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Can I get some advise on some good specializations for a Hacker on the skills, Data Search, and Software.

QUOTE (K1ll5w1tch @ Nov 6 2011, 09:08 PM) *
Can I get some advise on some good specializations for a Hacker on the skills, Data Search, and Software.


Data Search: Obscure. Negates situational penalty for finding hidden/obscure files.
Software: Hacking Utilities, Options, Obscure Unwired Tests(node scripting, proprietary formats aren't too useful. But others are). Software is used in making all sorts of backdoor accounts(97) if you have at least Security level access, as well as finding them. Cracking programs is another good one
Hacking: Exploit. Stealth is a trap specialization, because it doesn't apply to Stealth when your Stealth is used as a threshold, like hacking into nodes.
Computer: Analyze. Hands down analyze.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can I have _______ specialization, even if it’s not listed for the skill?
A: Yes. The listed specializations with each skill are not all-inclusive, and players are free to come up with other specializations that fit their characters. No specialization should be applicable for all tests undertaken with that skill. Gamemasters have final approval on all characters.

With this in mind, the "Opposed +2" suddenly becomes a LOT more useful.

For the software, I'd recommend Software(Hacking Programs). If that's too vague, pick a software type you feel you may be coding/upgrading often enough, and go with that. As for data search, any spec would be too great in scope. Maybe specs such as: (video), (images), (news), (intranet). Again, data search is quite expansive. Software is tippy. One choice, and it's useful once. That's it. The other side, you may find yourself coding/upgrading for the sake of using it. I would probably spend the specs elsewhere.

EDIT: Nicely done, Udoshi. Nicely done.
Would "Threading" be an acceptable spec. for "Software"?
QUOTE (Irian @ Nov 7 2011, 03:10 AM) *
Would "Threading" be an acceptable spec. for "Software"?

Yes. See the FAQ I posted.

If you are a Technomancer, the Software spec is one you should get very quicky if not start with it. Also the analytical mind quality.
It also changes your Computer spec. Techno's have an inherent +2 to matrix perception tests, so you can afford to change your Computer spec to another area you really want to shore up, like Trace User. Really stacking up your Analyze is also an option.

Also, I forgot Electronic Warfare specs in my post above. Jamming, Scanning, or Decryption are the best two, i think.
Christ. smile.gif How evil are you people, and how permissive are your GMs?
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Nov 7 2011, 07:15 AM) *
Christ. smile.gif How evil are you people, and how permissive are your GMs?

I Don't see anything wrong with the Specializations posted. Which ones are you having issues with, Yerameyahu?
That being said, I always have a problem coming up with a Good Data Search Specialty. Obscure sounds interesting. I don't know.
'Obscure' seems a little silly; 'I'm only good at all hard things'… which is exactly when you'd need the dice. 'Opposed Tests' seems particularly egregious in a category where most tests are opposed; you'd never allow that for Automatics, or Gymnastics, or any socials. smile.gif 'Threading' is nuts, but we already knew that.
The problem I currently have with my TM is, that he has most skills in groups (Electronics, Cracking), making specializations a little bit hard. But perhaps much later... smile.gif
As long as your GM isn't feeling petulant, you should be able to 'break' a Group at will.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Nov 7 2011, 11:03 AM) *
'Obscure' seems a little silly; 'I'm only good at all hard things'… which is exactly when you'd need the dice. 'Opposed Tests' seems particularly egregious in a category where most tests are opposed; you'd never allow that for Automatics, or Gymnastics, or any socials. smile.gif 'Threading' is nuts, but we already knew that.

I agree that Obscure and Opposed Tests sound "odd." But honestly, what is the difference between Obscure (I have a knack for digging out the truly hiden things, as nothing else causes me difficulty), and Semi-Auto Specialization for Pistols? smile.gif

Just Curious...
First, I don't support that spec for Pistols. smile.gif But at least it halfway makes sense: many pistols happen to be autoloaders, and it's an actual category difference. If Data Search (Data Havens) covered 90% of all data, that'd be analogous to Pistols (Semi-Auto). Data Search (Obscure) is analogous to Pistols (Tough Shot).
Some of the specializations seem too broad. For Hacking, I thought you had to pick a program, not a program type. Hacking/hacking programs seems like it's already the skill, as opposed to hacking/exploit.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Nov 7 2011, 01:02 PM) *
First, I don't support that spec for Pistols. smile.gif But at least it halfway makes sense: many pistols happen to be autoloaders, and it's an actual category difference. If Data Search (Data Havens) covered 90% of all data, that'd be analogous to Pistols (Semi-Auto). Data Search (Obscure) is analogous to Pistols (Tough Shot).

I like: Pistols (Called Shot) myself... smile.gif
Seems like it would work out like Data Search (Obscure). The data is harder to find, but you know the tricks to unearth those secrets. *shrug* Yes, it is an odd one, but not overly so, at least in my opinion. wobble.gif
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Bearclaw @ Nov 7 2011, 01:25 PM) *
Some of the specializations seem too broad. For Hacking, I thought you had to pick a program, not a program type. Hacking/hacking programs seems like it's already the skill, as opposed to hacking/exploit.

I had Software (ARE's). I absolutely Loved that specialty... smile.gif
See, I probably wouldn't even allow it for all Called Shots. That's a big area, full of things that aren't really related to each other. You can specialize in 'head shots' or 'shooting things out of their hands', maybe. You can't specialize in 'any particularly hard shot', which was my point.
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Nov 7 2011, 07:43 PM) *
As long as your GM isn't feeling petulant, you should be able to 'break' a Group at will.

Of course, but by breaking the group I only get the a quick +2 bonus on some actions, but I have to pay for it by having to invest much more points in the skills afterwards. So I personally prefer bringing the skill group to 6 first and get the spec. later, as much as I could use the +2 on exploit smile.gif
Ha, well you can't have your cake and eat it. smile.gif
QUOTE (Bearclaw @ Nov 7 2011, 01:25 PM) *
Some of the specializations seem too broad. For Hacking, I thought you had to pick a program, not a program type. Hacking/hacking programs seems like it's already the skill, as opposed to hacking/exploit.

Omae, you glitched your data search check. Try reading the thread again. I ALREADY gave you the relevant info for that.

But since you missed it, I'll post it again:

Shadowrun 4 OFFICIAL FAQ
Q: Can I have _______ specialization, even if it’s not listed for the skill?
A: Yes. The listed specializations with each skill are not all-inclusive, and players are free to come up with other specializations that fit their characters. No specialization should be applicable for all tests undertaken with that skill. Gamemasters have final approval on all characters.

I dunno why you keep quoting that. All it says is 'the GM can do anything'. We know that. It applies to *everything*.

Bearclaw's specific objection is *from* that quote: "No specialization should be applicable for all tests undertaken with that skill." (Also, FAQsuxlol.)
In regards to Semi-Automatic pistol specialization, I think "Autoloaders" or "Box Magazine" makes more sense, both from a realistic and game-play perspective.

And for the record, stealth is rolled occasionally(some IC specifically call for a Pilot+Analyze vs Hacking+Stealth check when they challenge you). I still think exploit is the best spec, but just saying.
Data Search: PayData!
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (CanRay @ Nov 8 2011, 08:20 AM) *
Data Search: PayData!

Heh.... Canray wins an internet cookie... Awesome response. smile.gif
Mmmmmmmmmmmm... Cookie!
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