Nov 23 2011, 10:49 PM
Hey guys, just looking for a quick rules check on manifesting.
Can an astrally projecting-manifested mage cast on the physical plane?
What about perception? In does manifesting work?
I can't seem to find a clear ruling on it.
Nov 23 2011, 10:50 PM
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Nov 23 2011, 10:54 PM
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Nov 23 2011, 03:50 PM)

Succinct as always.
Nov 23 2011, 10:58 PM
So...why ever do it?
Nov 23 2011, 11:03 PM
Materialization is a spirit power that lets them take physical form from the astral, and gain a few perks, like ITNW and being able to fully affect physical things.
Manifesting comes with a degree of protection. Its like sticking a mirror around the corner. Its basically ghostmode: You show up as a translucent illusion, and can basically talk to people. As a bonus, you don't show up on any technological forms of monitoring, and can't really cast spells at things that aren't also dual natured. As a bonus, you can't be hurt either. Keep in mind that spirits can also manifest.
Also, Grounding spells was an option that was removed in 4th because it could be ridiculously powerful and break the game.
Nov 23 2011, 11:07 PM
Manifesting is basically a hologram of you so physical people can see/hear.
Nov 23 2011, 11:56 PM
[quote name='Udoshi' date='Nov 23 2011, 06:03 PM' post='1124354']
Materialization is a spirit power that lets them take physical form from the astral, and gain a few perks, like ITNW and being able to fully affect physical things.
Manifesting comes with a degree of protection. Its like sticking a mirror around the corner. Its basically ghostmode: You show up as a translucent illusion, and can basically talk to people. As a bonus, you don't show up on any technological forms of monitoring, and can't really cast spells at things that aren't also dual natured. As a bonus, you can't be hurt either. Keep in mind that spirits can also manifest.[/quote
Nailed it in one.
Nov 24 2011, 03:18 AM
Generally, we restrict manifesting mages to only astral perception.
Think about it... how broken recon could be if the mage simply manifests... then proceeds to read computer displays, open papers, etc... Even better, invisibility is a mana spell... and he can cast it while astral on himself... since his manifested form doesn't appear on technology like cameras, there's no need for improved.
Nov 24 2011, 03:20 AM
Seems like a very, very niche use, but yes, it doesn't work like that. You're still astral, so you get astral sense.
Nov 24 2011, 03:33 AM
QUOTE (Udoshi @ Nov 23 2011, 05:03 PM)

Materialization is a spirit power that lets them take physical form from the astral, and gain a few perks, like ITNW and being able to fully affect physical things.
Manifesting comes with a degree of protection. Its like sticking a mirror around the corner. Its basically ghostmode: You show up as a translucent illusion, and can basically talk to people. As a bonus, you don't show up on any technological forms of monitoring, and can't really cast spells at things that aren't also dual natured. As a bonus, you can't be hurt either. Keep in mind that spirits can also manifest.
Also, Grounding spells was an option that was removed in 4th because it could be ridiculously powerful and break the game.
Grounding was only around in 2nd edition. In 3rd you could attack active foci, but no grounding. And grounding was freaking awesome and added a very large dose of paranoia and caution to magicians.
Nov 24 2011, 03:46 AM
I never saw grounding successfully used AGAINST a mage...
I saw mages abuse grounding horribly against mundanes.
Yeah I'm going to summon up a force 1 fire spirit... it's going to materialize... then I'm going to ground this fireball through it and kill everyone in the room. Too bad for them that they can't do a thing to me since I'm astral... bwahahahaha.
Mages have become far less deadly since earlier editions... 4e especially. Grounding... good riddance.
Nov 24 2011, 04:20 AM
Manifesting is essentially a tool for Mages to communicate with the other members of their Shadowrun team while they are Astrally Projecting. The meat body can be sitting back at the safe house or in the getaway car, while the Mage Projects. If the Mage notices something he needs to tell the party about, instead of returning to his meat body and turning on his communicator, he can simply Manifest his spirit in front of them, and talk to them.
Materialization is what a Fire Spirit does when it wants to HURT the bad Shadowrunners that are invading the warehouse that it is protecting.
Dakka Dakka
Nov 24 2011, 06:36 PM
QUOTE (Falconer @ Nov 24 2011, 04:18 AM)

Generally, we restrict manifesting mages to only astral perception.
Think about it... how broken recon could be if the mage simply manifests... then proceeds to read computer displays, open papers, etc... Even better, invisibility is a mana spell... and he can cast it while astral on himself... since his manifested form doesn't appear on technology like cameras, there's no need for improved.
This is not a houserule but the actual rule of SR4A. Manifesting lets you be seen and heard on the physical plane it does not let you perceive there. Your senses are still only on the astral plane.
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