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Full Version: New Shadowrun Video Game?
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Swing Kid
Hopped onto the forums to see if there was any talk going on (didn't look further than the front page) about this. Does anyone have any more information than this?

One of their reps has posted there a few times, keeping us appraised. So far, we haven't built a bonfire in his, ahem, honor. wink.gif
Swing Kid
QUOTE (CanRay @ Oct 15 2011, 11:30 PM) *

One of their reps has posted there a few times, keeping us appraised. So far, we haven't built a bonfire in his, ahem, honor. wink.gif

I am gathering wood as I type.
Doesn´t somebody know a millionaire that is willing to spend some money for a SR movie and computer game? C´mon. There are enough freaks publishing shit like "aang the last airbender" (i loved the cartoons, but the movie....brrr), "sex and the city", "machete" but nobody is going to make an SR movie? Possibly one of the most interesting concepts after "lord of the rings"? I want Peter Jackson as Director.^^
Too bad it's not Canadian, we could get the government to pay for it like "Hobo With A Shotgun".
QUOTE (Machiavelli @ Oct 18 2011, 10:10 AM) *
Doesn´t somebody know a millionaire that is willing to spend some money for a SR movie and computer game? C´mon. There are enough freaks publishing shit like "aang the last airbender" (i loved the cartoons, but the movie....brrr), "sex and the city", "machete" but nobody is going to make an SR movie? Possibly one of the most interesting concepts after "lord of the rings"? I want Peter Jackson as Director.^^

We'd never get Peter Jackson. From what I understand, his adaptation of The Lord of the Rings was as much a personal labor of love as a commercial venture. If somebody did option the film rights to Shadowrun, we'd get Michael "I made the Transformers play second fiddle in their own movies" Bay, who would boil the whole thing down to lesbian elf stripper ninjas and explosions. Be happy that no one wants to make a Shadowrun movie. It saves us the heartache of watching the Sixth World get assraped by Hollywood.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Oct 18 2011, 01:10 PM) *
We'd never get Peter Jackson. From what I understand, his adaptation of The Lord of the Rings was as much a personal labor of love as a commercial venture. If somebody did option the film rights to Shadowrun, we'd get Michael "I made the Transformers play second fiddle in their own movies" Bay, who would boil the whole thing down to lesbian elf stripper ninjas and explosions. Be happy that no one wants to make a Shadowrun movie. It saves us the heartache of watching the Sixth World get assraped by Hollywood.

Shadowrun is more popular in Europe/Germany. I'd say as long as we can keep Uwe Boll away from it, a German production would be awesome.
That's a lot of boxing matches if Uwe Boll decides that Shadowrun for the 360/PC would make a great movie...
What about the guys over in Russia that are doing the Day Watch/Night Watch/uh 3rd book movies?
Oh Hell no <.<
Give Shadowrun to the nice people making IRON SKY!
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Oct 18 2011, 03:10 PM) *
who would boil the whole thing down to lesbian elf stripper ninjas and explosions.

I suppose you have to have the explosions for a plot device, but otherwise, great concept. spin.gif
QUOTE (Bigity @ Oct 18 2011, 08:04 PM) *
What about the guys over in Russia that are doing the Day Watch/Night Watch/uh 3rd book movies?

I for one would kill for that.

(But I also recognize that still, no matter what, it would piss off 80% of the DS community, likely myself included. No matter how you cut it, my shadowrun is not your shadowrun.)
Rip the Jackker
Guy Ritchie.

Dunno that I've seen anything by Ritchie. Alex Proyas could probably do quite well with Shadowrun (see Dark City and I, Robot), as could David Goyer (see Blade). The Wachowski brothers have already made one excellent and two middling movies that are basically pink-mohawk Shadowrun, black-trenchcoat wardrobe notwithstanding.
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