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The Jopp
The Captain
The Captain is an individual that had a harrowing experience during the crash of 65. Being a comic geek he got stuck in an unending loop of the civil war marvel storyline while on BTL (a habit he picked up from being a changeling).

When he finally woke up he was fully changed into the belief that he had been transported to an alternative universe and that he was Captain America.

Incidentally he was also named Steve Rogers.

Since he could not get back to his universe and realized that he had become powerless (damn Stark and his ability to depower superheroes). He sold everything he owned and got the money to remake himself into who he was supposed to be.

He knows now that he is stuck in a USA that has forgotten what it used to be and it his duty to light the way while fighting corporate injustice and an oppressive government.

He might be a complete nut but with an impressive B18/I13 and virtually invisible he can close with the enemy rather quickly and then dish out some old fashioned American Justice.

BOD: 8
AGI: 8
REA: 8
STR: 8
CHA: 4
LOG: 3
INT: 3
WIL: 4
Essence: 0,03
Initiative: 12
Passes: 3

Restricted Gear (-15) [Suprathyroid Gland / Muscle Toner/ Muscle Augmentation]
Ambidexterity (-5)
Changeling I (-5)
Changeling Extra Points (+5)
Born Rich (-10)
Distinctive Style (-10) [Colourful Spandex Suit / Colourful Round Shield]
Vendetta (Hydra) (-10)
Combat Monster (-10) (Would The Captain ever give up…)

Astral Hazing (5 points go to qualities)

Occupation: Fixer
Race: Troll
Quality: Changeling [Metagenic improvement: Logic / Striking Skin Pigmentation: Green]
Name: Banner, Bruce
Trivia: Friends call him “Hulk” due to the sound he makes when being sick from too much partying

Pistols [Semi-Automatics] 1+2
Automatics [SMG’s] 1+2
Longarms [Sports Rifles] 1+2
Athletics 1
Dodge [Ranged] 1+2
Etiquette 3
Exotic Weapon [Ballistic Shield] 5
Leadership [Morale] 1+2
Stealth 1
Throwing [Shield]
Unarmed 5

Bone Density IV [Second Hand]
Muscle Augmentation IV[Second Hand]
Muscle Toner IV
Suprathyroid Gland [Second Hand]
Orthoskin III [Second Hand]
Reaction Enhancer II [Alpha]
Wired Reflexes II [Alpha]
Smartlink+Imaglink [Second Hand]

Full Fitting Body Armor [Ruthenium Cover Modification]
Full SecureTech PPS
Ballistic Returning Shield [Ballistic Shield+Boomerang]
-Personal Grip
-Custom Look [Round, Colourful, Star etc]
Hardliner Gloves [Personal Grip]
Actually, I think that shieldbashing uses the Clubs skill, per arsenal's improvised weapon's table. I might be wrong, though.

Furthermore, that shield needs weapon mods, man.
Namely: Smartlink, Pilot Upgrade, Propulsion System: Flying.
and a node script: Return to Steve after impact.

I also think he should have a hacker contact called the 'Spider' man.
The Jopp
QUOTE (Udoshi @ Aug 4 2011, 03:40 PM) *
Actually, I think that shieldbashing uses the Clubs skill, per arsenal's improvised weapon's table. I might be wrong, though.

Furthermore, that shield needs weapon mods, man.
Namely: Smartlink, Pilot Upgrade, Propulsion System: Flying.
and a node script: Return to Steve after impact.

I also think he should have a hacker contact called the 'Spider' man.

I apparently forgot to write that down. It already has Smartlink and that means it should have a pilot rating of 3 (general electronic device).

I need the following: Flying (shield) autosoft rating 3
Propulsion System Weapon Mod: Flight (have the cash for that)

I also have 9BP left for a hacker. (changeling with Gecko Hands and Spidersilk Gland)

QUOTE (The Jopp @ Aug 4 2011, 10:47 AM) *
I also have 9BP left for a hacker. (changeling with Gecko Hands and Spidersilk Gland)

I would make recruting these contacts his first missions.
Like that Norse tradition Eco-Shaman and the narcissist billionaire who flys around in a selfmade suit controlled by his pet AI.
Xahn Borealis
QUOTE (Makki @ Aug 4 2011, 03:52 PM) *
narcissist billionaire who flys around in a selfmade suit controlled by his pet AI.

[cough]Damien Knight![/cough]
So, is he trying to rebuild the broked America?
The Jopp
QUOTE (CanRay @ Aug 4 2011, 06:42 PM) *
So, is he trying to rebuild the broked America?

Essentially, yes, or at least get back the ideals that captain america follows.
The Jopp
Oh, and forget the propulsion mod, with 8 slots requirement (???) and an availability of 18 he's just gotta do it the normal Cap way, bounce it.

I'll give him a few physics and ballistics knowledge skills.
The Jopp
QUOTE (Makki @ Aug 4 2011, 03:52 PM) *
I would make recruting these contacts his first missions.
Like that Norse tradition Eco-Shaman and the narcissist billionaire who flys around in a selfmade suit controlled by his pet AI.

Ah, yes, Thor. That bloody hippie has not been the same since he found that hammer of his.

Thors Hammer
Thor, a very deranged Eco-Shaman who believes that he is actually the god of thunder is in possession of a powerful foci.

Item: Club/Hammer
Modifications: Personal Grip, Custom Look (1), Melee Hardening [Tungsten Head], Smartgun
Stacked Foci: Sustaining Foci F4 [Levitate], Weapon Foci F2, Talisman

The foci allows him to essentially levitate/fly and beat most magical beings into pulp.

Restricted Gear: Sustaining Foci
Bioware: Muscle Augmentation IV (0.8 ) / Synaptic booster II (1), Imagelink+Smartlink (0.2)
Magical Restrictions: Hammer of Thor (Talisman)
Magical Tradition: Dragonslayer Mystic Shaman
Qualities: Incompetence: (Summoning, Banishing, Binding) Mentor Spirit
QUOTE (The Jopp @ Aug 4 2011, 02:10 PM) *
Essentially, yes, or at least get back the ideals that captain america follows.
Truth, Justice, Universal Firearms Ownership, and Union Busting?

So he's working for Ares?
QUOTE (The Jopp @ Aug 4 2011, 01:40 PM) *
The foci allows him to essentially levitate/fly and beat most magical beings into pulp.

The hammer is actually a mobile, and aspected Background Count.

You see, when the plothammer comes out, it nerfs the magical crap that the god of THUNDER has come out to SMITE.

Unless he's fighting an other asgardian. Because when they fight, its as warriors, mostly undiminished by magical shenanigans. Unless you're loki.
Loki does what he does because he CHEATS! He's a trickster, and it still surprises people...

Anyhow, he's wrapped up in the chains of The Matrix, and...
QUOTE (The Jopp @ Aug 4 2011, 08:51 AM) *
Hardliner Gloves [Personal Grip]

QUOTE (The Jopp @ Aug 4 2011, 02:40 PM) *
Modifications: ..., Smartgun

Wait, what? How can gloves have "personalized grip" when they don't have a grip? And how can a melee weapon be a smartgun? These are both deeply questionable, IMO.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Aug 4 2011, 09:33 PM) *
Wait, what? How can gloves have "personalized grip" when they don't have a grip? And how can a melee weapon be a smartgun? These are both deeply questionable, IMO.

The smartgun option is for when he throws the shield. Still, might be questionable.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Aug 5 2011, 01:33 AM) *
Wait, what? How can gloves have "personalized grip" when they don't have a grip? And how can a melee weapon be a smartgun? These are both deeply questionable, IMO.

I'd allow Personalized Grip on gloves, just because the equivalent would be called Personalized FIT, and it would be silly to require a new property just because the melee weapon in question is designed differently.

Smartgun systems on melee/thrown weapons, on the other hand? Eww, nasty cheese.
Well, to calculate the ricochet factor of the throw...
QUOTE (CanRay @ Aug 4 2011, 09:51 PM) *
Well, to calculate the ricochet factor of the throw...

Especially some of the throws he`s made over the years...
QUOTE (Blitz66 @ Aug 5 2011, 02:37 AM) *
I'd allow Personalized Grip on gloves, just because the equivalent would be called Personalized FIT, and it would be silly to require a new property just because the melee weapon in question is designed differently.

Classifying hardliners as being elligible for weapon mods, and thus, as weapons, opens up a whole world you might not welcome in.
Like adepts walking around with hardliner weapon foci.
QUOTE (Mardrax @ Aug 4 2011, 10:03 PM) *
Classifying hardliners as being elligible for weapon mods, and thus, as weapons, opens up a whole world you might not welcome in.
Like adepts walking around with hardliner weapon foci.

I just assumed that was possible anyway. They, after all, are weapons.
QUOTE (Blitz66 @ Aug 4 2011, 07:37 PM) *
I'd allow Personalized Grip on gloves, just because the equivalent would be called Personalized FIT, and it would be silly to require a new property just because the melee weapon in question is designed differently.

Smartgun systems on melee/thrown weapons, on the other hand? Eww, nasty cheese.

The rationale behind Personalized Grip is that it fits your hand better and allows you to aim (for firearms) or swing (for melee weapons) with more precision. How do perfectly-fitting gloves help you throw a punch more accurately?
"These brass knuckles were hand mined and made in a forge over two centuries old by a smith whose lineage traces back to the days of prohibition, where his forefather hand-made and engraved brass knuckles for the Lieutenants of Al Capone!" "So... You're a high-class thug?" "... Pretty much, yeah."
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Aug 4 2011, 10:09 PM) *
The rationale behind Personalized Grip is that it fits your hand better and allows you to aim (for firearms) or swing (for melee weapons) with more precision. How do perfectly-fitting gloves help you throw a punch more accurately?

Personalized grip on firearms doesn't allow you to aim. It helps you take the pressure off shooting, by reducing your recoil by one.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Aug 5 2011, 01:09 AM) *
The rationale behind Personalized Grip is that it fits your hand better and allows you to aim (for firearms) or swing (for melee weapons) with more precision. How do perfectly-fitting gloves help you throw a punch more accurately?

I know when I'm training with gloves, and it's not a great fit, every once in a while the glove slides and lessens the effectiveness of the strike. I'm not comfortable with them, and they're distracting. When I'm using someone else's gloves, they've got subtle differences in them that I just don't like. Nothing beats using your own pair of great-fitting gloves.

Yes, that's weak, and I know it. However, unless you think the game's in terrible danger of snapping in half because one suboptimal weapon choice has an option you can't wrap your head around that makes it slightly better than it was before, I'd let it go. It helps bring a fun idea but mechanically weak option up toward the realms of playability.
The Jopp
QUOTE (Blitz66 @ Aug 5 2011, 01:37 AM) *
Smartgun systems on melee/thrown weapons, on the other hand? Eww, nasty cheese.

Not really. Considering the dangers of grenades they have now (in shadowrun) made them electronic devices that can be detonated wirelessly, why not also include a safe ballistic system for soldiers to use to make sure they hit their target.


The smartgun system connects a firearm
or projectile weapon directly to a user’s smartlink (SR4)

So according to RAW throwing weapons cannot have a smartgun link but I'd hardly call it gamebreaking if I get a +2 for throwing a STR/2+1 throwing knife. Sure, one can argue that a missile adept becomes munchkinny but we can argue all day that certain concepts taken to the extreme becomes unbalanced (self healing overcaster, pornomancer, ultimate hacker etc).

They also become one-trick ponies.

Still, even if you have a smartlink on a melee weapon you will not get a bonus in melee, only if you throw it so it can become an expensive modification.

Here's a fun thing. A pistol is a firearm according to RAW so if i throw my smartlinked pistol I get a +2D6 to the test. grinbig.gif
Prior editions of SR have mentioned Smartball systems for sporting uses like Baseball.

So there's that.

The Jopp
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Aug 5 2011, 08:22 AM) *
Prior editions of SR have mentioned Smartball systems for sporting uses like Baseball.

So there's that.


Most likely why I have always found it logical. A ballistic calculation program is a ballistic calculation program regardless of delivery system.
Most likely why I have always found it logical. A ballistic calculation program is a ballistic calculation program regardless of delivery system.

Ähm, no it is not.
Or does a ball always leave your hand at a given velocity? And how do you throw a ball without moving?
Sorry, but how could a smartlink help you throw something?
The Jopp
QUOTE (Irion @ Aug 5 2011, 12:25 PM) *
Ähm, no it is not.
Or does a ball always leave your hand at a given velocity? And how do you throw a ball without moving?
Sorry, but how could a smartlink help you throw something?

The smartlink would calculate the trajectory of your limb, how much muscle power is applied to the throw and show an aprixmate hit location. You could most likely also have it give you a suggested "path" for your projectile and then it is up to you to throw the projectile within the suggested attack path.

This would of course fluctuate for the entire throwing motion but would not be any more different than say a catapult (which is a larger version of a slingshot).

You can also have a smartlink on grenade launchers which lob grenades overhead, very much like a overhead throw.

The smartlink regardless of delivery system would not be perfect, it would give an indication of an aproximate hit location but it would not make you into a superhero marksman.

So it's hardly gamebreaking in any way.
Athletes use similar systems today, using MoCap, to try and improve their throws and predict their movements using pre-recorded data of their abilities.

Having something that ties into your body and does so constantly, and can adjust itself for fatigue, injuries, and so on... Well, just a step up to what we use today.

And didn't they have that technology in order to have StatSofts to make legendary and legacy players, or am I remembering a novel as opposed to a sourcebook?
It would take an awful lot of training to use it effectively. A smartgun system, I believe, shows where the barrel is pointing and where it ought to be pointing, and lets you reconcile the two. Easy enough. A throw is a full body motion, and telling a person how to adjust a throw is more likely to screw them up than help their accuracy. I wouldn't be opposed to a "smartball" system designed for thrown projectiles, but I don't think it would do much good unless it's connected to a skillwire system.

EDIT: Motion capture systems are for telling you how to train, not how to make each specific motion. I'm trying to think of how a "smartball" system would work, and the only way I can see it working is if it took over your muscles and made the throw for you.
So, a combination of Skillwires or Move-By-Wire and a Smartgun Dedicated-Physics SPU?
QUOTE (CanRay @ Aug 5 2011, 08:20 PM) *
So, a combination of Skillwires or Move-By-Wire and a Smartgun Dedicated-Physics SPU?

That's what I'm coming up with, yes. I'm trying as hard as I can to stretch the rationale so that it doesn't require something like that, but I've got nothing.
Read the novel "Wolf and Raven" for how something like that could work. In professional baseball. biggrin.gif
Haven't read any of the Shadowrun novels. The Move-By-Wire system and the Smartgun Physics SPU thing we've been talking about, though, would be AWESOME for this purpose. I'm only coming up short trying to figure out a plausible way to make it work without anything skillwire related.
Xahn Borealis
AR? Maybe it overlays an optimal path with an AR ghost? "Throw like this"?
QUOTE (Blitz66 @ Aug 5 2011, 04:32 PM) *
Haven't read any of the Shadowrun novels. The Move-By-Wire system and the Smartgun Physics SPU thing we've been talking about, though, would be AWESOME for this purpose. I'm only coming up short trying to figure out a plausible way to make it work without anything skillwire related.

Move by Wire includes skillwire @ rating*2 smile.gif
QUOTE (Fyndhal @ Aug 5 2011, 08:46 PM) *
Move by Wire includes skillwire @ rating*2 smile.gif

That's what I'm saying. Not without skillwires. MBW would be perfect. It only got included because I couldn't figure out how to do it with just a "smartgun" system, even on the weakest logic.

Xahn, trying to duplicate an AR shadow's motion exactly, down to the smallest detail, would still require wires.
As to the Shield... say:

Boomerang with Personalized Grip (for when holding it in your hand), Melee Hardening, with a Ballistic Shield as an "Underbarrel Weapon".

Fairly low-tech but it'll get the job done (provided GM approval of course).
QUOTE (CanRay @ Aug 4 2011, 06:08 PM) *
Truth, Justice, Universal Firearms Ownership, and Union Busting?

So he's working for Ares?

HAHAHAHAHAH! rotfl.gif
Thank you, thank you, I'm here all week. Try the fish!
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