Mar 9 2011, 05:16 PM
I really have no idea why, but this game speaks to me on some level. Perhaps it's the Cold War-era thinking I still have (Mine being the last generation...), perhaps it's a few other things...
Anyhow, just wondering if I'm alone in thinking about this game here...
Mar 9 2011, 05:19 PM
seeing how most info points at it being console only, i am so not going to buy it.
and even if it does get a computer port, i'll still be sceptical . . porting from PC>Console: OK, NOT the other way around
Mar 9 2011, 05:29 PM
It's coming to PC, and the job of that is being done in my neck of the woods by
Digital Extremes.
They look like they might have a decent enough track record.
Mar 9 2011, 08:21 PM
I've been keeping an eye on it for a while now. Not in a tremendous rush to pick up another shooter right this second (still digesting a few Call of Duty games that I finally got around to buying), but it's definitely the next shooter on my list.
Mar 9 2011, 11:05 PM
if i read/hear good things about this, this might be my next on the list.
else, it's bullet storm, duke nukem 4 ever, crysis 2. crysis 2 only last, because i need an GTX580 first, and that's gonna take some time untill i can afford it <.<
Mar 9 2011, 11:41 PM
Bulletstorm was OK, but suffered from
Epic beating People Can Fly over the heads too much, methinks.
Great for a single play through, but anything more than that... Well, I guess it's how much you like getting as many points as possible...
Mar 10 2011, 06:19 AM
ah, bugger, sounded like a fun game ._.
Mar 10 2011, 09:18 AM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Mar 10 2011, 12:05 AM)
else, it's bullet storm, duke nukem 4 ever, crysis 2. crysis 2 only last, because i need an GTX580 first, and that's gonna take some time untill i can afford it <.<
The GTX560ti should be enough to play it and is much more affordable.
That's the one I will get with my new computer in a few months (as soon as the corrected P67 boards are available).
@Homefront: It does look interesting. I'm not big on shooters, but I might take a look if it gets good reviews.
Mar 10 2011, 09:47 AM
I have an 4870x2 right now, if i upgrade, i wanna UPGRADE.
Mar 10 2011, 09:53 AM
In that case, I would wait for the next generation before thinking about upgrading.
Mar 10 2011, 10:03 AM
That IS the next generation.
I jumped over the 2x series of nVidia, i jumped over the 3x/4x series of nVidia.
I jumped over the 5x and 6x series of ATI.
Basically, this is the 3 or 4th generation from my current one <.<
Mar 10 2011, 10:04 AM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Mar 10 2011, 11:03 AM)
That IS the next generation.
I mean the next after the one that is current right now.
At least, if those listings on tomshardware are correct, that card is about on par with 2nd tier current cards. That's more than enough (for me, anyways), and there is no reason to upgrade (yet).
Or is that card too slow for you?
Mar 10 2011, 10:19 AM
It is.
I'm planning on getting the Gainward GTX 580 Phantom 3072
Mar 10 2011, 12:10 PM
Heh. What kind of monitors do you use? Double (Triple?) 30"+?
Mar 10 2011, 01:38 PM
2x22" widescreen @ 1680x1050 each
Mar 10 2011, 06:57 PM
Ok, that's pretty tame still.
Mar 10 2011, 07:02 PM
Yah, i know . .
it bugs me to no end, that if i go from windowed to full screen with something that's full HD, it becomes SMALLER! x.x
But i simply do not have the Space or Money for Bigger Screens. And i simply can not go back to using only one screen <.<;,
Mar 10 2011, 07:47 PM
My HDTV is my second monitor.
Mar 10 2011, 08:09 PM
My TV is an old CRT Monster that only has one antenna and 2 SCART Plugs.
It weights about half as much as i do and we had to lift that thing with 4 people to get it up into my room and to it's resting place . .
if that thing ever crashes through the cabinet it's standing on, it's going to take out about 2k€ worth of hardware directly beneath it.
and if it decides to fall onto my bed while i'm in there, i'm gonna lose both legs at the knees i think. and i don't think that i'd stop it.
it'd probably go right through me and the bed and hopefully be stopped by the floor beneath that <.< . .
Mar 10 2011, 08:30 PM
And suddenly we're back to the demolitions fun thread with me talking about fun with HVAC-Grade air conditioners.
Mar 13 2011, 07:51 AM
Well, it comes out Tuesday, I'll have to give a report on how I like it.
As I said, something about the game universe and storyline (What there is of one in a FPS) speaks to me for some reason.
Until then, Fallout: New Vegas.
Mar 15 2011, 03:21 PM
Read some reviews today, they were not a good as I hoped. Main criticism seem to be the CoD-esque fights against endless hordes of respawning enemies, which is not exactly how one would imagine a guerrilla campaign. Also some level design issues, AI probs, and for the German translation they obviously hired the guy who wrote the vehicle names in W!
Doc Chase
Mar 15 2011, 03:37 PM
Reviews also mentioned the story is very, very short - only about five hours worth of single-player play. That tells me they're holding out the lion's share for eventual sequels - not a way I like doing things.
Mar 15 2011, 03:37 PM
Mar 15 2011, 04:18 PM
*pat pat*
poor guy.
Mar 15 2011, 04:25 PM
Well, it's the Multiplayer that sells FPS games today, and I like what I've been hearing what they have to say about that. So I'll still be getting it. Just got to roll with the times, right? Just like the DLC controversy. (I just think of them as low-priced "Expansion Packs" and it feels better in my mind.).
That, and I want to secure a White Castle, damnit! (Fast food burger chain. I didn't know what they were myself until I went to GenCon Indy.). Although, securing a Pabst Blue Ribbon Brewery/Warehouse wouldn't be a bad idea either. (Even if I could probably pour it back into the horse and make the world a better place, bad beer is better than no beer!).
Heading out now to get it. Let you guys know how it is after I pry myself away from my console. (One day, I'll have a Gaming Rig!).
Mar 15 2011, 04:48 PM
if you did not buy consoles, maybe you'd have saved up enough for a propper gaming rig by now *snickers and runs* ^^
Mar 15 2011, 06:46 PM
Actually, I have enough for a gaming rig. The issue is a friend of mine is supposed to be helping me buy/build it as my computer knowledge and skills have atrophied like the Decker Peg's body.
I've already paid for his assistance, and that was last year. Still waiting.
Mar 15 2011, 07:54 PM
Demand your money back.
Also, paying somebody to help you buy stuff is . . suboptimal, at best.
paying for it to be built i can see. but if you get your kustom dakka made anyway, get it made at one of the little komputah shops around your corner of the world.
and then pay them to build it for you too. you only need to worry about transporting it home them. oh, and demand a demonstration of the system being all set up and working propperly too.
Mar 15 2011, 08:25 PM
QUOTE (Doc Chase @ Mar 15 2011, 04:37 PM)
Reviews also mentioned the story is very, very short - only about five hours worth of single-player play.
/me fondly remembers the time when this would not have been MENTIONED, but DECRIED for the sheer insolence of selling a game offering less than 30 hours of SP gameplay...
Mar 15 2011, 08:42 PM
FPSes are sold on Multiplayer nowadays.
Anyhow, first mission in, and I'm liking it. It certainly is going for the feel I was thinking it was. Some of the tactics and suggestions given do not come from a military-standpoint, but rather a very civilian, "OHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT!" standpoint that I might give. (Admittedly, I'm a military nut, but that only puts me one rung above someone who plays a lot of Military FPSes.).
And now seeing the place the resistance has built, hidden away in failed Suburbia, and, my god, the detail and concepts... The survivalist usage of materials...
I dread the First Person mode being so short now. And really hope the Multiplayer is good enough! That said, here's hoping for DLC to expand the First Player mode!
Mar 15 2011, 11:03 PM
QUOTE (Doc Chase @ Mar 15 2011, 10:37 AM)
Reviews also mentioned the story is very, very short - only about five hours worth of single-player play.
Ugh. That's unfortunate. From the get-go, I got the impression it was the storyline/setting that was going to make
Homefront worth buying. Mechanics-wise it seems to just be another CoD clone, I was looking forward to the story/campaign more than anything else. That's just too bad.
Mar 16 2011, 12:11 AM
All games are just for multiplayer, so no surprise there.
Mar 16 2011, 01:27 AM
Remember when Single Player was the only way to play?
Those were the days... *Looks back fondly*
Mar 16 2011, 01:56 AM
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Mar 15 2011, 07:11 PM)
All games are just for multiplayer, so no surprise there.
Well, no. "All games" aren't (plenty of RPGs, for instance, and most of Rockstar's games have a very, very, long single-player game). The thing that sucks about this is that Homefront was touted and advertised based upon the story, the writer involved, and that sort of thing.
With a
Call of Duty game, sure. You go into it expecting multiplayer to be important, and the single player campaign to be the frosting on the cake. With a game that sells itself based on the single-player storyline and the setting, though, you expect it to be the other way around.
Mar 16 2011, 02:21 AM
Yes, obviously the context is 'current shooters'. I wasn't aware that Homefront was billed primarily as single-player, though. If so, yes, sounds disappointing. Honestly, I do view *any* single-player in any 'modern shooter' as 'icing on the cake'. Which is sad, yes.
I enjoyed Borderlands, mostly 2-coop.
But that's a wholly different genre.
Mar 16 2011, 06:05 AM
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Mar 15 2011, 09:21 PM)
Yes, obviously the context is 'current shooters'. I wasn't aware that Homefront was billed primarily as single-player, though. If so, yes, sounds disappointing. Honestly, I do view *any* single-player in any 'modern shooter' as 'icing on the cake'. Which is sad, yes.
There's the distinct possibility that they had a bunch more ads/interviews/previews/hype that I missed, but all of them I remember were all about having the Red Dawn guy writing, the initial trailer with the historic timeline, etc, etc.
Mar 16 2011, 04:25 PM
OK, I have to say after playing through a few hours last night (Stupid lack of attention span. I really should do some... SHINY!), I have to say they nailed the look and feel they were aiming for precisely!
I think I'll try the Multiplayer today later on. Report on that.
Mar 17 2011, 02:18 AM
OK, Multiplayer! There's still server issues (They use dedicated servers, which I like), but there was no trace of lag or any other issues that happened in-game, but only Team Deathmatch had any players going... Not exactly what I was aiming for (I have Bad Company 2 for that after all.).
I like the battlepoints system that allows for the purchasing of bonuses when you want/need them most. The system in place for swapping out equipment is nicely laid out and fairly instinctive. I like that they rank the "Bonuses" so you can ramp up a lot of cheap ones, or a few expensive ones. The choice of drones and vehicles is interesting, and the maps seem pretty decent.
As always, I prove myself to be the 50 Cent of FPSes... I keep getting shot. So I'll slowly work my ways up through the system to see what things happen as you level up.
Mr. Mage
Mar 17 2011, 06:13 PM
You had no lag in multiplayer? that's nice.
When I tried, my screen kept jumping, especially when I would sprint. Plus I kept losing connection to the server, and I know it isn't a lack if anything on my end. Plus only deathmatch so far, that's what I play on Black Ops for god's sake!
I think this game has potential, and I really like the battle-points system, but hopefully they will fix the buggines soon so I don't lose connection right before redeeming my points to pilot an Apache Helo.
EDIT: Loved the Red Dawn movie, and you can definitely see the similarities. Thank you Mr. Milius!
Mar 17 2011, 11:54 PM
Had to restart the Single Player mode (For a personal reason), so I'm back to square one with that. But catching things I missed before.
Collectibles in the game give you a history you can really sink your teeth into. I really hope for more Single Player options in the future of this game.
Mar 21 2011, 07:50 PM
OK, getting deeper into the Multiplayer, I see this as a keeper. The options that are unlocking are certainly interesting, and the drone combat that I finally got to play with (And gives you a good idea why DGIF!) certainly gives it an interesting game. Annoying buggers as well, when they're on the opposing team.
The Ground Commander Mode is an interesting twist, as it rewards, and punishes, good players. You get bonuses, but your general area is tagged for a group of the Opposing Force, which means everyone and their dog will eventually be after you for the points that go into killing you. I don't care how good a sniper you are, a dozen guns Zerg Rushing you is a Bad Thing. Especially with someone marking you as a target with a Drone to give your exact position away.
Vehicle combat is a little wonky, as they only come in when you or someone on your team respawns with a character, but there's an interesting group of vehicles. Hummers are the most common ones I've seen so far, and they're quite fun even to just drive around.
Multiplayer has legs, and I can hope for DLC Single Player add-ons. If not, well, there's always Fallout: New Vegas.
Wounded Ronin
Mar 25 2011, 03:40 AM
Played it through. Long for a movie, short for a FPS.
Story by Milius well told, but I wish they didn't make it feel like a mod of Call of Duty. I don't really get the visceral urge to scream, "WOLVERINES!!!!" if I have the ability to mysteriously regenerate from bullet wounds. The combat didn't feel desperate enough to get that fear and loathing that tended to come out in older, scary games that required resource management, like System Shock 2, or Thief 2.
Mar 27 2011, 04:20 PM
So, you liked the story? You liked the movie
Red Dawn?
How does this game stack up against another console port,
Freedom Fighters?
Wesley Street
Mar 27 2011, 05:10 PM
I loved
Freedom Fighters! I was hoping
Homefront would be in the same tradition. It sounds like yet another disappointing game FPS release. The lack of creativity coming out of mainstream game development studios is overwhelming.
Related article. See entry #4.
Mar 29 2011, 04:00 PM
Finished the singleplayer game in five freaking hours. Very disappointing.
As I don't really play multiplayer, I'm gonna be getting some of my money back by trading it in. Does anyone want my multiplayer code?
Wounded Ronin
Apr 1 2011, 03:51 AM
QUOTE (CanadianWolverine @ Mar 27 2011, 11:20 AM)
So, you liked the story? You liked the movie
Red Dawn?
How does this game stack up against another console port,
Freedom Fighters?
I didn't play Freedom Fighters, but I liked Red Dawn. The way I see it, Red Dawn is a snapshot of the American national cultural narrative. It's a story that everyone should know and understand.
Apr 1 2011, 04:16 AM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Mar 31 2011, 10:51 PM)
I didn't play Freedom Fighters, but I liked Red Dawn. The way I see it, Red Dawn is a snapshot of the American national cultural narrative. It's a story that everyone should know and understand.
Everyone in the USA and most of Canada maybe. Less so other places.
Apr 1 2011, 05:25 AM
So, apparently the bad guys in this game were SUPPOSED to be the Chinese, but were changed to North Koreans because of publishers being nervous?
Same thing that is happening to the Red Dawn remake?
Apr 1 2011, 06:05 AM
Remember the days when we didn't have to be PC? When we could have action heroes that blew away minorities and villanized groups with a grin on their faces?
Yeah... Well, we still have the Nazis, I guess. Must be why there are so many WWII games.
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