Crimson Jack
Mar 25 2004, 11:15 AM
This would be conjecture, but what direction do you see the SR world going through next? We've seen SURGE and new metavariants introduced. A smattering of new spells and metamagic. Do you forsee anything interesting happening to the magic of the sixth age in the years to come? Possible storylines that might come back into play that are eluded to in previous SR game modules?
Mar 26 2004, 12:02 AM
I'm just amazed (and happy) they haven't delved into the whole boomers and hardsuits realm yet.
Mar 26 2004, 12:06 AM
Hopefully no more Anime themes...
I would expect that space is the next step. Perhaps a colony on the moon or Mars. The tech is already so advanced it is going to be hard for them to improve the current tech but it's possible. I would like to see another Cannon Companion and Man & Machine book as well.
Mar 26 2004, 12:15 AM
hmm how about colones on the floor of the ocean near an underwater vent...
(don't remember if that has already happened to any degree or radian)
prehaps another try at a sealed biosphere
neat topic
Mar 26 2004, 12:16 AM
I am a bit concerned that we're going to get into the realm of 'lasers for everybody!'.
In Canon Companion, there's already a laser pistol thats sorta like the lasergun (in my opinion) Governor Terminator used in "The 6th day". A pistol with a clip-like powerpack. And laser costs have dropped significantly since their debut in Street Sam Catalog.
Mar 26 2004, 12:41 AM
Shadow: Ares already has a station on the moon.
xizor: There are already two underwater colonies, one is Proteus, but I don't recall who the other is made by.
Crimson Jack
Mar 26 2004, 12:48 AM
A world event wouldn't be out of the question either. I could see something happening to the Native American nations possibly. Nations being annexed or corps trying to get too greedy and causing some more Great Ghost Dance style fallout. The native american theme isn't really touched upon any more too often. It's almost ignored... unless there's something going on in the extended novels.
Mar 26 2004, 12:57 AM
The last book I read, I forgot the title, had a couple of serious border wars going on between the natives in Canada and the US. It was the book about the super genetic clones, and the girl had MBW 3.
Crimson Jack
Mar 26 2004, 01:01 AM
I know this topic has been talked about before, but it just seems like the Native Americans wouldn't be able to keep all that land forever.
Mar 26 2004, 01:02 AM
Well as long as they are unified they can....
Sound familiar?
Mar 26 2004, 01:12 AM
Break out the blankets infected with small pox.
A Clockwork Lime
Mar 26 2004, 01:20 AM
The only reason they were able to secure the land in the first place is because they had magic on their side, which at the time was completely new to the vast majority of the world. But that's changed since then, and it's a lot easier to defend against magic (there's no drain associated with Spell Defense, Reflecting, or Shielding) than it is to cast it, and hermetic elementals can be summoned well beforehand, with much more dedication and focus, than nature spirits to escort vehicles into hostile areas.
Sure, elementals may not have all the cool powers nature spirits do, but their superior physical combat abilities and especially if accompanied by watcher spirits (for either superior numbers or to counter shamanic watchers) can thrash any nature spirits they come into contact with... and they'll stick around for several days at a time, unlike nature spirits which have at most a 24 hour lifespan before their shamanics have to risk injury again to set up their defenses.
And considering the way the Amerinds have been treating Caucasians (which is exactly the way they were treated themselves), they shouldn't act all smug and ethically superior when the UCAS and other countries they've pissed off come marching home.
Mar 26 2004, 01:28 AM
More undersa and moon colonies, and a return to Mars. Assuming, of course, that corps and/or nations haven't already sent more people to mars and just not made it public. The timeline, and Dunkelzahn's will, both suggest that the US might have found evidence of an alien civilization on Mars. Also, I see the threat of the horros being publicized, and small incursions into Earth by them begining. The first generation of baby dragons whose eggs were lain after the awakening should be hatching soon. Magic will get more powerful over the next few decades, probably becoming able to do things it couldn't do at all before, like affect space-time. Cyberware and bioware will become cheaper, and the markup factor for alpha beta delta and cultured ware will decrease. Genetic engineering and nanoware will also become more common and have wider applications. There will be an increasing resentment towards corporations, and a growing movement worldwide to reduce their power and return to the old order in which nations had soveirgnty and corps didn't. Sentient non-metahumnas such as shapeshifters will rise up and form a nation of their own, unless existing governments grant them human rights in the near future. A larger portion of the population will be awakened. Cybermancy will get good enough that cyberzombies are worth the cost in some cases, though cybermancy will still have the same mental and spiritual side effects, and therefore be a really bad thing to have done to you. Finally, and maybe this is just wishful thinking, but I see some of North America rejoining the UCAS by 2100.
Crimson Jack
Mar 26 2004, 01:53 AM
CAS/UCAS merger? Hmmm...
Mar 26 2004, 01:56 AM
I also think there may be a shake up with the NAN down the line. When they came to power, they had the benefit of a unified cause and specific focus. Since they've split into their individual states, they seem to be conducting themselves independently, and in some ways, just as bad as the big business/big government system before them. They don't all get along with each other, and in some cases seem actively opposed. I don't think its likely they'd ever completely lose their hold, but I could see erosion of their control, or even further splintering of the existing NA nations into even smaller states.
Mar 26 2004, 02:25 AM
Rather than more future, i'd like to know about the PAST... like when The Big 'D', The Laughing Man, and co. are all talking, exactly what are they talking about? Yes, i know about Ancient History's website and it's really really good and informative, but i could use some full, specific, straight-from-the-dragon's-mouth, details. That includes Dunkelzahn's death, too.
Mar 26 2004, 02:33 AM
straight-from-the-dragon's-mouth, details. That includes Dunkelzahn's death, too. |
Good luck chummer
Mar 26 2004, 02:33 AM
One more thing. Mixing magic and technology in general will become more feasible. We'll see more mages with a little bit of ware, and it will become easier to use spells like increase cybered attribute, and heal/treat on people with lots of ware. Object resistance will decrease, making it easier, for instance, to powerbolt drones. I think we'll also see more kinds of enchanted items, including ones that can be used by mundanes. Also, I think there will be a wider range of things that enchanting can do, so magical items will have more than just a focus type and force. There will be more specific abilities, such as enchanted items that permanently have a sustained spell in them that doesn't have to be recast when the item is removed. I don't expect to see ultrapower items that can do anything like in D&D, but I do think magic will become more accessible. I do not expect to see mass production of magic items, however.
Mar 26 2004, 02:40 AM
QUOTE (sidartha) |
Good luck chummer |
I know, I know. But it would be nice.
ANYhoo, maybe they'll even out hermetics and shamans. Because is it just me, or are hermetics getting the shaft? Libraries vs. lodges, summoning, etc.
Mar 26 2004, 02:42 AM
As far as world shakeing events going down, I'd perfer to see the inevitable showdown that's going to crop up between the Peublo Corporate Council, the CAS, and Ghostwalker against Aztlan.
We've all seen the set up coming for a while now, and when the war does eventually break out. I pretty much see Aztlan getting hammered from all sides. The Trifecta of the PCC, CAS, and GW swooping down from the north, and Amazonia taking full advantage of that fact and slashing up from the south.
Aztlan seems to have this amazing ability to piss of the rest of the world to the point where they beat the Azzies to a pulp. Then the Azzies start building up again and the whole cycle repeats.
I'd alos like to see more stuff happening with Saito and his little mini country....and what the heck is with Tibet anyway? I wanna know how they got that uber ward!
Kanada Ten
Mar 26 2004, 02:43 AM
Because is it just me, or are hermetics getting the shaft? |
Hermetics make out like bandits. You can steal libraries. Elementals are flexible and multitasking. I've been playing 10+ years and have to say they are equal. Hoguans and Wu-Jen seem pretty good, too.
Mar 26 2004, 02:46 AM
QUOTE (Kanada Ten) |
Hermetics make out like bandits. You can steal libraries. |
You can, but when you need a fairly high-level library, anyone who has one with the kickass force isn't going to just let you have it. He (or she) is going to know higher-force magic than you and isn't going to take kindly to library poachers.
Kanada Ten
Mar 26 2004, 02:47 AM
Bah, this is as pointless as the Adept vs Sammy debate.
A Clockwork Lime
Mar 26 2004, 03:16 AM
QUOTE (Smiley @ Mar 25 2004, 08:46 PM) |
QUOTE (Kanada Ten @ Mar 25 2004, 09:43 PM) | Hermetics make out like bandits. You can steal libraries. |
You can, but when you need a fairly high-level library, anyone who has one with the kickass force isn't going to just let you have it. He (or she) is going to know higher-force magic than you and isn't going to take kindly to library poachers.
And yet it only takes one good Samaritan to steal/acquire/buy an extremely high rating Hermetic Library and post it on the Matrix for anyone to download.
How they manage to keep such obscene costs up for hermetic libraries is beyond me. If anything, Shamanic Lodges should be the expensive one considering how 1) they don't have to pay for summoning materials and 2) Shamanic Lodges often require physical components not necessarily common in all areas. A digital hermetic library just needs a couple OMCs and a data reader.
Mar 26 2004, 03:26 AM
Data dragons. What can i say.
Mar 26 2004, 04:09 AM
Clockwork Lime, because by SR canon, copyright encryption on datatisks is literally unbreakable. They are physically impossible to copy. Therefore no piracy. Goofy, but canon.
Ancient History
Mar 26 2004, 04:17 AM
BitBasher: where do you see that? I dinnae recall that ever being written down anywhere.
Mar 26 2004, 04:21 AM
QUOTE (Shadow) |
The last book I read, I forgot the title, had a couple of serious border wars going on between the natives in Canada and the US. It was the book about the super genetic clones, and the girl had MBW 3. |
That'd be 'Tails You Lose' by Lisa Smedman if memory serves.
Kanada Ten
Mar 26 2004, 04:26 AM
QUOTE (BitBasher @ Mar 25 2004, 10:09 PM) |
Clockwork Lime, because by SR canon, copyright encryption on datatisks is literally unbreakable. They are physically impossible to copy. Therefore no piracy. Goofy, but canon. |
Actually, SotA:63 has rules for Cracking just such a code, further expanded by SSG and its rules for Counterfeiting.
Besides, one could steal the data from the publisher directly. It hasn't been done becuase they're waiting for the PC's to do it / those who have don't see a reason to share / ect.
Mar 26 2004, 04:28 AM
Clockwork's got a point, in that data in SR is insanely expensive. this is mainly because the groundwork for the rules was laid out in the late eighties, when the impact of widespread, near-instantaneous data transfer hadn't become wholly apparent to the world at large--that is, most people didn't understand the huge financial implications inherent in the ability to share files on a worldwide scale.
ruleswise, i think that most copyable data--programs, spell formulae, etc.--should be obtainable through datasearches. it might take lots of time to find them, and you're likely to get bad data, but it should be doable.
Mar 26 2004, 04:29 AM
QUOTE (Smiley) |
Data dragons. What can i say. |
Already got one of those too
(DotSW I forget his name,)
Also after the Azzies go down hard because:
Aztlan seems to have this amazing ability to piss of the rest of the world |
and if the threat of the Horrors sees the light of day then you know everyone will support a war to stop blood magic.
But as I've said before I still think India is a SR black hole and wouldn't be the least suprised if that Martian civilization comes boiling out of there in the near future.
I'm gonna go hide now
Mar 26 2004, 05:13 PM
I imagine most of the future developments will be political in nature with some twists. A large scale war ala Eurowars is definitely in the cards for North America. Tsimshian vs Salish. Civil war in Algonkian. War for California etc.
Even more interesting would be a political revitalization in the third world nations. Peace in Africa would be a miracle.
Mar 26 2004, 05:39 PM
Well heck I could be wrong then, but I would have bet vital parts of my anatomy that I had read that in, I think Shadowbeat. I have had that in my brain for a very, very long time.
If that's not correct that I'd like to hear a real good reason why there is zero piracy or mention thereof in this context in SR.
A Clockwork Lime
Mar 26 2004, 06:05 PM
QUOTE (BitBasher @ Mar 25 2004, 10:09 PM) |
Clockwork Lime, because by SR canon, copyright encryption on datatisks is literally unbreakable. They are physically impossible to copy. Therefore no piracy. Goofy, but canon. |
What others said, plus how hard is it to hack a Data Reader or install a utility on one so that it "prints" to a document file instead of a printer -- you know, like Adobe Acrobat.
Unlike programs, the output is all you need for hermetic libraries.
As for there being limited mention of piracy in SR cannon (aside from things like the Software Pirate contacts in Matrix), it's largely due to an intentional or accidental ignorance on the design team side. It's easier to ignore it than completely revamp the rules.
phelious fogg
Mar 26 2004, 06:10 PM
Not to mention Information is MONEY.... therefore sharing isnt a big idea. Its grab as much as you can for yourself and give it away only when need be.
Mar 26 2004, 06:13 PM
Like i said... Data dragon. Hoard it all for yourself.
Mar 26 2004, 06:13 PM
More AI.
Moonstone Spider
Mar 26 2004, 06:19 PM
I don't know about what's likely but what I'd like to see:
Mental Adepts appear, probably as a retcon replacement for Psionicists, who suck hugely.
I agree that magic needs some balance. A houngan is basically a Shaman with two additional powers, raising zombies and self-possession.
Lots more playable races. Seriously, why shouldn't there be canon rules for playing the other HMHVV infecteds, or Insect Shamans, or Free Spirits, or even Grande Zombies? All those things are a part of the SR universe and any one of those could potentially be shadowrunners.
I agree that magic's going to become more common. Everything in SR seems to point to that. Probably not high fantasy level but a few of the things hinted in Dunkelzahn's will (Such as a foci that mundanes can use) would be nice.
Mar 26 2004, 06:29 PM
QUOTE (Moonstone Spider) |
...Insect Shamans, or Free Spirits, or even Grande Zombies? All those things are a part of the SR universe and any one of those could potentially be shadowrunners |
I doubt we're going to see and mantis shamans meeting with Mr. J.
Mar 26 2004, 06:42 PM
QUOTE (sidartha) |
Also after the Azzies go down hard because:
QUOTE | Aztlan seems to have this amazing ability to piss of the rest of the world |
and if the threat of the Horrors sees the light of day then you know everyone will support a war to stop blood magic. |
I don't even think you need the Horrors to have a whole bunch of countries go after Aztlan. Amazonia has hated the Big A since day one, same with the CAS due to the whole Texas deal.
Aztlan has already made it clear that they fully intend to take back their chunk of Denver, and the most direct way to do so is to take that one highway straight though the PCC. The Peublo and the CAS already have a mutual defence pact when it comes to attacks from Aztlan, and if Aztlan wasnt's to go after Ghostwalker when they try to take their sector back, he won't gop quietly. Add the fact that the Souix Nation has the back of any NAN country threatened by outsiders and you got one hell of an explosive situation. So picture the scenario...
Aztlan swarms across the border of the PCC to take back Denver. Right away the CAS honors its' mutual defence pact and attacks Aztlan full force. The Aztlan navy gets ravaged by the CAS submarine and standard fleet, while the ground forces hit the advancing Azzie collum from one side while the PCC hits it from the other. Meanwhile the Texas Rangers, backed up by another CAS army rolls across the Texas/Aztlan border.
The Souix immediatly comes to the aid of the PCC, with their Wildcats hitting Azzie supply depots and supply lines with abandon. Amazonia sees this kind of Chaos going on, and decides to take adbvantage of Aztlan's northern problems and launches a major attack across its Southren Border. Meanwhile the Yucatan Rebels take advantage of the confusion and start raising hell again. Aztlan would be in deep dreck at that point, and might try some kind of Uber Magic Ritual to push the invaders back. But the fact is you got a nice continuity shaking event right there, and one that LOADS of Shadowruns could revolve around.
Sounds like fun to me.
Mar 27 2004, 01:11 AM
Every thing you have said is true but I meant was that the Horrors could get uninvolved parties to aid the CAS/CO along with most great dragons, they know the score.
Herald of Verjigorm
Mar 27 2004, 01:17 AM
Every year, distant conjuring grows slightly easier.
During the height of Aztechnology's interest in questionable magic, many learned some interesting rituals.
Since Aztechnology changed its focus, those who learned no longer have a unified location, and are diffusing across the world.
Looks like everything is going according to plan.
Capt. Dave
Mar 27 2004, 02:33 AM
QUOTE (Moonstone Spider) |
Mental Adepts appear, probably as a retcon replacement for Psionicists, who suck hugely.
Sorry to go off topic, but I'm glad someone else feels that way.
Back on topic, Deus isn't gone, and while he may have just wanted freedom, who really knows? I, for one, wouldn't mind another appearance of the Uber-AI. I absolutely loved reading RAS. I'd like to know what his plans are now.