So, I've been reading up on spirits lately. I've never really gave them much thought.
Squinky's thread on spirits got me looking around and thinking (always dangerous)...
In past editions of SR, I thought an individual service from a bound spirit ended at sunrise/sunset. For example, if a mage had a bound spirit providing Guard on herself, it would cost an additional service at each sunrise & sunset if she wanted it constantly protecting her for multiple days.
In SR4, I don't see any such extra cost of services at sunrise or sunset. For example, if a character wanted a bound spirit to provide Guard for a month, it would cost only one service.
QUOTE (SR4a, pg.187)
"A bound spirit will not vanish at sunrise or sunset—its services remain until they are used regardless of how long it takes."
Alternately, there is Remote Service, which also appears to allow the indefinite use of a power?
QUOTE (SR4a, pg.188)
Remote Services: A bound spirit performing a remote service acts in the same manner as an unbound spirit. It will pursue the course of the service until it is complete. A bound spirit’s terms of service do not expire at sunrise or sunset, however, so the spirit can continue on for a considerable time. A bound spirit that still owes service will go on standby after it finishes its remote task, unless specifically instructed otherwise.
Maybe this is old news for everyone else, but this is new news to me - am I interpreting this correctly?