QUOTE (Blitz66 @ Aug 3 2011, 03:33 PM)

So, drones. What kind of drones do you want to start off with, as a rookie on a budget? What do you want to get next, once you've got some resources? What are your long-term goals in acquiring and equipping your remote controlled murder team? What do you arm them with? What are the highest priority modifications, programs, etc? What modifications, programs, or tactics are complete traps to be avoided? Which choices do you make differently when you're a technomancer instead of a mundane rigger? In addition to murder, how do you set up your vehicles, your spy drones, etc, and how do you prefer to prioritize?
Hmn. I'll cover this one.
Dobermen are fantastic bang for the buck.
So are White Knights.
As is a Camera 6 with Vision Enhancement 3, thermal, flare comp.
Thats your basic Murderbot right there.
Combat Drones:
The big kitty is a Steel Lynx. As a body 4 drone, it has two weapon mounts, which means it can take a Reinforced Mount. (Arsenal, if your Gm allows upgrading like that), and up to armor 12. A nasty trick is to take a reinforced mount with a missile launcher, and mod that with an Underbarrel Weapon Mount for a large medium/heavy machine gun, which takes its ammo from the Weapon Mounts 250 round bin. (though note that uncompensated medium/heavy Mg recoil is doubled, so )
The Crimson Samurai(arsenal) works similiarly, and also is notable because it has a stock body/speed/armor ratio that lets it take a Ram Plate and never self damage when running into things.
Flying Drones:
I'm a fan of the Aztech Mixcoatl from Milspec Tech. Its like a Large rotodrone with goodies you were going to get anyway. Expensive, but worth it. You want something that can fly, and get places. I'm a fan of Dragonflies - their built in weapons may seem worthless, but its actually not too bad when you claim the +3 'friends in melee' bonus for swarming someone with them(the reason they are so expensive is the description says they come with an ultrasound sensor, and I believe its factored into the cost, but its not listed in the standard mods section, because the only way a drone can have that is as a camera accessory, and vehicle sensors are never statted out). The GTS tower is also fantastic, and is rather fast for a friggin blimp - and its also armed. The Ford Lebd-1 gets a special mention here, because it comes with a lot of goodies for its price - flight, VTOL 2(its a helichopter) a mechanical arm, and a gun all for cheap.
Infiltration drones:
Disposable drones with decent sensors that you can send to places in your stead. Unarmed, prefferably ones you don't mind losing, or that aren't a priority target because they're unarmed. Kanmushis(core book), dragonflies(arsenal), and microtapper drones(unwired). Good upgrades includes Gecko Tips, for getting odd places and sticking there, and Enhanced Sensors. These are the kind of drones you use to sneak unobtrusively into parties when you don't want to risk sending a more expensive drone, a teammate, or causing a fuss when an armed drone is discovered.
The Metahuman Bot: Having a humanoid robot to perform every day tasks for a lazy rigger is a common thing I see a lot. Most people gravitate to the Manvervant for this - but the Mister Fixit(runner's Companion) is far superior, and doesn't have the arbitrary 'can't fight' limitation. the Evo Orderly also is an amazing emergency medic in a pinch - and combo's nicely with a valkyrie module to keep people alive. Good upgrades include a Savior Medkit, and a Profession Medicine autosoft.
Goals for all drones:
1) Sensor 6.
2) Smartlinked weapons, whether its an accessory(400y and a top mount is pro) or a mod. 9 RC, including the very reasonable Body = RC(instead of ignoring RC completely) rule.
3) A Radar or Ultrasound. (non-visual means of detection for sneaky arseholes)
4) Tacnet 1, at least. A good goal is to have enough drones with enough sensors to support a rating 4 tacnet.
5) Optional: Some autosofts for autonomous operation(Targeting autosoft: Gunnery, Maneuver, Clearsight, Defense). Reality Filter is surprisingly good in Agent/Pilot payloads: +1 Response is a big deal in combat situations.
6) the More than Metahuman quality: Free Action jumping in and out is amazing, and due to how delated actions work, having the ability to interrupt other actions, and also be delayed, it can make you basically immune to dumpshock as long as you have a Free Action in reserve.
7) A protip for sensors rating and rounding: Read the arsenal Errata, or grab yourself a second printing(has it included). It massively clears up the annoying issue of recalculating the confusing process of changing a vehicles sensor loadout. Also, for sensors that have a rating of less than 6(like ultrawideband radar), sensor rating is
round up, not round
half up(which everyone knows, and assumes is the default. An average sensor rating of 5.33 will still be rounded up to 6.
8: Drones with Guns: Per the faq, Security vehicles are mostly those with guns or offensive capabilities, and thus have a Device Rating of 4 base. Cherrypicking(dragonflies, iballs, dobermen, steel lynxes to name a few) these drones can save you lots of money in standalone upgrades to Response and System, and can also run rating 4 autosofts out of the box.
Subtle Tricks: Electronics/Commlink mods in Unwired: the User
Commlink modding the drone's electronics for more Response for the pilot(or the rigger, if you plan on jumping in). Response Enhancers can boost initiiave further.
Non-standard wireless links, the accessory(unwired), can make your drones massively hard to hack: 5 hit threshold on an Electronic Warfare+scan test can be a bitch to hit. Stealth can also help, as nodes may hide from perception with Firewall+ Stealth. (what can't be seen, can't be hacked)
Directional Antennae (Unwired, i think. Arsenal if not.) are amazing bang for buck. Use them. Highlights: Signal 8 for less than a thousand nuyen.
the Underbarrel Weapon mod is a fantastic way to add cheap grenade launcher capabilities to your armed drones.
And lastly: The Party Van. no rigger is complete without a mobile base of operations that he can stash all his stuff in, drive around, and park anywhere to turn into a workshop. GM Bulldog step-vans are fantastic for this. The rover 2068 is an excellent, if pricey and not-quite-as-many-modifications allowed as the other options. the GM hermes is an EXCELLENT choice for a party van, due to having two drone bays and such a high body total, and thus modification slots. The thundercloud morgan can a make a decent battlebuggy on the cheap: all it needs is its turret to be modified to a Remote Control(its Manual standard), and uparmored.(Rating x 200 is really cheap when you do it yourself), and it suddenly becomes a really good gunbuggy for its price. An Armored Manual Control also gives the person riding in the backseat full benefit of the vehicle's armor, but its fairly costly in the mod slots.
a Protip for the Party Van: Vehicle Nanoforges are so much cheaper than stationary ones, and let you do Facility grade work(which also means Overmodding access for modifications that only need Shop level facilities to perform). At 50k nuyen, its almost worth investing for the future - the availability 20 for the non-tagged feedstock is kind of brutal, though.
Character Capabilities:
Control Rig is pretty much a must. Hotsim is excellent because the free +2 applies to rigging. Reception Enhancers(augmentation) are surprisingly good, if expensive, because they add to Sensor rolls as well as Analyze rolls for detecting intruders on your network. And good sensor rolls mean better shooting dice due to Active Targeting, Sensor Lock-on, and Information Guided Targeting/spotting(unwired). Trauma Dampers and a good biofeedback filter make you pretty much immune to hotsim rigging biofeedback - incoming damage gets reduced by armor, then by biofeedback filter, and then -1 from the damper.
the Hidden Benefit of Free Action Perception checks(adept Multitasting, technomancer Multiprocessing Echo) means Free Action perception checks, which means free action Matrix Perception checks(remember, per the Jumping In section of the core book, all rigging checks are matrix actions) means Free Action Sensor checks(sensor+perception), which means extra dice to shoot things. As free actions, so it happens in the same pass as the shot, giving you the option to boost your damage output on the cheap. (at the cost of saving your Free action to jump out of a drone via more than metahuman if its going to get destroyed)
the Gunnery skill, with the Ballistics specialization is pretty much amazing because it applies to almost everything.
Now open for specific rquestions involving rigging, vehicles, and other shite.