QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Jun 1 2011, 10:07 PM)


Oh, they will...
And they did...
The fight is finally over, after two full sessions spent with ONLY this fight. Due to my poor tactical skills, and the strange car damage rules, the team was hardly injured at all, and the enemy team was basically knocked out with one blast.
What happened was this:
Our guys:
Sammie: Big Mama, an african american ex-prostitute single mom turned runner boasting a fat loadout of weapons, but not nearly cheesed dice pools.
Tech guy: a minor surged adept, does electronics and explosives and some recon drones
Mage: classic shaman, I think, with good stats
redundant guy: sniper/sammie mysad, GMPC currently.
The J had arranged a meeting with both runner teams at an out-of-town megamall carpark, on the sunday morning following the raid into zombieland. He had strapped the case with the money for the teams onto a roto-drone and had it approach the teams. At the same time he got had a team of four grunts and the Zombiedrone onto the carpark opposite the road from where the runners were waiting for him. I wanted him to be a bit arrogant, so I put him with his MBW bodyguard into a limo that followed the van with the Zombiedrone.
I had planned for the Opfor hacker to hack into the drone and direct it towards his team, which he did, but then the team shot the case off the drone with a called shot, and dropped a spirit on it to retrieve it. The Zombiedrone exploded from the van and opened up on the spirit with it's LMG, but I rolled badly. The Opfor Sammie, however, chewed the spirit up some with a full-auto wide burst, but didn't manage to kill it.
The spirit grabbed the case and lugged it over to the runners. There was some ineffectual exchange of fire between the enemy sam and our generalist sam. Due to some rolling luck, our sam managed to dodge without full-dodging, and the other had to full-dodge during two IPs, perhaps because the zombiedrone also shot at him.
The J's grunts meanwhile looked on. The Opfor team's SUV with the hacker, the mage, and the face inside meanwhile charged towards the runners and the spirit, but I mucked up badly, and never used its gun, nor did the enemy mage cast effectively from inside. In IP2 he tried to PB the spirit who was already injured, but failed. As the SUV approached in IP3, our field tech guy threw a detpack on the ground in front of it, and even though the vehicle did an emergency brake, it stopped right on top of the explosive. (I rolled that, using slight house-rules concerning movement/acceleration for tactical movement. The RAW just sucks.) The tech guy detonated using det-cord, so the whole thing went boom in an instant. The car took a reflected explosion, which was effectively tamped, to deal 18P damage. And due to the rules, everyone in the car also took those 18P.
The Opfor face, who had been destined to die anyway, died without me rolling. The Mage got 11 boxes, and was basically out of the fight, the hacker got 8 or so boxes. The car also took 11 or so boxes of damage.
Now our Mage mucked up, that was before Magicrun started: He decided that since they had the case, they should now run away. And he did not stunbolt the zombiedrone, but rather only moved. And of course, at that point the Zombiedrone fired a full-auto wide burst at the tech guy, who was also holding the case with the money by now. He took something like 8 boxes, putting him just before being downed.
Luckily, in the next IP, our sammie fired a full-auto narrow burst with a sub-gun at the Opfor sam, and got something like 13 or more successes with edge. The Opfor sam went instantly into overdamage and dropped. The Opfor runners then basically surrendered, there was a brief exchange of communication and they opened fire on the J's grunts. (The J had been spotted in the limo by my GMPC, who was hiding basically right next to them.) The GMPC did the only useful thing of the evening and nailed the limo with two rounds of APDS, and from then on only missed.
And THEN Magicrun started. There were a lot of bullets being fired on all sides, which basically did quite little, with the exception of that one-hit-kill by our sammie. And then the Mage started stunbolting, and dropped one guy every IP. He first dropped the Zombiedrone. The bodyguard finally showed and put the GMPC into dodge-lock, and was promptly first grenaded by our sammie, which did very little, and then stunbolted. One of the grunts was shot at about 5 times before he went down, another was stunbolted, and the final two ran away.
The fight ended then, with the remaining challenge being an unconscious highly infectious zombie in an envirosealed suit, and it took me a lot of hints until they finally decided to NOT pry open his visor and head-shot him, but rather wrap det-cord around his neck and blow his head off. (I had previously established that being infected by that zombie disease variant would basically take them out, with only one roll to save themselves.)
In the end, the J was kidnapped, the bodies were looted, and everyone got away before the cops got there. Two evenings, one fight, basically not enough challenge, nevertheless.