QUOTE (MortVent @ Nov 27 2011, 12:06 PM)

I know they are supposed to get better down the road, but still you almost are better off not giving them any spells/forms (maybe a couple spells) and buying them with Karma. Or only rolling them up for high powered games (or house rule games with starting karma after char gen)
This is probably why you're having trouble. You do NOT want to buy complex forms with karma, because they are silly expensive. 6 bp for rating 6 whatever... or 21 karma. Generally, what you want to cut is:
Don't start with skills below rating 4. Either be good at it, or buy it with karma. Rating 1 if you absolutely must have it at chargen, but don't have like 10 rating 1 skills.
Don't get a lot of meh stats. Again, either be good at it, or buy it with karma.
Don't buy piles and piles of widgets. Buy a few good drones, not 15 crappy ones. Buy one good suit of armor, not a huge pile of incompatible items. Don't have an enormous pile of very selectively useful geegaws. Don't have dozens of bits of cyber/bioware that are only useful for highly specific niche things.
Of those 3, technomancers are probably the hardest, because they have essentially no wiggle room. You can either start out sucking very hard at anything that doesn't involve the matrix (meaning hacking and rigging) and maybe being OK at social skills if you're a Charisma stream, or sucking medium hard at those things, and also permanently cripple your matrix skills. Technomancers have enough expensive "must get at chargen or be shafted down the road" things that they don't really have points left over for niceties. Also, technomancers are generally best starting with very, very minimal gear because they have little use for money aside from buying vehicles (mages want highly expensive foci, mundane riggers want commlinks, programs, ware, AND vehicles), and thus can buy those vehicles after chargen with their share of cash.