Kid Ridiculous
Aug 23 2003, 06:29 AM
Ok, umm, maybe I'm overlooking something here, but why is there an essence cost for peg legs? Seriously, there's no DNI, no wiring, no super invasive mechanical devices, it's a frikkin piece of wood.
"That's ole Stub, meanest sammy on the streets. He's more furniture than man..."
Aug 23 2003, 11:07 AM
the desc in M&M says that the old pegleg have minimal neural linking. not mutch but it enables the user to maybe angle the peg a bit to get better contact with the surface...
allso i sigjest not realy paying any attention to the stuff that essencecost = neural impact. its more a magic/soul thing then anything else...
Kid Ridiculous
Aug 23 2003, 06:00 PM
Yeah, but people have peglegs now and they cast magic just fi...nevermind, I see your point.