Mar 18 2011, 08:06 PM
Not to shoot down the character idea, but I'm going to have to say no. Sorry. I'm not familiar enough with Karmagen to balance between what 300BP equivalence would be. Plus, I'm looking to run it, lower powered and I feel that 300BP suits that well.
Mar 18 2011, 08:10 PM
just tossing this out: 300 bp makes you less than the average human, attribute wise.
Mar 18 2011, 08:11 PM
Well my 600 karma rat shaman turned into a 405 pt bp... That's mostly because I was a generalist, with lots of low attributes.
The systems are not the same, and IMHO bp gives more heroic characters, while karmagen encourages you to be a generalist. Both are ok
Mar 18 2011, 08:15 PM
Well, the players have spoken.

600 karma gen it is. But try to make sure, you dont specialize to much and be realistic with gear.
Mar 18 2011, 08:18 PM
btw, 300bp would more look like 550 Karma
Mar 18 2011, 08:31 PM
I've never been good at the number crunching side of shadowrun. I'm a writer, I tell the tales that you all bring to life.
Mar 18 2011, 08:45 PM
Mar 18 2011, 08:51 PM
What can I say, when the players speak, things happen. I run my games
for my PCs not against them.
Mar 18 2011, 08:55 PM
NP, I can roll with it. Anyway, here he is:
Joseph Glass is the child of two Salish shamans: his mother is belongs to the Bear Doctor Society, while his father is a disciple of Coyote. His own magic manifested at puberty in the usual manner, with Joey unconsciously bending reality around himself. When it came time to go on his vision quest and find his totem, however, none of the tribal spirits would answer him. His parents both sought answers from their own totems; neither returned any the wiser. Joe spent months in ritual after ritual, calling to every spirit he could name; he met with only silence. Neither he, nor his parents, nor any of the other shamans they consulted, could sense any hostility from the spirits, they simply weren't interested in the boy.
Joseph grew into a capable sorcerer. Despite the spirits' disinterest, he could still heal the injured, entertain with illusions, and shape the environment to aid his people. Then, one night in his early thirties, Joseph Glass had a dream. He wandered the streets of a great city, crowded with people who somehow failed to notice him. They never jostled him; the crowds parted around him like water around a stone, but neither did anyone meet his gaze or acknowledge him in any way. Eventually he came to a cafe, and took a seat on the patio. He felt as though he had been walking for many hours, and was tired. There was a glass of water on the table; as he reached for it, he noticed that his right hand was made of concrete and asphalt. This troubled him obscurely, but he couldn't put a name to his unease. Finally, he put it out of his mind and drank the water.
When he put the glass down, there was a woman sitting across from him. Unlike the other people, she looked directly at him, and smiled.
"Hello, Glass-Walker," she said in a pleasant contralto. She wore old-fashioned eyeglasses and a very modern business suit. There was a hard-hat on her head, and a roll of blueprints tucked under her left arm. "You're quite late, you know. I expected you some time ago."
"I'm sorry," Joseph replied, "You must have me confused with someone else. That's not my name."
The woman shook her head slightly with an expression of faint amusement. "Yes, it is. It is the name that is written on your soul. You have come here to me because you have not yet found your path. I will show it to you."
Joseph furrowed his brow. There was something odd about this woman, but again he couldn't quite put his finger on it. "Who are you?"
"Call me the Architect, Glass-Walker. I am the patron of builders. I will be your patron, too, and you will be my hands."
"I don't understand."
"Not yet, but you will. Far from here, a part of my domain has fallen into decay. My children are abused and in pain, assailed by many foes. You will go to them. You will be my champion, and theirs. When you awake, you will be able to hear them. Their voices will guide you to them."
"Wake up? But I am awake," Joseph said, confused.
"No, Glass-Walker, you are dreaming. But you must wake now, for you have a long journey and much work ahead of you. Do not fear, for I will be with you."
Joseph looked around, and suddenly noticed that as far as the eye could see, every person was looking at him. Their gaze was neither hostile nor friendly, but weighing, judging. He could almost hear them thinking, will he serve? Will he be strong enough? He turned back to the Architect. She smiled at him again, the smile of a stern but caring teacher to a promising pupil.
"Wake up, Glass-Walker."
Glass-Walker started bolt upright in his bed. A long, long way away, he could hear many voices crying out in misery. He knew he had to go to them, to help them, to heal them. He got out of bed, dressed, and began to pack.
Glass-Walker uses a custom tradition:
Tradition: Glass-Walker's Way
Concept: Glass-Walker hears the voices of the spirits like any other shaman, he just doesn't hear the same spirits. Instead of the children of the Earth-Mother, Glass-Walker heeds the offspring of Her half-sister, the City. He hears them in the wind howling down plascrete canyons, he hears them in the endless murmur and chatter of trid broadcasts, he hears them in the buzz and hum of electrical current. He hears, and calls to them, and they answer.
Combat: Guardian
Detection: Guidance
Health: Water
Illusion: Air
Manipulation: Task
Drain: Willpower + Charisma
Mentor Spirit: Architect
Concept: Architect is the builder and creator. Where Artificer loves tools and tool-makers, Architect is the patron of cities and city-builders. She commands her children to make her cities beautiful, to tend the worldly and spiritual needs of the people who live there, and to combat urban blight wherever it appears. She appears to Glass-Walker in the guise of a bespectacled woman in a business suit and hard-hat, with a roll of blueprints under her arm.
Advantages: +2 dice for Manipulation spells, +2 dice for Task spirits
Disadvantages: Architect magicians must make a Willpower [3] test to knowingly damage a road or building.
Mar 18 2011, 09:10 PM
Well, if you let me know if it's 300 BP, 600 Karma or 550 Karma I'll adjust my character accordingly.
If you use karmagen, are you using the german edition errata?
Mar 18 2011, 09:49 PM
So Umbra looks a little like this. I'll enhance the back story tomorrow to explain the criminal and prejudice qualities, and link to his spreadsheet. I'll also pick some contacts, although this doesn't feel a very contacty sort of person. I have to say this is the first time I have ever created a character with no lifestyle...feels rather weird.
If you are happy I'll make the "dependent (easy)" a sense of responsibility for the habitation we are living in. Perhaps some sort of code of conduct would be better. Basically rat wants me to look after them, and occasionally I feel a need to guard someone.
Race: Orc
Attributes: Body 5, Agility 5/7, Reaction 5/7, Strength 3, Charisma 4, Intuition 3, Logic 1, Willpower 3, Edge 3, Magic 6/5
Skills: Blades (cyberwpn) 4, Pistols (taser) 1, Infiltration (urban) 4, Outdoors 1, Athletics 1, Influence 4, Pilot ground vehicle (wheeled) 1, Perception (visual) 2
Knowledge skillsChicago underground (not criminals...under the ground) 2, Chicago area knowledge 2, Zoology 1, Botany 1
Positive Qualities: Genetic heritage (reakt), First impression, Local fame, Mentor spirit (rat)
Negative Qualities: Scorched, SINner (criminal), Dependent (easy), Combat monster, Prejudiced (specific, biased)
Adept powers (ritual: 1 hour solitude): Combat sense 4, Improved reflexes II, Improved infiltration 2, Kinesics 3
Cyberarm: Body 4, Agility 9, Strength 11, Large smuggling compartment, Hand razors (retractable: weapon focus level 2)
Bioware: Muscle toner 2
Outer Armour: Urban explorer jumpsuit + helmet. Nonconductivity 3, chemical 3, fire 3
Under armour: Form fitting body armour / full body suit Thermal damping 3, Secure tech vitals protector
Helmet: Urban explorer internal air tank 2 hours
Weapons:Defiance FX shocker/smart link
Glasses: smart link
Contacts: Flare compensation, visual enhancement 3, thermal
Ear buds: audio enhancers 3
Other: Auto lock picker rating 6
Drugs:I think I will pick a few up...not sure what
Commlink:So what is a commlink anyway, and why would I want one?
Lifestyle: None!
Primary: Scout
Secondary: Talker, Melee
Mar 18 2011, 10:02 PM
How are you fitting 6.5 points' worth of adept powers into 4 points of Magic?
Mar 18 2011, 10:22 PM
Well, Seth's character certainly seems to blow mine completely out of the water in terms of power, especially when it comes to gear! It's obviously up to the gm, but also I would suggest that qualities like scorched and sinner aren't really negative in the setting we're in when there's no commlink. I went for computer illiterate which might not come in to play but seemed to fit better for me. Liking the concept though. Is that a 600 karma then?
Mar 18 2011, 10:31 PM
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Mar 18 2011, 05:02 PM)

How are you fitting 6.5 points' worth of adept powers into 4 points of Magic?
I assume its probably the ritual geas, but having those reduce power-point costs is a houserule.
That or initiation granting power points instead of metamagic, but that is also a houserule.
Mar 19 2011, 12:48 AM
do we need to have the character built by the end of the weekend, or is the short blurb about the character enough for this stage? Unfortunately, I'm away from my books until Monday...
Mar 19 2011, 03:10 AM
QUOTE (mister__joshua @ Mar 19 2011, 11:22 AM)

Well, Seth's character certainly seems to blow mine completely out of the water in terms of power, especially when it comes to gear! It's obviously up to the gm, but also I would suggest that qualities like scorched and sinner aren't really negative in the setting we're in when there's no commlink. I went for computer illiterate which might not come in to play but seemed to fit better for me. Liking the concept though. Is that a 600 karma then?
I don't mind starting with no gear. There is a lot to be said for starting with "clothes" and a stick: gear can be picked from the bodies of our enemies. To be honest I have a standard set of about 10K of starting gear: a good suit of armour, a set of glasses, ear buds, a decent commlink and contact lenses and that was about it. I realised though that there was no way this character would have a commlink and took it out. I recommend that set of equipment to your self though: my rational about how I got the electronics was I threw a brick through a shop window and picked them up.
The qualities I can change as well. I am wondering about enemy, computer illiterate or bad rep all of which are in keeping. SINner criminal I thought was a pretty serious liability. although I take your point about scorched and actually computer illiterate captures what I wanted better
It about 590 karma...I have 5 points left over for contacts.
I created it with DKs spreadsheet link here. I always create a second spreadsheet after to check DK's though, as twice now its gone crazy. I haven't done that second check yet. I wouldn't be surprised if its 10..20 points out.
How are you fitting 6.5 points' worth of adept powers into 4 points of Magic?
Its actually 5 points, and done using the (optional) rule on p31 of Street Magic (it requires a ritual which if not performed means you loose access to the powers). Again its easy to tweak (taking out kinesics does it). I think there is quite a difference between a house rule and an optional rule: like the Power Point for metamagics rules, I think most games on dumpshock use it.
I'm not very good at character design: usually when I post on dumpshock I get loads of comments about how to improve it, and when I follow that advice I tend to get a character more in keeping with the design goal I am after. My design goal here is a sneaky character that I think could survive and thrive in Chicago, while having a lot of Ratty flavour.
Mar 19 2011, 03:42 AM
QUOTE (Seth @ Mar 18 2011, 11:10 PM)

Its actually 5 points, and done using the (optional) rule on p31 of Street Magic (it requires a ritual which if not performed means you loose access to the powers). Again its easy to tweak (taking out kinesics does it). I think there is quite a difference between a house rule and an optional rule: like the Power Point for metamagics rules, I think most games on dumpshock use it.
It's actually 4 points. Your cyberarm costs 1 Essence, and your muscle toner has a nominal Essence cost of 0.4, but having more cyber than bio knocks it down to 0.2. Your character's Essence is 4.8, so his maximum Magic is 4 + initiate grade. Even with the 25% discount on geas-bound powers (and do check with Belvidere to make sure he uses the adept geasa rule), you're still at 4.875 points' worth. You also did not list Adept as one of your positive qualities. If you accounted for the points but just forgot to list it, all you need to do is edit the post, but if you didn't account for the 5BP cost, you need to tweak something.
Mar 19 2011, 08:30 AM
The cyberarm is an alpha arm...Essence is 5. Adept is accounted for in the costs, I just didn't add it to the list, although the information about him being an adept is in there.
Mar 19 2011, 09:34 AM
Thank you for the feedback. My DK spreadsheet
had gone haywire, and I was about 30 points over.
Umbra -
link to spreadsheet[ Spoiler ]
Race: Orc
Attributes: Body 4, Agility 5/7, Reaction 5/7, Strength 3, Charisma 4, Intuition 2, Logic 1, Willpower 3, Edge 3, Magic 6/5, Essence 5.0
Skills: Blades (cyberwpn) 4, Pistols (taser) 1, Infiltration (urban) 4, Outdoors 1, Athletics 1, Influence 4, Pilot ground vehicle (wheeled) 1, Perception (visual) 2
Knowledge skillsChicago underground (not criminals...under the ground) 1, Chicago area knowledge 1
Positive Qualities:Adept, Genetic heritage (reakt), First impression, Local fame, Mentor spirit (rat)
Negative Qualities: Computer Illiterate, SINner (criminal), Dependent (easy), Combat monster, Prejudiced (specific, biased)
Adept powers: Combat sense 4, Improved reflexes II, Improved infiltration 2
Cyberarm: Body 4, Agility 9, Strength 11, Large smuggling compartment, Hand razors (retractable: weapon focus level 2)
Bioware: Muscle toner 2
Outer Armour: Urban explorer jumpsuit + helmet. Nonconductivity 3, chemical 3, fire 3
Helmet: Urban explorer internal air tank 2 hours
Weapons:Defiance FX shocker/smart link
Ammo:8 darts
Glasses: Smart link
Contacts: Flare compensation, visual enhancement 3, thermal
Ear buds: audio enhancers 3
Other: Auto lock picker rating 6
Commlink:So what is a commlink anyway, and why would I want one?
Lifestyle: None!
Contacts: Mayor Denby Contact 3 Loyalty 3.
Starting cash: None
[ Spoiler ]
Umbra's den was off a main storm drain that led into Lake Michigan. While messy, it had everything that Umbra needed: a stash of food, a place to keep a few spare clothers (needed when meeting posh folks), and a nice safe place to hide Umbra's small set of treasures.
Rat wasn't the easiest totem to follow. Sometimes Rat put Umbra in danger. It was safer outside Chicago, but Rat said there were things here that had to be done. It wasn't easy to get inside the wall, but Rat knew a way. There were others dangers too: there were other people living near here, and there were predators that preyed on them. Rat didn't like that, and Umbra had to do things about it. Sometimes Rat was greedy and Umbra had to go and get some treasure. Still Rat was helpful, and had taught Umbra lots of tricks.
Rat has told Umbra that he needs to grow. Umbra is a person and the people above are people. Umbra needs to learn to be with people. So Umbra is now spending more time upstairs, and is learning about people. Rat sometimes tell Umbra to look after certain people. Sometimes Rat tells Umbra to rescue certain people: it's very dangerous in Chicago.
Some of the people above don't like Umbra. It wasn't his fault that he was very big and little bit slow. They used to pick on him, and Umbra would run away. Once they didn't let him run away and he had to hurt them. Umbra hurt one of them so bad that he never walked again. Rat taught him "always run from a fight, but if you cannot then finish it". Umbra doesn't like to fight but sometimes you need to. The people above don't mess with Umbra anymore.
Some of the people above don't like anyone. Once Rat told Umbra to stop some raiders. That didn't go too well: the raiders had radar and grenades, and Rat's tricks were not enough to save him. The doctor saved most of Umbra, but couldn't save his arm. Rat really isn't an easy totem to follow. One day Umbra will be able to leave Chicago and get a new one.
Umbra likes the Mayor. The Mayor gave Umbra a shinny badge called a medal, and paid for a new arm. Rat says that the new arm is spoiling his magic, but it's better than not having an arm. The Mayor said Umbra had to get washed before he could get his shinny badge. Lots of people watched Umbra get his shinny badge. More people are nice to Umbra now. Rat was right, but not having a proper arm hurts sometimes.
Umbra likes Chicago. There are nice people here. There are no wage zombies in Chicago. Umbra doesn't like Wage Zombies.
Rat says that Umbra has to grow up more. Umbra needs to find some friends to help protect the Mayor's people.
Mar 19 2011, 10:26 AM
Out of curiosity, how many build points would he work out at?
Mar 19 2011, 10:55 AM
It would take a long time to work out. At a guess 350. Hes not very minimaxed: if anything hes minimaxed for being a generalist, which is kind of the opposite of the usual usage of the word. I must admit I am pleased with him: I wrote the backstory first, then tried to come up with a character from the prose. I think he's pretty close to the text.
Mar 19 2011, 04:38 PM
I am quite unfamiliar with Karmagen so in the interest of balance I decided to work it out (Seths it the only karmagen character I've seen posted).
Your 600 Karmagen character, by my reckoning, works out at 397 build points. Like you say, as a generalist karmagen favours him a bit.
My character is a 300 BP character. In karmagen he comes out at a mere 419 karma. He's a generalist, which with BP's isn't really that good.
I don't mind which system is used, but for fairness and balance in my opinion really everyone needs to use the same. I can re-write my character for 600 Karmagen if that's the way we're going

Just my 2 cents
Mar 19 2011, 05:00 PM
Mar 19 2011, 09:17 PM
IIRC we are using 600 karma see this postI'm using the errata which were published earlier. The most important bits of those are: attributes cost 5*new level not 3 times, and race costs its base cost in karma (it costs 0 in standard karmagen).
Its nice to see someone else using google docs: their spreadsheets are ideal for pbp I think.
Your character looks nice: I think you are insanely brave taking spirit bane: insect spirit, but I love you for it (I feel much safer already - they will go for you not me)
Mar 19 2011, 09:34 PM
QUOTE (Seth @ Mar 19 2011, 04:17 PM)

Its nice to see someone else using google docs: their spreadsheets are ideal for pbp I think.
Your character looks nice: I think you are insanely brave taking spirit bane: insect spirit, but I love you for it (I feel much safer already - they will go for you not me)
Glass-Walker has been sent by the Architect explicitly to reclaim Chicago, which necessarily entails driving the Bugs back from their beachhead in the physical world. I rationalize the Spirit Bane quality as the Insects instinctively recognizing an enemy.
Mar 19 2011, 10:07 PM
QUOTE (Seth @ Mar 19 2011, 09:17 PM)

IIRC we are using 600 karma see this post
Fair enough, but that was posted after my character was submitted and originally it was said 300 bps or karmagen. If its karmagen then everyone needs to be using the same errata etc
My point mainly was that it was supposed to be a low powered game, hence the 300 bps. It was then said that 600 karmagen was equivalent to 300bps but that doesn't seem to be the case. 600 karmagen seems like normal power level to me
Mar 19 2011, 10:12 PM
Runner's Companion recommends 750 karma for "typical" Shadowrun campaigns. We're not quite street-level, but we're noticeably lower-powered than standard characters.
Mar 19 2011, 10:50 PM
Well if I get selected it looks like I'll have about 200 karma to spend

I think if its a survival campaign then the lower powered the better. If we're proper running then the extra karma will come in handy and I'll have to scale it up a bit
Mar 20 2011, 01:33 AM
QUOTE (Mickle5125 @ Mar 18 2011, 08:48 PM)

do we need to have the character built by the end of the weekend, or is the short blurb about the character enough for this stage? Unfortunately, I'm away from my books until Monday...
Just a short blurb, trying to "sell" your character to the game. Make me fall in love with your character. That is your goal. I'll let people post blurbs until monday evening after work. I think that will give plenty of variety to the pool of candidates.
Mar 21 2011, 02:00 PM
All my life, I've been running.
Living in the CZ, that's what you do. You stick together, move as a group and, if you somehow find yourself run.
As near as I can figure, I'm 21 years old. I have vague memories of having a house, but that was before the bugs, before the tanks pulled down the buildings and locked everyone inside. I remember the last time I saw my father and sister. He had pushed my mother, brother and myself up out of the basement we'd been hiding in and was helping Allie to climb out when the whole thing caved in. One second, they were there...then, they weren't.
The rest of us stuck together, stayed in whatever shelter we could. I guess you could say we were lucky. We survived the bugs, the blast, the FAB. My mom got sick and died about 10 years ago, leaving Carl and I to fend for ourselves. We started running with a gang, the Cold Ones. It was rough being as young as I was, but Carl protected me. He runs the gang now and I...well, I'm looking for something more. I hear there's a world out there that has amazing things in it. I'd like to see that.
For once, I'd like to be running towards something. It'd be a nice change, you know?
Bullseye grew up in the CZ. He's an adept, with skills in unarmed combat, throwing and survival. He knows the CZ very well, what areas to avoid, where it's safe to stay, and whose territory you happen to be in at any given moment. He's Surged; he has extremely large eyes and a pretty nasty allergy -- in the absence of the CZ's background count, he starts feeling very sick. He's unaware of this, but I'm sure it'd come up in play. He's illiterate, uneducated and a child of the streets.
I built him using the 600 karma option. Not quite done yet -- he's at 605 karma and I haven't fleshed out contacts or background skills, so there'll be some tweaking before he's done.
Mar 21 2011, 02:27 PM
Ok, I've re-done my character for 600 Karmagen
[ Spoiler ]
The first thing Jim can remember is the Orphanage in Southside. He still makes donations when he can. He was told he was picked up downtown during the time of the CZ. When the walls came down he was taken to the orphanage. As a youth he was snatched from outside the orphanage by a ghould raiding pack dragged into the Zone. That he escaped was nothing more than chance as his captors met with a FAB-III cloud and perished, leaving him stranded in the zone alone. Over a few weeks he managed to make his way out of the zone, laying low and eating anything he could find, not really knowing where he was going and having to grow up real fast. He finally came upon the Survivalist communities on the Southside CZ border and set up a squat there. Since that time, now some 7 years ago, he has made his home in the community, venturing out to find food and water, sometimes to hunt and trading Chicago Hours for necessities. He has build quite a life in the wastes, seemingly evolving and acclimatising to his surroundings and slowly gathering belongings. He has never come into much contact with advanced technology and wouldn't know that to do with it if he did, preferring the mechanical to the electronic. Living on his wits alone and taking each day as it comes, just finding enough and trading enough to keep his weapon maintained and his squat livable, this is the only life he has ever known, and to him as long as he's alive it's going well.
Name: Jim
Age: Mid Twenties
Metatype: Human (0Karma)
Nationality: Chicago born and bred
Appearance: Long unkempt hair and a survivalist beard
Stats: (300Karma)
Body: 4
Agility: 4
Reaction: 4
Strength: 3
Charisma: 2
Intuition: 4
Logic: 3
Willpower: 4
Edge: 3
Initiative: 10
IP: 1
Essence: 6
Qualities: (0Karma)
Latent Technomancer
SURGE II (Vomeronasal Organ, Ogre Stomach, Keen-Eared; Symbiosis)
Computer Illiterate
Skills: (262Karma)
Outdoors (group): 4
Athletics (group): 3
Stealth (group): 2
Long Arms (Spec. Sports Rifles): 5
Perception (Spec. Visual): 3
Dodge: 3
Blades (Spec. Knives): 3
Armourer (Spec. Firearms): 2
First Aid (Spec. Combat Wounds): 3
Unarmed: 2
Escape Artist: 2
Chicago Safe Havens: 4
Chicago Streets: 2
Chicago Black Market: 2
Chicago Barter Methods: 2
Chicago Ecology: 3
Gear: (12Karma)(30000¥)
Permanent Advanced Lifestyle: Squatter with Street Entertainment and Security (24,000¥)
Knife (20¥)
Remington 950 Sports Rifle (675¥)
Modified: Firing Selection Change (SS to SA) (300¥)
Extreme Environment Mod (Dusty) (100¥)
Weapon Sling (10¥)
Shock Pad (50¥)
Camouflage Ghillie Shroud (100¥)
Ammo 250 Rounds (500¥)
Survival Kit (100¥)
Rating 3 Medkit (300¥)
Rating 6 Respirator (150¥)
3 Rating 6 Stim Patches (450¥)
Trauma Patch (500¥)
19 Water Purification Tablets (95¥)
Desert Survival Kit (200¥)
Smart Goggles Rating 3 (150¥) (non-wireless)
Modified: Low Lite (100¥)
Thermograph (100¥)
Flare Compensation (50¥)
Ghillie Suit (500¥)
Victory Globetrotter Camouflage Jumpsuit (5/3) (750¥)
Modified: Rating 2 Chemical Protection (500¥)
Rating 2 Insulation (300¥)
Contacts: (26Karma)
Chicago Southside Survivalist Communities
Group Contact (Loyalty 3 Connection 1(2) (+1 for Membership)
Calumet Harbour Black Market Smuggler (Loyalty 1, Connection 4)
Leader at Southside Orphanage (Loyalty 2, Connection 1)
On a different note, I'm loving all the stories people are coming up with!
Mar 21 2011, 03:48 PM
QUOTE (mister__joshua @ Mar 21 2011, 10:27 AM)

Ok, I've re-done my character for 600 Karmagen
On a different note, I'm loving all the stories people are coming up with!

Nice -- if we both end up in the game, we'll have 2 characters with Outdoorsman and survival. That's a good thing, especially since the characters are very different in other regards.
Here's a semi-finished version of Bullseye.
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Teddy Rose (Bullseye)
RACE: Human
CONCEPT: Throwing Adept
Body: 4
Agility: 4
Reaction: 4
Strength: 5
Charisma: 1
Intuition: 3
Logic: 2
Willpower: 3
Phys Init[P] 7[8]
Passes 1[2]
Magic: 5
Walk/Run 10/25
Phys Boxes 10
Stun Boxes 10
4 + Armor
Body (4) + Cyber/Bio (0) + Dmg.Rst. (0)
Camouflage Suit
Bal/Impact 8/6 [8]
Mods Radiation Shielding (1-6) 3
Type None
OS Type
Athletics (Group) 3
Unarmed Combat 5
Pistols 2
Outdoors (Group) 5
Infiltration 4
Perception 5
Dodge 4
Throwing Weapons 4
Hangouts (Safehouses) 4
Navigation (Containment Zone) 4
Gangs (Containment Zone) 5
Gambling 3
Trade Goods (Containment Zone) 4
English N
Race Qualities
Standard Qualities
Class III Surge 30
Arcane Arrester 50
Low Light Vision 10
Outdoorsman 20
Allergy (Common, Moderate) -30
Illiterate -20
Uneducated -40
POWERS Uninitiated
Adept Powers:
Critical Strike 5
Improved Reflexes I
Killing Hands
Missile Mastery 1
Power Throw 3
Brother, Gang Leader (Loy. 5 Con. 3)
Smuggler (Loy. 2 Con. 2)
GEAR 390¥
Low for 2 months.
16 x Explosive Rounds
2 x Gas Grenade
2 x Smoke Grenade
2 x Fragmentation Grenade
Sleeping Bag
Survival Kit
Butt Pack
Smart Canteen 1 liter
Quick-Draw Holser
Name Unarmed
Reach 0
Ap 0
DV 8(S/P)
Ranged Weapons
Name Throwing Knife
Type Throwing
Armor Piercing 0
Damage Value 7P
Recoil Comp 0
Short Range 0 - 11
Medium Range 12 - 22
Long Range 23 - 33
Extended 34 - 55
Concealability -2
Ammo ()
Name Colt Manhunter
Type Heavy Pistol
Mode SA
Armor Piercing -1
Damage Value 5P
Recoil Comp 0
Short Range 0 - 5
Medium Range 6 - 20
Long Range 21 - 40
Extended 41 - 60
Concealability 0
Ammo 16©
Mar 21 2011, 06:14 PM
QUOTE (mister__joshua @ Mar 21 2011, 10:27 AM)

On a different note, I'm loving all the stories people are coming up with!

I agree! So far so good everyone! It's going to be tough, but luckily I didn't get flooded with like twenty people. I guess a lower powered Chicago game scares some people off. Wonder why?

Edit: For spelling errors.
Mar 21 2011, 08:44 PM
I've been following this thread and it sounds interesting. Here's my proposed character:
BlanksThe fan on the desk reminds him of how he ended up here. He stands frozen remembering his fall from the DocWagon HTR helicopter as the bug spirit tore into it. He hit the roof hard and watched the chopper tumble past him dragging him towards the edge of the roof. Only his fast reactions and the quick release on the rapelling harness prevented him from following it 20 stories to the ground.
He snaps back to reality, pushing the memory from five years ago into the back of his mind. The ganger is talking to him. One of his buddies is hurt and he has some gel rounds and medical supplies to trade if he can fix him up. His cyebereyes blink behind the protective covers that go with his name. He reaches for his medkit. There is a patient to treat.
[ Spoiler ]
600 karma build
Body: 4
Agility: 4[5]
Reaction: 4[5]
Strength: 3[4]
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 3
Logic: 4
Willpower: 4
Phys Init 7[8]
Passes 1
Essence: 3.615
Biotech (Group) 4
Influence (Group) 3
Outdoors (Group) 3
Climbing 3
Clubs (Batons) 3 (+2)
Dodge (Ranged) 3 (+2)
Infiltration 3
Perception 3
Pilot Aircraft (Helicopters) 2 (+2)
Pilot Ground Craft (Cars) 2 (+2)
Pistols (Semi-automatics) 4 (+2)
Running 2
Unarmed Combat (Subduing) 4 (+2)
Knowledge skills
Corp (Renraku) 3
Regional (Chicago) 4
Biology 4
Parazoology 3
Hangouts (Safehouses) 4
Wines 2
English N
Japanese 4
Biocompatibility (Cyberware) 20
Tough as Nails (1) 20
Pacifist -10
SINner (Standard) -10
Addiction (Mild, Cram) -10
Flashbacks - (Uncommon, trigger: sounds similar to helicopter blades) -10
Dermal Plating Rating 1
Muscle Replacement 1
Internal Air Tank
Reaction Enhancer 1
Cybereyes Rating 2
- Low-Light Vision
- Thermographic Vision
- Flare Compensation
- Protective Covers
- Vision Enhancement 1
- Image Link/Recorder
Hardliner gloves
AZ-150 stun baton
Browning Ultra Power
60 x Gel Rounds
60 x Regular Ammo
30 x Hollow Point Rounds
Standard Rope 100m
10 x Pepper Punch
20 x Cram
Earbuds R3
Medkit R6
2 x Medkit Supplies
3 x Antidote Patch
4 x Stimulant Patch R3
4 x Tranq Patch R3
Trauma Patch
2 x Plasteel restraints
Survival Kit
Climbing Gear
Respirator R3
Butt Pack
Quick-Draw Holser
Pawn Broker (L1 C2)
Street Vendor (L1 C1)
Mar 21 2011, 09:09 PM
Still messing around with what I want for numbers, but here's my concept for consideration:
Melanie (Mel)How long had she been here? The days stretched out into time she could barely comprehend. But she didn't need to comprehend, she only needed to survive. That's what the old woman had taught her. Be the hunter or the hunted, the predator or the prey, these were the choices that mattered in this place. And so she honed the instincts that brought her to this place, an experiment gone horribly wrong, or horribly right depending on who you asked.
Her mind wandered back to the stark white, glimpses of her past.
They had poked and prodded, laughed at the little girl she was, taken pleasure in her reactions to the pain. But they had learned fear. Stabbed her one too many times. Her world went from white to red in an instant. The air was filled with screams, their terror only fueled her lust for vengeance.Movement out of the corner of her eye snaps her mind back from its reverie. It was bigger than normal. They would eat well tonight. Her muscles tense in anticipation. As it passes by she drops from her hiding place and the battle is over before it's even begun. No need to needlessly waste energy. She backs off, knowing she need only follow her prey until the venom works its grim magic.
Melanie is or rather, was, a genetic experiment. Eventually the testing and teasing caused something to snap and she wounded or killed most of the staff, allowing her to escape out into the Chicago CZ. There she's been living with an older woman, who took her in despite the girl's anti-social, nearly feral, nature. As she's grown, Mel has made a few friends, people she's grown to trust, and who she looks after in her own way.
Basic skills: Infiltration/Close Combat/Survival
Assuming I get picked, I'd like to know what kind of dicepools you're aiming for, and have a couple questions about some qualities I'm mulling over

. (Definitely looking at surge and some of the genetic options to cover background, but I don't want to go overboard.)
Mar 22 2011, 12:11 AM
How many character subs have there been now? Can't you take em all and run a big game, or run 2 separate smaller ones with some cross-over? I'd just hate to see some of these characters not get played
Mar 22 2011, 05:01 PM
QUOTE (mister__joshua @ Mar 21 2011, 08:11 PM)

How many character subs have there been now? Can't you take em all and run a big game, or run 2 separate smaller ones with some cross-over? I'd just hate to see some of these characters not get played

I would have no issue with a second game, except that I don't have the time to run it. If someone wanted to GM a second game that ran alongside it and collaborate between the two of us, thing could get really interesting. As for right now the four that I think will fit into the ideas I've got tossing around are:
Now if someone wants to GM a game alongside mine, and wants different PCs, then things may change. As for now, everyone else is still in reserves though, and rescruitment is always open.
Mar 22 2011, 06:08 PM
Woohoo, I made the cut! Any idea when you'll start the game?
Mar 22 2011, 06:22 PM
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Mar 22 2011, 02:08 PM)

Woohoo, I made the cut! Any idea when you'll start the game?
I'm hoping by this weekend, if everyones characters are ready and posted with a 600 karma build. And grats Chummer! Welcome to hell!

err... Chicago. Yeah... Chicago.
But if I get a GM for a double game, it might be later, depending on how fast we work together.
Mar 23 2011, 12:02 AM
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