Right now, players are in the Inner Sphere as either mercs, house warriors, or unaffiliated free lancers. They're keeping a 1:1 timeline. 1 day of real time is 1 day of MW:O time. Right now it's July 12, 3049. They're also adhering to established canon very closely, with the exception of one aspect to their Community Warfare pillar. House aligned players can fight for control over border worlds with other factions. They are locking the core and "buffer" worlds (I forget the term they used), so the borders can only shift so far. As the timeline progresses, worlds can shift from core, buffer, and border to any other category in keeping with the BattleTech timeline. So no, the Draconis Combine can't blitz to New Avalon.
QUOTE (Jeremiah Kraye @ Jul 12 2012, 05:50 AM)

I just want three things...
A: My Madcat
B: My Bushwaker
C: My Nova
I also want to be able to override the safety overheating feature, but that's just me.
Raven's were one of my favorites for light scout mechs from commander.
Sorry, but the Timber Wolf and Nova won't debut until March of next year
at the earliest. Players getting access to Clan tech will most likely take a while longer. The Bushwaker doesn't come out until 3053.
There is an override function... just don't hit it too often

QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Jul 12 2012, 09:20 AM)

Yuck, it's just PvP deathmatch? At least they promise slavish devotion to aging canon, though.

No, they've said there will be other game modes as well. I can't find the link, but I'm pretty sure there were 3 types officially confirmed so far.
As for the unseens, Harmony Gold never actually owned the rights to the images or intellectual property. At best they had the distribution rights for North America. The problem is, while they had no leg to stand on (legally), they did have an army of lawyers to hide behind. Their strategy was basically to be a giant prick of a company and make legal recourse too expensive for whoever they were going after. Which is why, you'll notice, the Microsoft MechWarrior titles had a few of the unseen 'Mechs.
EDIT: Oh, and one last thing worth a mention, they've locked out canon groups as MercCorp (guild) names. A number of players were trying to claim canon Mercenary groups or Clans, but the devs have said no one gets to claim any of those names. They have started considering opening up some of the major Mercenary Companies as joinable factions (Grey Death Legion, Wolf's Dragoons, Northwind Highlanders, etc...) but no official word beyond that.