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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Is there any difference between the Original 4th Ed. Street Magic book and the newer version?

I have the original and I want to see if I need to pick up the other book.

As an aside, if you have any other recommendations for must have 4th Ed. books for a PhysAd B&E specialist, let me know. Thank you in advance!
McSass -- The Errata document posted on has all of the changes listed between the two printings. The major difference is the hue of the cover.

Other adept products: Digital Grimoire and Way of the Adept.
Other fun toy books: Arsenal and Unwired have some BE gear for dealing with electronics, Runner's Companion (chapter 2) for bypassing security, and Gun Heaven for different guns.
Doc Byte
I was looking for an errata some days ago and it seems like they are all gone from the webpage. I guess now one's supposed to use the forum.
The third printing inexplicably has lost all the errata that had been incorporated into the second printing.

Zero comment by Catalyst on when or even if this will be corrected. And it's been, what, months and months now.

No updated erratas even, something that makes a mess of discussions as the SR4 to SR4A errata is not complete.
QUOTE (Doc Byte @ Oct 8 2011, 10:45 PM) *
I was looking for an errata some days ago and it seems like they are all gone from the webpage. I guess now one's supposed to use the forum.

There you go
They really need a new web designer, aas your not nearly the first i have had to post that link to frown.gif
It went missing when the page was reworked. Not that the rework helped much, as the upcoming books sub-section is continually out of date. I wonder if there is only really one person with access to updating the page, and he is already juggling the job of line developer...
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