Sir Dante
Mar 28 2004, 01:19 PM
I am hoping to cobble together some story or other. I dont have any books with me and was wondering what concrete evidence anyone might have about Knights actual age. An approximate will do if no evidence exists. I seem to remember some physical description once in a sourcebook.
Obviously he is quite old. He is human. He was in the NSA and Echo Mirage in 2028/29. That was thirty game years ago. How old was he when he joined NSA as Air Force liaison or even later when he joined Echo Mirage.
I thank you.
Mar 28 2004, 01:29 PM
according to Corp Download, he's "well into his sixth decade", but he undergoes leonization regularly. the same source says he has "the physique of a 32-year old Olympian."
Sir Dante
Mar 28 2004, 01:37 PM
that's the one !
Thank you for that. would you say that born 1993 (playing in 2060) is feasible.
Mar 28 2004, 11:25 PM
Large Mike
Mar 29 2004, 12:09 AM
Shadowbeat says that according to his own records, he was born in 1999. But celebrities alwayse make themselves younger in press releases, probably moreso if one makes themselves a whole new identity.
Shanshu Freeman
Mar 29 2004, 12:11 AM
*cough*HMHVV conspiracy*cough*
All I have to say is this: "What do we know? What do we think we know? What can we prove?" ... about DK?
Ancient History
Mar 29 2004, 12:13 AM
We know vampires can't have datajacks. 'nough said.
Mar 29 2004, 12:21 AM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
We know vampires can't have datajacks. 'nough said. |
We know vampires -typically- can't have datajacks installed post-infection,mainly because of that damn regeneration. But i was under the impression that cyber installed before infection was not expulsed?
Mar 29 2004, 12:41 AM
bah, it's a paste-on.
Mar 29 2004, 01:19 AM
Comp. pg 37
"Particularly sadistic rumor mongers occasionally suggest that un-named governments have found a way to restrict criminal shapeshifters to their human forms by implanting cyberware into their human bodies in especially damaging ways."
I always thought that was funny.
Mar 29 2004, 01:30 AM
QUOTE (mfb) |
bah, it's a paste-on. | ideas forming...
"Unearthing the Ares pasty conspiracy"
Mar 29 2004, 07:02 PM
You've got the bug thing.
What more could you want?
Shanshu Freeman
Mar 29 2004, 07:36 PM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
We know vampires can't have datajacks. 'nough said. |
What do we know? What do we think we know? What can we
considering your reputation, I'd consider you a powerful ally if I could convert you to my way of thinking.
Thanks blakkie, and mfb, you guys beat me to the punch.
Mar 30 2004, 07:55 PM
Assuming he was a Major (I remember him being called Major Galivan in some source, but I may be wrong) and assuming he joined ROTC or the Academy at the youngest possible age (17 within a few months of his birthday), went through a four year degree before his commission, spent the mandatory two years as a butterbar and two years as 1Lt, and that the Air Force brought back below the zone promos for Major, he would have been at least 30 in 2028, so 1998 is the earliest he could be born. However, he could have been a Major for a very long time (assuming he didn't get promoted, stayed active duty, and the AF had a 20 year retirement waiting for him on an "up-or-out" policy) so he might have been as old as 48 (assuming he was commissioned by 28, which is the oldest I've heard of someone being commissioned without any prior service time), which would put his b-day in 1980. If he were statistically normal, he would have been commissioned at 22-25, pinned on Major ten years later, and most like would have moved on to Echo Mirage one year after (a guess on my part), I would place him at about 34-35 in 2028, or born 1993.
So I guess 1993 is pretty accurate
Johnny the Bull
Mar 30 2004, 10:54 PM
I think it is safe to say that Knight is not statistically normal. That man had a plan. It wouldn't surprise me if he bribed, blackmailed or simply forced his way through early promotions. If anyone in USAF is going to be an exception, its him.
Mar 31 2004, 10:37 AM
Plus, when the Virus is conceived and released, Gavilan is a programmer at Acquisition Technologies, a private company.
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