Mar 29 2011, 02:24 AM
OK, here's what my quenstion relates to:
Sidebar, Game Rules; P. 160, Attitude
Armor: Most clothing does not come with any ballistic or impact protection, but new techniques allow for some protection. Carbon-boron infusion, Kevlar threading, and Delta-amyloid coatings are available. (Layered protection rules still apply). These modifications can be added to regular clothing or to armor clothing (p. 326, SR4A)
If a DEV wants to chime in it would silence debate, but if they don't reply, I will take suggestions.
Here's the question:
Did they mean "Armor Clothing" as in the B:4/I:0 item specifically, or the entire category listed as "Armor Clothing" as opposed to suits of armor. Or is there a happy medium like applying to the "designer" armored clothing in Arsenal?
JM Hardy
Mar 29 2011, 02:52 AM
QUOTE (Kerenshara @ Mar 28 2011, 09:24 PM)
OK, here's what my quenstion relates to:
Sidebar, Game Rules; P. 160, Attitude
Armor: Most clothing does not come with any ballistic or impact protection, but new techniques allow for some protection. Carbon-boron infusion, Kevlar threading, and Delta-amyloid coatings are available. (Layered protection rules still apply). These modifications can be added to regular clothing or to armor clothing (p. 326, SR4A)
If a DEV wants to chime in it would silence debate, but if they don't reply, I will take suggestions.
Here's the question:
Did they mean "Armor Clothing" as in the B:4/I:0 item specifically, or the entire category listed as "Armor Clothing" as opposed to suits of armor. Or is there a happy medium like applying to the "designer" armored clothing in Arsenal?
The happy medium.
Jason H.
Mar 29 2011, 03:06 AM
QUOTE (JM Hardy @ Mar 28 2011, 09:52 PM)
The happy medium.
Jason H.
You don't get much more official than that. Thank you!
I especially like how that further emphasizes "going light but fashionable" in the high-price items out of Arsenal.
Mar 29 2011, 03:09 AM
Oh, durn. I should have added:
The three treatments are mutually exclusive, right? Do they count as "ratings" or "options" for limits on armor modifications?
JM Hardy
Mar 29 2011, 04:29 AM
QUOTE (Kerenshara @ Mar 28 2011, 10:09 PM)
Oh, durn. I should have added:
The three treatments are mutually exclusive, right? Do they count as "ratings" or "options" for limits on armor modifications?
Yep, they're mutually exclusive. They would count as ratings for purposes of limits.
Jason H.
Mar 29 2011, 10:21 AM
JM Hardy,
Hey I tried to send you a PM asking about Olfactory Boosters and Vomeronasal Organ, but you never got back to me. I know you're busy, but I didn't get ANYTHING back from you. Not even a "I'm busy go away." message.
So I'll ask the question here: In Runner's Companion, Vomeronasal Organ does not have anything that says that it is incompatible with Olfactory Booster. Can you have both and use the Booster to remove the penalties by kicking in the override?
JM Hardy
Mar 30 2011, 02:09 AM
QUOTE (KCKitsune @ Mar 29 2011, 05:21 AM)
JM Hardy,
Hey I tried to send you a PM asking about Olfactory Boosters and Vomeronasal Organ, but you never got back to me. I know you're busy, but I didn't get ANYTHING back from you. Not even a "I'm busy go away." message.
So I'll ask the question here: In Runner's Companion, Vomeronasal Organ does not have anything that says that it is incompatible with Olfactory Booster. Can you have both and use the Booster to remove the penalties by kicking in the override?
Sorry for the delay in answering. Here's how I read it--there's nothing to prevent you from having both a Vomeronasal Organ and an Olfactory Booster. The Booster could remove the penalties for intense smells, but it should also remove the bonuses--that is, you can't say that you're not letting enough smell through to suffer the penalty while claiming you're getting enough odor through to gain benefits to Perception and social interactions.
Also, the text does not give me any reason to prevent the bonuses from the two from stacking.
Jason H.
Jun 8 2011, 02:15 PM
QUOTE (Kerenshara @ Mar 28 2011, 11:06 PM)
You don't get much more official than that. Thank you!
I especially like how that further emphasizes "going light but fashionable" in the high-price items out of Arsenal.
Official, yet amazingly non-specific.
I mean, an Armored Jacket could be considered "armored clothing".
Jun 8 2011, 02:21 PM
No, the question was, 'applies just to the designer armor clothing?', and the answer was 'yes'.
Jun 8 2011, 02:34 PM
Ok, to expand the question then, the thing I thought when I read those rules was Can you add more than 1 to a piece of clothing? It doesn't say you can't, and the techniques all seem different (one is lining, one is a coating etc).
Jun 8 2011, 02:39 PM
I read that as the treatments are mutually exclusive. As in, only one can be applied.
Jun 8 2011, 07:05 PM
JM Hardy said exactly that above, so I think we can take that as official as well.
Jun 8 2011, 10:56 PM
Haha. I honestly have no idea how i missed that! Apologies
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