Jan 24 2011, 01:07 AM
So, I'm looking for exactly that - stats for ATVs. Yeah, I know that I can houserule them from the off-road bikes in Arsenal, but I'd still like something canon to work with.
Maybe there was something in third edition books?
Jan 24 2011, 01:21 AM
I thought the Falcon (Arsenal, pg. 108) was an All-Terrain Vehicle?
Sure, it's a 'bike', but it's all terrain, and a vehicle. If you'd rather it be a 4-wheeler...I'd use pretty much the same stats, honestly.
Jan 24 2011, 01:31 AM
All hail the Panzercycle!
Jan 24 2011, 01:36 AM
QUOTE (Eratosthenes @ Jan 24 2011, 04:21 AM)
I thought the Falcon (Arsenal, pg. 108) was an All-Terrain Vehicle?
Sure, it's a 'bike', but it's all terrain, and a vehicle. If you'd rather it be a 4-wheeler...I'd use pretty much the same stats, honestly.
QUOTE (Fatum @ Jan 24 2011, 04:07 AM)
Yeah, I know that I can houserule them from the off-road bikes in Arsenal, but I'd still like something canon to work with.
Jan 24 2011, 01:45 AM
Um, the Thundercloud Morgan is listed and drawn as an ATV. Done. Maybe it's a little beefier than you wanted?
Jan 24 2011, 01:50 AM
Yeah, it looks more like a buggy than an actual ATV (which I imagine like
this, not like
Jan 24 2011, 01:52 AM
Or maybe you just want a different, wussier ATV.
Potato, tomato.
Jan 24 2011, 01:55 AM
That's a bit big for an ATV, more like a militarized Dune Buggy.
Jan 24 2011, 02:01 AM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Jan 24 2011, 04:55 AM)
That's a bit big for an ATV, more like a militarized Dune Buggy.
That's what I'm saying.
Jan 24 2011, 02:07 AM
Same size as the Falcon, I guess, and one of the Variant Models is the Suzuki Quad. Maybe ATVs in 2070 simply are bigger.
Anyway, I don't know of any in SR3. Sorry. There's the Thundercloud Pinto, but it's a trike.
Jan 24 2011, 02:22 AM
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Jan 23 2011, 10:07 PM)
Same size as the Falcon, I guess, and one of the Variant Models is the Suzuki Quad. Maybe ATVs in 2070 simply are bigger.
Anyway, I don't know of any in SR3. Sorry. There's the Thundercloud Pinto, but it's a trike.
Trikes are the first ATVs, I think.
What I would like, even if fan-made, would be a way to build vehicles from scratch.
I want my Armed Ganger Ghetto Sand Rails!
Jan 24 2011, 02:26 AM
We all want Rigger 4.
*shrug*. I assumed if he didn't want something that was a perfect fit with 2 wheels, he wouldn't want something that's a perfect fit (albeit needing 3->4 conversion) with 3 wheels.
Jan 24 2011, 02:36 AM
Well, three wheels is still a step in the right direction. :3
Which book is the Thundercloud Pinto in?
The Shuhite
Jan 24 2011, 02:57 AM
I don't think there are any pre-detailed ATVs in Rigger 3 but there is stuff to design your own
Jan 24 2011, 03:03 AM
I guess I was vague, oops.
The Pinto trike *is* in Rigger 3. Before the Bikes.
Jan 24 2011, 03:04 AM
The picture for the Morgan makes it look like a dune buggy, but the description makes it sound like what you want: one driver, with one passenger possible standing behind the driver.
Jan 24 2011, 03:09 AM
I imagine it to look more like... dunno, Halo's Warthog - a driver and a passenger standing behind him at a weapon mount.
Jan 24 2011, 03:12 AM
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Jan 24 2011, 06:03 AM)
I guess I was vague, oops.
The Pinto trike *is* in Rigger 3. Before the Bikes.
Yeah, found it, thank you.
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