Mar 19 2004, 12:45 AM
okay, the Snake Eyes cyber in R3 gave me an idea. what if you could get cyber implanted as a package deal? packaged cyber would take Stress as a whole--that is, if one piece of the package takes stress, they all do--and must also be upgraded/replaced as a whole.
i reverse-engineered Snake Eyes to get the price, and it comes out to be .8x essence cost (like alphaware), and .9x nuyen cost. use the highest availability and SI of the component pieces. the GM must approve all package deals; he's perfectly within his rights to rule that cybereyes cannot be packaged with hydraulic leg jacks. a good rule of thumb is that if two implants share at least one body area (head, torso, limb, etc.), then they may be packaged. this means that you could package cybereyes with hydraulic leg jacks, if you included bone lacing in the deal. GMs should, ideally, put together packages that are common in their particular game, and offer only those at the discounted nuyen cost; custom packages would cost +10%, instead of -10%.
so, opinions. is this fun for all the boys and girls, or too hot for TV?
Kanada Ten
Mar 19 2004, 12:48 AM
Actually been thinking about the same thing. I'd really like a Pocket Secretary cyberware package...
Memory, Camera, Cyberphone, Transducer, Image/Display Link, and I guess a processor (though I don't think the last even exists beyond Math SPU).
Mar 19 2004, 12:54 AM
Speaking of threads that come up every so often... *dives into the Search function*
Edit: my mistake, the thread I was thinking of wasn't restricted to cyberware. I still seem to remember something like this coming up before, though...
Mar 19 2004, 02:27 AM
This page has an interesting theory as to why processor speed isn't listed as a factor of any computers in SR.
Mar 19 2004, 02:33 AM
i'm not sure what that's got to do with package cyberware.
Mar 19 2004, 03:17 AM
I have to admit, Lilt, that was pretty non-sequitur of you.
Kanada Ten
Mar 19 2004, 04:04 AM
Ummm... So are we, but I think he was referring to my post. And while I, as a GM, allow headware memory to function as a computer, canon doesn't seem to...
Mar 19 2004, 04:32 AM
Mar 19 2004, 01:46 PM
Yes, I love the idea of packaged cyberware. For one, it makes sense. For two, it means your super cybered character has something to keep saving up for and working on even when he reaches .01 essence. For three, it means I (the gm) can justify having more super cybered bad guys, and that's always a good thing (for me).
Mar 19 2004, 03:52 PM
I like the idea as well. There is even some cyberware already in the rules that cost less when brought together.
But what im looking for right now is a way of building a cyber-walkman..
Kanada Ten
Mar 19 2004, 04:54 PM
Cyberwalkman is (strickly by the rules) a Chipjack and Subdermal Speakers maybe some memory ~3MP, compressed. Essence 0.25. Cost 1890¥. 50¥ dial-in rebate with purchase of 1 year membership in the Mitsuhama Music Club. (.2+.1+.01=.31*.8) (1000+650+450=2100*.9)
TV package : Radio or Cyberphone (ISP depending), Image Link, Subdermal Speakers.
Optionally, a chip/datajack, ASIST converter, would make a portable Simsense player (though you can just get the chips DNI for 10 times the cost.
Mar 19 2004, 05:00 PM
Ok i know this is done else where, but how mch music would that get me?
A Clockwork Lime
Mar 19 2004, 05:05 PM
Just a bit of a pet peeve here, but the nuyen symbol should come after the number, not before it. It would be 1,890¥ with a 50¥ mail-in rebate.
In any case, to answer Shockwave's question, I think the implication is that it's pretty much free and should easily be covered by the Entertainment aspect of your lifestyle. It's just there for flavor and fun, afterall. But if you want to buy music individually, I think the SR3 core book gives a price of 20¥ per miniCD. Might want to double-check though.
Kanada Ten
Mar 19 2004, 05:06 PM
Optical Memory Chip = MP x 5¥
Music Chip 20¥ = 4MP
One chip's worth of stored music, but you can play Albums in the chipjack.
dial-in rebate was a joke, and, Clockwork,
Mar 19 2004, 05:41 PM
Actually, i was wondering (this might be a little muchy) because i was thinking of Geasing off magic lost (due to cyberware), with a condition "only when listening to heavy/fast music" (with +2 Tn's to sound based perception) So i was wanting how many minutes....
A Clockwork Lime
Mar 19 2004, 05:52 PM
Somehow I think a miniCD would hold more than four minutes of music (SR3 p. 135), Kanada. Besides, the correct price for OMCs is 0.5¥ per MP, so that would be more like a 40 minutes miniCD, assuming there wasn't an additional discount for read-only chips. I'd put it at 80-90 minutes myself.
The Burning One
Mar 19 2004, 06:15 PM
QUOTE (Shockwave_IIc @ Mar 19 2004, 12:41 PM) |
Actually, I was wondering because I was thinking of Geasing off magic loss with a condition "only when listening to heavy/fast music" |
While on the topic of pet peeves. I've seen this one tried before and I thought it was one hell of a cop out.
An adept took geased abilities. Some to compensate for magic lost due to cyberware and other just to get the increased buying power for voluntarily geasing an power point that otherwise wouldn't have to be. Then they took the geas "Must be listening to <Insert Music Type Here> Music".
The cop out was when the character installed the cyberware audio player and uploaded 24 hours of continual songs. Short of surgery or drastic measures there was no way for them to be deprived of their geas condition. Hence a flaw that really isn't.
The fact that I'm seeing someone else try the same idea . . . bothers me. I'm sorry but in my opinion for the sort of benefit a geas can get you a +2 to aural TN's isn't a limitation. Now treating the character as deaf for the entire period they're listening to music. That I'd consider.
Mar 19 2004, 07:09 PM
Ah fair points i must say. But He's an Athlete (so there no combat munching here, though he can fight). Though i know it doesn't make it any better, he doesn't know he's an adept either, hence why he's got a lot of cyber (none really ground breaking either...)
Was thinking a DNI modified walkman at least that way there are more way for the music to stop. Just an idea....
Mar 19 2004, 07:43 PM
I like the idea of it making them deaf and all they hear is the music. Kind of like a cut scene in an action flick where all the sounds stop except for the classical music playing extra loud. A nice effect.
Mar 19 2004, 08:56 PM
Yeah, I'd have fun with someone who hears the same music over and over, 24/7, forever. You change geas: music to geas: insanity.
Honestly though, it isn't THAT bad. The guy has a weak geas, but he's also only getting three quarters of the benefit (since .25 of that essence point is used for the internal music player), plus he has a nasty modifier when dealing with surprise tests or awareness rolls when his geas is active, he's more likely to miss important commands in the heat of battle... Its not something *I*'d allow generally, but it isn't a killer.
Kanada Ten
Mar 20 2004, 01:20 AM
Somehow I think a miniCD would hold more than four minutes of music (SR3 p. 135), Kanada. |
I agree, but I doubt the music on it can be magnified fifty times without quality loss. That's why I mentioned compressed.
Besides, the correct price for OMCs is 0.5¥ per MP, so that would be more like a 40 minutes miniCD, assuming there wasn't an additional discount for read-only chips. |
Frag, that means one needs 40MP for an album, which, IMO is ridicules for a set of MP3's. The read-only chips would probably cost more as they took blanks and burned the music on them (record company, musicians, production). Compare blank CD's - even Re-Writable - to Albums. So maybe we could say 20MP for 80 minutes of compressed music. Might as well geek the memory and get a radio receiver instead.
Was thinking a DNI modified walkman at least that way there are more way for the music to stop. |
I think most headware is DNI to start with, but I'm almost positive datajacks are (I assumed chipjacks too). That would allow one to control playback of attached devices, and you can route the memory or radio to the datajack.
The cop out was when the character installed the cyberware audio player and uploaded 24 hours of continual songs. |
That is not a Geas anymore than requiring one's arm be attached.
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