QUOTE (ElFenrir @ Nov 5 2011, 11:56 AM)
-Karmagen character creation.
-We use x3 Karma cost for Attributes still. Reason being-we use more 'old time' Karma awards. Which means much lesser than what the SR4A book suggests in the back-we sorta award Karma a bit more sprinkled about, so progression isn't *quite* as fast. Since the karma awards have worked fine in our games, using the x5 cost would either make us up the karma awards or slow our normally slowish progression to a ''you'll never see this.''
-Race is charged BP cost in Karma.
Excellent. We use this at our game table, too, due to starting playing in 4th, and carrying over some of the anniversary edition updates piecemeal. It works out pretty well. Do you still use the 750 points creation?
QUOTE (ElFenrir @ Nov 5 2011, 11:56 AM)
-I'd really like to work around a Mystic Adept concept. The 'mage' part is more dedicating to healing, fortification, or protecting spells, as fitting of his druidic Oak mentor. Another thing I understand isn't 'optimal' but being a Bear shifter he's quite powerful as it is, so I don't need some insanely minmaxed beast. But I would like to see if I'm on a good path with him-given the limits I know MAs have, I figured to pick a nice 'focus' for his spell-types was beneficial(and fits his personality besides.)
Couple things I see.
You may want to consider taking the Bear mentor spirit - yes, i know, bear shifter+bear mentor = more bear than your body has room for. Here's why:
The berserk downside fits with your combat monster quality. The +2 physical damage resist bonus helps make you tougher, which you want, and ALSO helps you resist overcasting drain if you ever need to break out the big spells. +2 health spells helps you be a protecty team buffer dude, as most boosts and buffs spells are Health. Possibly talk to your GM about swapping a bonus or penalty to make a hybrid mentor.
At my table, at least, we tend to use flexible mentor spirits/paragons, if people have good ideas. It started with an aztec(theme) mage who wanted to actually follow one of the good guys of the aztech pantheon, instead of the typical aztech(the corp) party line of blood spirits - the problem was, Dragon didn't really fit the concept or tradition, so some messing around was in order, but without slapping two together, getting all the bonuses, and not raising the price.
What we've come up with is a fairly nifty houserule, and I figure its relevant to share: If you need to make a hybrid mentor/paragon, You take one to start with, and add one bonus and the drawback of another to get a hybrid mentor. Alternatively, just swap one bonus/penalty for another appropriately heft one. Any such alterations must be gm approved, who will look for attempts at powergaming, like stacking +4 manipulation spells.
In YOUR case, I would suggest combining bear and oak - in particular, i LIKE oak's downside.... but arcana and plant spirits don't really seem worth it.
Not Always Human: Elf. This is a trap choice. See the
FAQ, but you don't actually get any of the stat boosts/changes/minimums/maximums from your other form, just special qualities.
This means it is literally cheaper to go human and buy SURGE'd Low Light Vision and Metahuman Traits: Elf to get the same effect.
However. You know what's a great metatype to go with a bear shifter? Wakyambi. In elf form you get Celerity, one MORE reach, and low light vision, for only 5 points more. Its really the Reach you want, as +2 natural, unarmed reach is -fantastic- and you should really consider picking up Kick attack to supplement. Short burst defense penalties on all your melee attacks? Yes please. And you get to be an angry african bear, too. You may want to read the FAQ about Not Always Human, as I noticed your list of critter powers tagged (bear form only) don't actually work that way, and basically apply all the time.
You have 25/35 points on qualities. Get an Adept Way already. With 6 magic its really, really good for a mystic adept, as you can afford to split your magic 2/4 without really losing anything... All of the adept powers you have selected fit under The Way of the Warrior. The Magician's Way borrowing the Warrior's Way discount power list is also very strong.
Adept powers! Mystic Armor is a trap! get combat sense. One hit on the defense is worth 3 on the soak, and isn't affected by Armor Penetration. Its the same price.
Improved Combat Ability is kind of a trap. Its main use is improving skills in a group without breaking a group.
Ask your GM if they are using the two seperate optional rules that 1) Let adepts trade Metamagics for 1 Power point when they initiate, and 2) if metamagics can be bought for 15 karma. These are seperate rules, sadly, but IF your table is using them, chances are your GM is willing to combine them with a sort of unifying houserule. If you're allowed to Initiate during karmagen, then an interesting possibility opens up.
The reason you do this is because you can make yourself pretty much not care about background count: By taking a majority, prefferably ALL the adept powers you are going to on metamagic-swapped Power Points, you can devote your full Magic rating to spellcasting.
When you enter a background count, instead of randomly losing adept powers, or worse, keeping track of which powers you bought with each point, and losing them in order as the background count increases, you only suffer a bit of dice pool penalties on your Spellcasting(by losing magic). The only real danger is getting your magic reduced low enough that the ceiling limit on adept powers is reached(magic caps level of adept powers, and mystic adepts use their full magic for this). You then take the metamagics you actaully want at the flat cost of 15, which you're going to surpass anyway after two initiations. If, on the other hand, your Gm will let you buy a power point for 15 karma, then you should just do that.
Its actaully a bit more expensive to do this, but, for example, a 6 spellcasting/0 adept magic Mystic Adept on the Way of the Warrior, with two 'initiations'(35, 21 if you can find a way to get both discounts. Saving the 5 allowed karma from karmagen, thats actaully really easy to get to after a few runs). The adept snags Improved Reflexes as a Warrior Way discounted power, and takes two levels of it with his power points. Now, he's kinda like a samurai, in that its really hard to take his extra passes away from him.
Probably more trouble than its worth, but neat to think about.
Anyway. More general thoughts.
For being a tough tank, your reaction is REALLY LOW, and the improved reflexes spell does not help your defense pool or reaction stat.
Drop your Strength to 9. For melee damage, Odd Values are what you want to shoot for, and you could really use that 30 karma elsewhere. Like raising your Reaction to 5.
Raise that agility! You want to land your hits. In rating x 3, you can afford to pump that rather high.
Check out the FAQ about Enhanced Senses: It already gives a +2 dice pool bonus on perception tests using the relevant sense. Do you really need +4 on smell tests? Visual, hearing, or Opposed +2 may be equally valid.
Decide on a Full Defense option. Do you want to Dodge or Gymdodge? Are you going to Dodge, Block, or Parry in melee? What about against ranged? Then specialize appropriately. (for you, you probably want Block + Gymdodge).
That being said, I rather do like your spell lists. So bear-ish, makes sense.
You may want to consider SURGE. Strongly. For a shifter, its a wonderful way to gain capabilities that apply in both your forms. A bear that can track you by scent AND heat? Oh wow! In particular, in karmagen, Metagenetic Improvement on an already naturally high stat can save you some points - though this is more a thing for Rating x 5 karma cost karmagen. Surge 2 costs 10bp, so 20 karma. Your body starts at 7, raising it to 8 costs 24. Save a few points there. In Rx5, it costs 40 points, so its basically half-off. Elongated Limbs in particular is worth considering because you want to stack up your Reach as much as possible.
Speaking of Reach, Tae Kwon Do's "Improved Charge' bonus, with the same styles 'Unarmed Attack when Attacking Multiple targets', and a large reach make you really, really good at beating up lots of people at once. It even makes Multistrike worth taking, because it gives you a free secondary attack. For example, you Charge(+3), and split your Agi+Unarmed dice pool(4+7=11) into several different attacks (8/1/1/1). You have a reach of 3 with Kick attack and some source of elongated limbs, and your opponents are unarmed(+3), and since you're multismacking, Tae Kwon Do is another +1. Your spec is +2. Suddenly your four-strike charge becomes pools of (18/10/10/10), or if you split them into as many attacks as you could, 10 dice EACH. Its actually hella good. In such a setup, the beauty of Multistrike is that it gives you a cheap lunch secondary attack all the time. Since its added before the splitting of dice pools, you can always afford to just throw it on a secondary target.
Also, you're an adept with massive strength. Break Weapon maneuver + Shattering Blow adept power is well worth considering. It also makes you comedically unstoppable by any sort of wall, kind of like the koolaid man.
Why do you not have Adept Counterstrike? It and the Riposte maneuver together are -amazing-.
For your last 10 points of qualties, though, if you want to be a Tank, possibly the best thing you can do is Genetic Heritage: Sideways genetic infusion, and just re-fluff it as being Built Bear Tough. The key bonus is not suffering any damage track penalties(stun OR physical), and a +1 generic Combat Test bonus helps on EVERYTHING involving fighting, and the further +2 on defensive reaction tests offsets your lower natural Reaction. The lowered essence and thus max magic hurts, but it is really, truly, a small price to pay for what you get. Its actually cheaper than magic 6 in karmagen: raising magic to 6 from 1 is 60 points, and raising magic from 0 to 5 is 45. Its 5 points short of paying for itself. Combined with an adept way, you can probably squeeze 3 points of adept powers down into 2, for a net gain of nearly no change.