QUOTE (CanRay @ Apr 13 2011, 01:55 PM)
Part "Chinese Bitched", part "Don't want to piss off a major trade partner", part "They're our major trade partner, why would they invade us after all?"
They probably had Kimmie talk with a bunch of other crackpot dictators into assaulting the US. Watch Castro (Whichever one is in power now.
) be part of the leadership against the USA.
I did mention this about 50 posts ago.
Both the new Red Dawn and Homefront were originally supposed to have the Chinese invading. Of course, we know what happened there.
In the case of Red Dawn, the decision came so late that most of the filming had already been completed, so they re-shot some of the Chinese dialogue with Korean, and are going back and digitally altering every Chinese insignia, marking, and lettering in the movie to North Korean equivalents.
That said, China invading the US doesn't make much sense anyhow. The US is their biggest trade partner. They are dependent on the US economy by this point - much like a LOT of the rest of the world. If the US goes down, so do they.
Quite honestly, there are no credible "invasion" threats to the US anymore. I remember a study a few years ago that calculated the US military spending per year was more than the next five nations combined.