Apr 3 2004, 03:00 PM
To be totally immune to all poisons/diseases? I mean, to get enough successes so that even the deadliest stuff didn't affect you. I'd say like 20 levels or so. Opinions?
Apr 3 2004, 03:03 PM
Create an edge, "immunity to toxins" or "immunity to diseases." A lot of critters have it. Don't know how much it would cost, Ideas?
Apr 3 2004, 07:27 PM
A lot of critters hame "immunity to normal weapons" that doesn't mean it hsould be an edge. There already is an edge that makes you totally immune to one natural toxin.
Technically there is no level of extra dice that can make you literally immune to somehting, because you can always roll bad, it's just the odds of that happening decreases.
Apr 3 2004, 08:10 PM
I was just going for the hypothetical anyway.
The White Dwarf
Apr 4 2004, 07:22 AM
Well, if you randomly say 10D is the highest power/code toxin/disease, a lot of levels. 12 dice statistically gets you one ten, you need 8 tens to take nothing, thats 96 dice. If youre playing a troll with 12 natural body, thats 84 levels of body control. Simple math is your friend.
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