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I'm designing a Ghoul Ripper Gang-but I need some help naming them.

basic description: Twelve Ghouls, and ten other metahumans in a third tier gang that kidnap and rob the weak, homeless and targets of opportunity. What they don't eat they sell to Tamanous stringers for cred they use to maintain what little lifestyle they have. They're pretty low on the totem pole-besides being reviled for being "body snatchers", and well stinky homeless street people (They have a home, it's just a filthy disgusting hovel!)-they're not well organized, or too smart. But they've been lucky and in the right place at the right time more often than not lately.

They're not creative so the use black leathers decked out with chrome and rust as their colors. They're operating out of the Redmond Barrens.

So help prevent me from naming yet another gang "The Stags." (A long running joke in my game, when I can't think of a name.)
The Gaki (Hungry Ghosts)?

The Ravenous?

The Vultures?

The Hunger Dogs ?

The Romeros?

The Gutters?
Since thei're basically a bunch of losers whatever name should be fancy and ego-boosting - though they're far from educated enough to come up with something original. I'd say do a quick google search for obscure metal bands, odds are you'll find somehtign suitable there.
The Greet and Eats
Chromium Oxides?
The Does?
QUOTE (Manunancy @ Oct 10 2011, 11:11 AM) *
Since thei're basically a bunch of losers whatever name should be fancy and ego-boosting - though they're far from educated enough to come up with something original. I'd say do a quick google search for obscure metal bands, odds are you'll find somehtign suitable there.

That was my original plan actually! But there are two names I love in this thread

QUOTE (JonathanC @ Oct 10 2011, 11:10 AM) *


QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Oct 10 2011, 11:14 AM) *

Skin Walkers wins this, but damn I need to find a way to use The Hunger Dogs! Thanks to all of you, who will make the bad guys my players will face possible!
The Hunger Dogs could be a gang of Hot Dog Vendors who are pissed off at being shaken down for protection money and have banded together...
I was thinking more along the lines of a pack of feral ghouls....
QUOTE (JonathanC @ Oct 10 2011, 02:40 PM) *
I was thinking more along the lines of a pack of feral ghouls....
They're not likely to have any name at all, and just act like the Feral Ghouls in Fallout 3/New Vegas.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Oct 10 2011, 12:48 PM) *
They're not likely to have any name at all, and just act like the Feral Ghouls in Fallout 3/New Vegas.

It wouldn't be a name they applied to themselves, but a name that the locals use.

"Don't go out tonight, man. You hear them Hunger Dogs out there?"
And a little girl that says, "They come out mostly at night. ... Mostly."
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (CanRay @ Oct 10 2011, 01:54 PM) *
And a little girl that says, "They come out mostly at night. ... Mostly."

Obviously, She is the one that needs to be in Charge. smile.gif
QUOTE (CanRay @ Oct 10 2011, 02:35 PM) *
The Hunger Dogs could be a gang of Hot Dog Vendors who are pissed off at being shaken down for protection money and have banded together...

Sounds like the Wageslaves... a bunch of mid/low-level execs riding around Dodge Scoots wearing Actioneer Business Clothes.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Oct 10 2011, 11:54 AM) *
And a little girl that says, "They come out mostly at night. ... Mostly."

Thor Shot from orbit, It's the only way to be sure.
The Dead Presidents


Midnight Snackers

Night Bites

Bed Bugs- They eat you while you're sleeping. Don't let them bite.
Reavers. I think I may actually use this one for a group of metas that use K-10 as a combat drug.
QUOTE (thorya @ Oct 11 2011, 06:39 PM) *
The Dead Presidents


Midnight Snackers

Night Bites

Bed Bugs- They eat you while you're sleeping. Don't let them bite.

I LOLed at the Midnight Snackers.

I think you should name the gang: The Hungries
Sounds like pothead ghouls to me. nyahnyah.gif

EDIT: Actually, Ghouls with a serious case of the munchies does frighten me now that it's had time to percolate around in my skull for a half-second.

EDIT2: On Ghouls and unwanted bodies.
How about "The Ghoul Rippers"?


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