You've got the short of it. I'll go into more detail if you're interested.
If you make a called shot, you get a dice pool modifier (after calculating everything else) based on what you're doing:
1. Bypass armor: -X, where X is the target's armor rating. AP does not apply.
2. Deal more damage: -X, where X is a number from 1 to 4, chosen by the attacker. If successful, add X to the DV before rolling the damage resistance test.
3. Disarm: -4. If the attacker hits, he doesn't actually deal any damage to the target, but instead compares his DV (modified by net hits) to the target's Strength. If the DV is greater, the target drops whatever object he was holding. The object may be damaged in the process. (GM call: shooting a gun out of someone's hand? Yes. Slapping a weapon away with your bare hands? Probably not.) If the target is holding more than one object (
Guns Akimbo, anyone?), the attacker chooses which one he's aiming at before rolling.
Some complications which may arise:- Target is on Full Defense / has cover / etc.: The attack/dodge tests are resolved normally regardless of whether there's a called shot involved. The target is entitled to whatever defenses he has going just like dodging a normal bullet, and the attacker faces the usual challenges for shooting at things.
- Attacker is using Burst Fire: A wide burst reduces the target's dodge pool as normal. A narrow burst adds more damage, but this can be tricky:
Called Shots to deal extra damage add +4 DV BEFORE comparing the damage dealt to the target's armor rating to determine if it has been staged down to Stun.
Narrow Bursts add their damage AFTER this comparison.
Called Shots to disarm the target add the Narrow Burst damage BEFORE comparing the DV to the target's Strength.
- Target has full cover, attacker is shooting through a barrier: Now THIS is a good one. the rules state to simply add the Barrier's Armor rating to the target's Armor rating, and if the modified DV is not greater than the barrier's Armor rating, the shot simply doesn't penetrate at all. Let's address this one in the same order we used above. Note that in ALL circumstances, the weapon's AP rating is applied to the barrier's Armor rating before you compare anything.
Called Shot to bypass target's Armor: You can't bypass the barrier's Armor, it's a barrier. You "bypass" it by moving your butt around so the barrier's not in the way anymore. Assuming you somehow have a good enough view of your target to aim at a weak point in the armor they're actually wearing (bulletproof glass or whatnot), you can still make that shot. If you hit, they will use only the barrier's Armor rating to add to their DR test (and for comparing DV to stage Physical down to Stun).
Called Shot to deal extra damage: Once again, you're bypassing the target's kevlar, not the concrete wall they're standing behind. Do not add the damage from the Called Shot when comparing the DV to the barrier's Armor to determine if the shots penetrate. DO add the bonus before comparing the DV to the target's Armor for Physical/Stun downgrading.
Called Shot to disarm: Yeesh. RAW, you add the barrier to the target's Armor, but they no longer get to ROLL their armor. You would just compare the DV + Net Hits to the barrier's Armor to see if the shot goes through at all, and if it does, it's completely unaffected. I'll put my personal interpretation into a spoiler, as it's a bit fancy and NOT RAW AT ALL.
[ Spoiler ]
1. Compare weapon damage + net hits to barrier's Armor. If modified DV is greater, continue. If not, the shot does not penetrate.
2. Roll barrier's Armor rating. Hits on this test reduce the attack's DV.
2a. If the Called Shot was made with a Narrow Burst, add the burst damage to the DV.
3. Compare the new DV to the target's Strength. If greater, the object is dropped.