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Just a quick note; I've edited my post in the interest of moving things forward. Even though the calls will be taking place one after the other I can handle both at once as they pertain to the thread so both of our new recruits can get in on the action.

As a note are we looking for more players or is Blitz just covering her bases?
Jayk's is a place I've used several times though Cosmo's only eaten there once. It's about a 10 minute drive from the barrens and it shows. The diner has a rough atmosphere, tinted windows, and a perpetual line of choppers out front. There is food to be had here but I wouldn't reccomend anything beyond their NERPS and Cheese Platter (quite good, considering).
Paladin is meditating about the job ahead, seeing if he can get any glimpses at the possibilities.

Divination: 11 05 05 03 02 02
Pravati plans on ariving 20 min early... what frecking time is it in the game anyway??? thanks
Im all about it! Let's get everyone in the game and then the party can begin.
It's about 1700. Just under an hour to go until the meet.

Ecclesiastes: I need a specific question that you're trying to divine the answer to.
Just trying to get any omens about this meet. Is it safe and legit, stuff like that.
I am still trying to get into the grove as Ivan, so please forgive the painful (to read) posts.
Guys, I hate to do this, but I'm gunna have to back out of the game. Things at work are getting busy and I'm getting handed some new projects. This is one of the games where its early enough for me to back out without messing with the storyline. Sorry all.
Sok....I know the are involved in so many as it stands anyway...besides...after that vision, I would have second thoughts too wink.gif
I can do better. vegm.gif
Of that I have no doubts...I have a feeling you were holding back as to not scare away my help....looks like you did anyway wink.gif
Gendel do that... no never.... hahaa smokin.gif
Can I assume alls clear on the dive bar front?
Perception check for the drive:

05 04 04 04 03 01

Ivan is positive that no one is following the small convoy on the trip across town to the bar.

Also, Ayuda is not currently with the group. In his original reply to Blitz's summons he indicated that he would be back in town in seven days and available to work at that time.
Perception test (just in case) as Cosmo finds her parking spot:
Totally missed that...sorry
The Burning One
Clay's visual sweep of the bar. Perception test result:

11, 3, 3, 2

Anything worth reporting before the team arrives?
Nothing strikes you as suspicious, and most people do not appear to be paying attention to you at all.
Again with the perception (redundant though it may be):
Nothing strikes you as suspicious, although a fair number of people have turned at your entrance and are paying you a good amount of attention. That's usual for this crowd, though.
Ack, been busy, unable to keep up with Shadowlife. Sorry guys frown.gif
The Burning One
Just a question, am I supposed to be conducting negotiations or are we awaiting our esteemed leader (aka Blitz)?

No..Cosmo is conducting the interview.
The Burning One
I await Morg's response then, ever patient and full of anticipation. biggrin.gif

The Burning One
Has Morganna/Cosmo been seen recently?

Unfortunately, no, I have not seen her post in recent days.
Sorry guys .. life's been a real bitch this last week but I'm back .. again. indifferent.gif
The Burning One
And there was much rejoicing.

rotate.gif wobble.gif spin.gif

YAY! Finally!

SyNafay I have to say this cause its driving me crazy.

On the boards Italics indicate thoughts, "quotes are spoken".

thank you for the input...
That was awesome Grendel. You really should consider doing writing professionally. That's funny though, Ivan has a contact named Misha....


Nothing against Morganah personally, but the thread is really creeping with her sporadic posting. In the interest of moving things along, can we have Clay finish the interview?
I'd accept that, but Im not sure how to make the transition smoothly..
Well we are a creative bunch I am sure we can figure somthing out... cyber.gif
good job babe!!!

<Edit: I was hoping that it wouldn't come to this but again, it's probably better that it has. Since I am -clearly- unable to maintain a regular availability I'm going to pull out of this run. I won't hold you up any more. Good luck, everyone.>

<oh, and all that had to be done was a quick switch over to the secondary channel as Cos stated earlier. You could have all participated in the interview if that was your wish. *shrugs* No hard feelings though.>
The Burning One
QUOTE (Fenris)
Nothing against Morganah personally, but the thread is really creeping with her sporadic posting. In the interest of moving things along, can we have Clay finish the interview?

As the interview has already wrapped up this is likely a moot point but I'll mention it regardless. I can post regularly during the weekdays (up to twice a day). Over the weekends I'm actively unavailable. Quite simply I have too much going on for there to really be any chance of me posting during those days.

Just a warning in case people decide to switch focus to my character on a Friday afternoon. You'll likely be waiting until Monday before you see a response.

The Burning One
I'm hoping people weren't waiting on my account.

As for the IC post, liberties were taken, others will be blamed.

Smart like brick,
Subtle like sledgehammer.

The game might have to pause here a bit. Grendel's in Rome on vacation and I need info from my Fixer before I can go into details IC...we need to wait until he can post before going forward.
The Burning One
Ah this explains much.

Hope he enjoys the trip.

The Burning One
Stuff in the Case:

Savior Advanced Medkits: 2
- Savior Medkit Supplies: 4
Ceramic Throwing Knives: 24
- Flash: 6
- Gas (Neuro-Stun VII): 6
- IPE Concussion Grenades: 6
- IPE Defensive: 6
- Smoke (IR): 6
- White Phosphorus: 4
Gas Mask (w/Air Tank)
Ration Bars: 20 Days
Survival Kit
Wire Clippers
Plasteel Restraints: 4

Also packed will be a sturdy duffel bag with his clothing and armour. Small items (phones, tranceivers, pocket secretaries, etc) will be carried. As will the sword.
Am I misreading the thread, or is the entire team going to be out of town when Ayuda gets back?
It kind of seems that way. I may be dense but why are we going to Russia? I thought our next target was the research facility in California?
We aren't...Blitz had no intention of telling her our real destination until she as a member of the team. that way, if she said no, then she'd have the wrong idea as to where we were really going.

Fenris...remind me why Ayuda isn't around right now? I assumed that we'd give you a call to have you meet at the airport as soon as I get the word from Fury.
He was out of town, and the initial call didn't have any urgency attached to it. When he said he'd be gone for a few more days, nobody objected, and Ivan indicated that was acceptable. If you'd mentioned you were moving right now he'd have come back immediately. As it is, unless the flights at least 48 hours out, I'd assume he's going to have to meet you wherever you're going.
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