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Full Version: Ghoul spike babies?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Daddy's Little Ninja
There are rumors of spike babies, before the Awakening, but these are usually dwarves or elves or hints of magic but I was researching some late 20th century vids, don’t ask why, and wonder if there was any proof, or maybe I have found some of a pre-awakening outbreak of the Krieger strain of the HMHVV.

Today people in the know; understand zombies are animated cadavers given power to move by a mage, and it is the mage who directs them what to do. With out his commands they do nothing.

The vids in question that I came across were fully of ‘zombies’ who moved without being animated by a mage and had a hunger for human flesh. They usually had dead looking with glazed over eyes. People they bit, even without killing were’ infected’ and changed into these same ‘zombies.’

I know these vids were the work of screen writers but the original idea like that sounds very much like the infected entities we now call ghouls. So when or where might this have broken out/? Would there be any government records about quelling it?

Did the creator or the earliest such vid, Romo, Romeo, Juliette, something like that ever make a statement about his source?
well, considering the surge caused by Halley's comet, i would guess that the last time the comet came around we could have seen enough of a spike for HMHVV to awaken briefly then die back out. not sure what happens to the infected if the magic goes away while their shambling about, but it would prevent new infection. there are probably other types of magic spikes we dont know about yet.

the most recent pre-UGE was in 1986, and before that in 1910. the night of the living dead film was in 1968, so that would point to a 1910 spike. as George Romero was born in 1940, that rules out the comet for personal experience. its possible if unlikely that early film may have captured a zombie spike in 1910, as there were 'zombie' movies in the 1930s.

And Romero totally ripped off 'The Black Smurfs' anyway.
if its from the smurfs, then we may be looking at 1910 France, or possibly the result of something the Germans did in the first world war. weaponized ghouls would be a frightening thing back in those days.
Weaponized Ghouls are scary in any day or age.
I see spike babies and all I can think of is Eddie Izard. Is that normal?
Christian Lafay
QUOTE (X-Kalibur @ Jun 30 2011, 06:38 PM) *
I see spike babies and all I can think of is Eddie Izard. Is that normal?

Normal? No. Acceptable? Perhaps.
This is DumpShock, is anything normal here?

We usually chase it out with pitchforks and torches, don't we?
Daddy's Little Ninja
So in theory a 1910 spike of HMHVV2 created a effect that might have lingered in legend? The earlier zombie films from the 1930's and 40's were usually the sort we are familiar with now- animated cadavers being used by 'evil wizards.' It is the later 20th century early 21st century 'zombies' that seem more ghoul like. So where might the legend have lain hidden?
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