Aug 8 2011, 02:41 AM
The other day I picked up Exalted and the Exalted Player's Guide at the local used bookstore. Today I went back and bought six more sourcebooks: The Dragon-Blooded, The Lunars, The Abyssals, The Sidereals, The Fair Folk, and The Autochthonians. I doubt I'll ever get to play Exalted. I still have a ton of books from both Werewolf: The Apocalypse and Mage: The Ascension, and a few books for Changeling: The Dreaming and Wraith: The Oblivion. Never got to play any of those, either.
Aug 8 2011, 03:50 AM
Nice to have that kind of disposable income. I used to be there once.
I played some Changeling years ago. Despite some weird rules glitches, it was loads o' fun. The players and the storyteller were all good ... story tellers, which is why I think it worked.
Aug 8 2011, 02:19 PM
I was in a Mage game... Where I was the only Mage.
It got very strange, especially when my Son of Ӕther's 1967 Lincoln Continental Four-Door Convertible was shown to have a higher intimidation ability than anyone else in the game. On her own.
Aug 8 2011, 03:11 PM
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Aug 7 2011, 11:50 PM)

Nice to have that kind of disposable income. I used to be there once.
That's the really awesome part: I traded in a bunch of old books and got enough credit that all those Exalted books only cost me eight bucks.
Aug 8 2011, 03:46 PM
Werewolf: the Apocalypse FTW!
Xahn Borealis
Aug 8 2011, 04:22 PM
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Aug 8 2011, 03:41 AM)

The other day I picked up Exalted and the Exalted Player's Guide at the local used bookstore. Today I went back and bought six more sourcebooks: The Dragon-Blooded, The Lunars, The Abyssals, The Sidereals, The Fair Folk, and The Autochthonians. I doubt I'll ever get to play Exalted. I still have a ton of books from both Werewolf: The Apocalypse and Mage: The Ascension, and a few books for Changeling: The Dreaming and Wraith: The Oblivion. Never got to play any of those, either.
I'm Catalyst's bitch. I've got about 15 Shadowrun PDFs and have only played half a PbP game in the WttS thread.
Aug 8 2011, 06:48 PM
Sons of Ether: Eccentric and crazy and weird... but awesome!
Aug 8 2011, 10:56 PM
Am Pegasus/Catalyst-kind-of bitch, cause i got 13 SR4 hardcover(30-40€ each) and didn´t read through most of ´em...
Aug 8 2011, 11:25 PM
QUOTE (Jhaiisiin @ Aug 8 2011, 01:48 PM)

Sons of Ether: Eccentric and crazy and weird... but awesome!
My Son of Ӕther had a Sci-Fi fetish, owned a heavy metal bar (Where a vampire was used as a decoration on the back of the stage behind the drums while frozen in carbonite), was an illegal street racer in his custom '67 Lincoln Continental ("How fast does a '67 Lincoln go, anyhow?" "Um, 30 Knots. No, wait, that's the USS Lincoln."), was passed out on the back of a Chinese Messenger of the Gods who was trying to get a cab ("I'm the Chinaman in the cemetary with the white guy unconscious across his shoulders!"), and once saved the city from a Faery assault with the perfect cup of "Tea, Earl Gray, Hot".
I did all the work of the Storyteller on "The Northern Ontario Gumball Rally", and was quite upset to find out that, in the end, we couldn't finish it due to the Tim Horton's Downtown being closed for renovations. And then the Goblin set off her AMC Gremlin's Self-Destruct and the cop that was chasing us decided to retire after surviving being blown into the third-floor of the office building built into the mall across the street.
Aug 9 2011, 06:09 PM
Exalted is awesome.
Aug 10 2011, 05:39 PM
WW did some amazing things when they wern't busy being all emo vampires.
Aug 10 2011, 06:28 PM
I think you should probably see a doctor about that, Tanegar.
Aug 10 2011, 07:32 PM
Yeah, I came to that conclusion too. Emo Vampires suck.....non-emo vampires are another matter entirely. But the problem is the game discourages realizing the full potential of the PC's. Something I find endemic to the whole Whitewolf series (at least 1st edition when I played it).
Aug 10 2011, 08:00 PM
Hey, at least they didn't sparkle!
Aug 10 2011, 08:16 PM
Dark Ages Vampire, Mage, and Fae were very very awesome... too bad Dark Ages Werewolf and Inquisitor didn't get the same love.
Aug 13 2011, 02:21 PM
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Aug 7 2011, 09:41 PM)

The other day I picked up Exalted and the Exalted Player's Guide at the local used bookstore. Today I went back and bought six more sourcebooks: The Dragon-Blooded, The Lunars, The Abyssals, The Sidereals, The Fair Folk, and The Autochthonians. I doubt I'll ever get to play Exalted. I still have a ton of books from both Werewolf: The Apocalypse and Mage: The Ascension, and a few books for Changeling: The Dreaming and Wraith: The Oblivion. Never got to play any of those, either.
If you wanted more character options, you missed The Infernals. As far as the exalted go, theyre on the same power tier as solars and abyssals (because they all are actually solars), but theyre full of trans-human flavor!
Aug 13 2011, 02:42 PM
The Infernals weren't released for Exalted 1E, which I found out when I got home all my new books are. No wonder they were sitting in the used-books store. Oh well.
Aug 15 2011, 12:50 AM
fave WW game was a mixed dark worlds game that i played in in Jacksonville Florida, i played the second in command of the Werewolf pack, a Get of Fenris Ahroun with a primary mental secondary physical and we were 5 little wolves in a contested vampire city.
what makes it even more fun is that my character infiltrated the sabbat version of the Elysium and had a knock down drag out with the Sabbat sherrif, fun times especially since we were LARPing it in a goth-heavy metal bar
Aug 19 2011, 05:47 AM
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Aug 13 2011, 09:42 AM)

The Infernals weren't released for Exalted 1E, which I found out when I got home all my new books are. No wonder they were sitting in the used-books store. Oh well.
I'd say you still managed to pick up a hell of a collection. 2e is getting closer and closer to being 2.5 or a 3rd edition. We'll see as soon as the freelancers are allowed to talk again.
Seriously Mike
Aug 20 2011, 07:29 PM
QUOTE (Kliko @ Aug 8 2011, 05:46 PM)

Werewolf: the Apocalypse FTW!
Say what you want, I still prefer the Forsaken. No cheap eco-BS that boiled down to "RARGH kill the servants of Wyrm RARGH!", I finally can find an archetype that suits me (I had the "choice" between Glass Walkers and Bone Gnawers in WtA, two diametrically opposite archetypes of "urban predator", while WtF has one, more general kind of "urban predator" in the Iron Masters tribe) and the Auspices in WtF are more open (my Irraka, WtF newmoon, is an ex-paratrooper who is basically the team ninja, and in Umbra he can even use literal optical camo).
I miss my Brujah detective, though. He was a fun guy. Most popular character in the forum RP, along with his "assistant", teenage Malkavian girl (I played her for a bit in a sitdown campaign in addition to online). In VtR I played a Mekhet cardshark and a Nosferatu street racer. The latter had stupid luck with Social skills - each time it turned out I was the only one around, I consistently rolled my stupidly small dice pools and got successes on all of them.
Aug 20 2011, 08:37 PM
My one attempt at Vampire: "I want to play a Malkavian..." "Oh god no, not another rubber duckie wearing whackjob..." "Who is a Vietnam Vet and tried to fake a suicide in a fit of depression to keep his military combat pension for his family to have..." "... ... ... OK. How the hell did you get that idea?" "It said that madness attracts them. I figured, around Vietnam in the nasty parts, madness was King, so..." "Damn. That's the first Malk that I actually like. And I haven't even heard the whole story!"
Seriously Mike
Aug 20 2011, 11:22 PM
Heh, a Malk concept I had was a shrink. Not your typical whackjob - he actually went nuts due to one of his patients snapping and killing his (patient's) wife and daughter. The doc was especially moved by the girl's death and blamed himself for it all, developing an obsession about being "haunted" by the girl's vengeful ghost. Now here's the kicker, pretty much half the time the "haunting" is real (there's a disadvantage for that in VtM). That and he's claustrophobic - put him in an elevator or a closet alone and he'll freak out.
The detective's assistant was pretty normal. All three of her personalities were, and they switched around based on external factors. Once, two armed goons scared the default "mopey teen" personality, so she ran into the bathroom and switched to the "bubbly seven-year-old" personality. Bubbly sociopathic seven-year-old who knows how to use a handgun. After a short firefight, the other player's character burst in and the first thing she heard was "Hey, it was awesome! And now I have a machine gun!". The third personality was a vampy adult woman who usually popped up when it was time to feed. And she was the only one to actually enjoy the taste of blood.
Aug 23 2011, 06:43 AM
Friend of mine played a Malk whose madness was that he had a conscience. Like from the varied cartoons, an angel on one shoulder, and a devil on the other. Other than that, he was perfectly normal. My own at one point simply had delusions of grandeur. Didn't play him long enough to get Final Death, but it would have been inevitable on that character. First pissy low-gen vamp I came across would have taken my head.
Aug 23 2011, 09:53 AM
QUOTE (Jhaiisiin @ Aug 23 2011, 01:43 AM)

First pissy low-gen vamp I came across would have taken my head.
Because there can be only one?
Aug 23 2011, 03:46 PM
Speaking of which? Did anyone try those homebrewed rules to put immortals into WoD that were floating about? They seemed pretty cool other then the fact that decapitation is a lot more viable a combat technique in WoD then it is in life/movies usually.
Aug 23 2011, 04:27 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Aug 8 2011, 10:19 AM)

I was in a Mage game... Where I was the only Mage.
A friend and I were discussing at a recent party (my contribution may have been more than a little inebriate) that this is really the only way to run a Mage game, barring a single Tradition game. At least, the only type we had any interest in running anymore...
Aug 27 2011, 06:21 AM
See, I disagree with that. Mage games work best with variety, in my experience. I've never run a mage game with players who were all part of a single tradition, and never a supernatural game with a single mage. Truth be told, mages tend to be significantly more powerful than any of the other supernaturals, and it is easy for them to overshadow the others with even a modicum of creative thought.
Mages work best (in my experience) by having lots of variation that can work with and against each other to create the story on its own with only a guiding hand by the GM to get them to some sort of end goal (or whatever your idea of the story is). (NOTE: This is not railroading, so much as building the story with an eventual end goal in mind. Having an extremely loose framework has been a necessity for me)
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