to be Frank's legitimate business backers, sent a firebug to deal with them. When the two
were exiting the gym after a training session, and had just got into the manager's town car, someone blocked the car into the alley, and in short order another person shattered the rear
window and threw an incideary into the back. Frank does not remember much about what followed, but if you ask his roommate cum landlord cum employer Doc Sanderson he will tell
you he found one very injured and still burning troll - whom he recognized despite the damage to Frank's face - crawling away from a burning towncar that had two dead men lying beside it.
Frank woke up three months later with most of his body regrown or replaced. While the Doc was not going to charge for the surgery - he had retired from a lucrative career as a
corporate black clinic surgeon to open a more altruistic clinic of his own, and was a fan of Frank's fighting career - Frank insisted he do something. So now he lives with the Doc, and
when someone is late on payment, he finds them, and reminds them that their after care plan does not include the cost of being returned to the clinic broken again.