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Full Version: Damage mods for point-blank or multiple hits?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
First question: What is the likely damage if someone takes a police-issue tear gas canister launcher, shoves it into someone's pried-open mouth while the back of the target's skull is braced against a concrete sidewalk, and pulls the trigger? What will adjacent bystanders see / hear / smell happen?

Second question: What is the likely damage if someone is hit with eleven wire-style taser guns simultaneously, and all eleven are sustained until the batteries are drained? (The target in this case is approximately 4'6" and roughly 80 lbs., with an effective body of 2.) Again, what will adjacent bystanders experience?
Death by massive brain trauma, possibly of the blunt force variety. I cant find the listed muzzle velocity for a 40mm canister round, but at that range it will kill you. By standers will dealing with the TEAR GAS...

Death by educed cardiac arrhythmia.
These are insane questions. smile.gif

Unless they're happening during combat, just handwave.
QUOTE (HentaiZonga @ Oct 31 2011, 12:12 AM) *
First question: What is the likely damage if someone takes a police-issue tear gas canister launcher, shoves it into someone's pried-open mouth while the back of the target's skull is braced against a concrete sidewalk, and pulls the trigger? What will adjacent bystanders see / hear / smell happen?

Whatever the GM thinks is going to happen, based on whatever they want to base it on -- likely real life, but whatever the GM needs to move the story forward, at that point. If the player's OUT to kill someone, they die. If they're out to just horribly mutilate them, well, that works too. Whatever works.

Second question: What is the likely damage if someone is hit with eleven wire-style taser guns simultaneously, and all eleven are sustained until the batteries are drained? (The target in this case is approximately 4'6" and roughly 80 lbs., with an effective body of 2.) Again, what will adjacent bystanders experience?

This one's a whole lot easier. Take the game stats for a taser, right? And then multiply that by the number of "shots" that taser can fire (IE, the drained battery). And then apply the base damage, using average-ish rolls or bought hits if you'd like, over and over again until it's been applied for each of those 11 taser guns, against someone who's likely to soak pretty much none of it (Body 2, you say). Got the math done in your head?

Yeah. They're pretty much cooked. Just describe it as over-the-top Hollywood electrocution as you want to, and call it a day.
in both of those cases, the target is probably going to die. In the one with the canister launcher, possibly some damage to the weapon, as it's likely not made to be shot point-blank, but I don't really know. But yeah, neither of those weapons are meant to kill people, but neither of them are meant to be used in that manner either, I think they'd both be very deadly in those situations.
In teh canister laucher's case, with the barrel stuffed in the victim's mouth you're very likely to blow the breech in the firer's face - the barrel is basically blocked and I don't think the launcher is designed to handle that sort of pressure. Police hardware is frequently bought from the lowest price afterall, and firing with hte launcher stuffed in someone's mouth is definteively a nonstandard procedure.

From the target's side, immediat death is very likey - if gas greande isn't enough, the gazes from the propulsion will finish him even the the launcher's breech gives up. The impact of the grenade will be something like getting a sigalisation pole slammed in your mouth by a brute.
As is said in one of the tabletop Star Wars versions.. "A Blaster to the face, is a blaster to the face. Dramatic/Scenic deaths like this should be narrated out as opposed to rolling some dice only to have the target somehow soak a blaster bolt the head and get up swinging"
Dakka Dakka
QUOTE (HentaiZonga @ Oct 31 2011, 06:12 AM) *
Second question: What is the likely damage if someone is hit with eleven wire-style taser guns simultaneously, and all eleven are sustained until the batteries are drained? (The target in this case is approximately 4'6" and roughly 80 lbs., with an effective body of 2.) Again, what will adjacent bystanders experience?
By RAW thin red mist in the first action phase.
The wired Taser from the BBB (Defiance EX Shocker) has a base damage of 8S(e). With a single net hit this is 9S, lets say the victim is extremely lucky and soaks 2. So 7S per shot. With eleven shots that is 77 damage. As Stun damage flows over to Physical and into overflow, a BOD 2 victim will be dead after sustaining 20 damage. So you still got 57 damage to spare. And that's only one shot from all 11 tasers. The three remaining shots in each taser won't make the victim any deader.

More realistically the victim of course will not disintegrate but will simply die of heart failure.

In any case that is massive overkill. Why do you want to do such a thing?

QUOTE (Miri @ Oct 31 2011, 03:46 PM) *
As is said in one of the tabletop Star Wars versions.. "A Blaster to the face, is a blaster to the face. Dramatic/Scenic deaths like this should be narrated out as opposed to rolling some dice only to have the target somehow soak a blaster bolt the head and get up swinging"
I can only partially agree to this statement. If the events leading to the blaster being put in the face of a more or less helpless person and the trigger being pulled has been played and rolled properly I'm fine with such a decision. If there was GM fiat beforehand I call it the worst kind of railroading.
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