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Full Version: Editable .pdf character sheets
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Gentlemen, I do most of my GMing at missions events, and I have a bit of a problem. I can print out the archetypes from SR4a and let the n00bs use those, but A: my printer often sucks, making the originally full-color pages look like crap; and B: the archetype pages are organized poorly from a character sheet perspective, lacking many necessary stats.

I've decided to type each of the archetypes into a character sheet .pdf and print them out to fix this problem, but I've run into a bit of a snag. The only sheets I've been able to find on the interwebs are either 6-8 pages long (no good for n00b), or are non-editable. So I'm calling upon the mighty powers of dumpshock.

Can anyone find or produce a 1-2 page editable .pdf character sheet? An editable version of the one on the SR4 main site would be great, if one exists.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Hey, man, I can't help you find an editable 1-2 page sheet, but if you know where a detailed and editable one is, I'd love to see that.
My favorite editable one is the short version from Falanin's second link.
It's not a .pdf, but I created my own editable character sheets in publisher by using an image of the SR4A character sheet and dropping text boxes onto it in all the appropriate places. I can send them to you if you like, though you'll have to download the appropriate Klavika Bold font for them to look right
QUOTE (Falanin @ Jun 7 2011, 07:49 PM) *

A better link for these is here: Wordman's Shadowrun Sheets. That page has links to updates made for 4th by other people.

Note that I released the InDesign sources for these a while back, for your hacking convenience.
I've been using Excel for all my NPCs and any characters I make, I find I can fit a lot onto one page.
My sheets (in my sig) are sorta editable in their .xlsx form.
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