Ritual magic has one huge failing.
You could spend 12 minus magic hours performing one huge spell, that needs a target-spotter in place anyway.
Or you and your mage friends can send an astral gank squad of spirits along with that target spotter instead. Its just that much more effective.
That being said, like any tool, it CAN be good, but that doesn't mean other tools aren't better.
The Sympathetic Linking metamagic hands down makes it useful and worthwhile, but its a metamagic. There are other good options.
I'm sure i'm going to catch crap for linking something my Frank, but he actualy has
some good points about ritual spellcasting, and its worth perusing.
If you WANT to use ritual magic in your game, and feel useful, I
strongly suggest approaching your DM and asking for a few houserules, or pitching around a few ideas to make it more useful in general.
First, ask if you can use Ritual Spellcasting to Teamwork Test regular spellcasting. Its a small, simple change, but it actually makes ritual spellcasting damn useful.
Second, find Ancient History's Adv.
Magic Sourcebook notes, and look over the stuff for ritual spellcasting. There's some good stuff for ritual casting in there - like Forcing - The rules aren't quite finished, really, but there are some fun things to think about.
Otherwise, its kinda crappy.
However, i laughed at one of the plothooks in WAR! The general who Just Won't Die. He's sent into impossible situations, just TRYING to get the man killed, and always comes back with one great victory, as a hero, etc. He just 'miraculously' lives through pretty much any combat situation.
The team is hired to kill or ruin him.
The gimmic is, he has a very powerful magician friend, who uses ritual magic to keep him alive when he gets deployed.