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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the administrative thread for the Dumpshock Forums run: Eyes of Long Knives. This is the follow-on adventure to Razorblade Smile. Those of you who’s characters are returning have already been contacted via email. For simplicity’s sake, assume that those team members who are not returning have simply taken their pay and left seeking more lucrative or safer employment.
For those that do remain, almost a month of in-game time has passed. If your characters decided to spend money or karma in the interim, post to this thread with your desired expenditures and I’ll adjudicate as appropriate. The optional training time rules from the SR Companion are in use, so plan accordingly. Those characters with sleep regulators may increase the amount of time spent training per day by four hours.
As you can see, the IC thread for this game is already open, feel free to post there. The game date and time are as per the initial post, assume that all remaining team members are with Blitz in the warehouse in Tacoma.

Now that the preliminary business is taken care of, I can move on to the point which interests everyone else on this forum: that of character submissions to the game. As you may have gathered already, the issue is a little complicated. Regardless of how the team eventually decides to handle recruitment, the below guidelines for characters will apply.

I’m accepting characters of Professional to Legend level. That is, those characters possessing from 90 to 200 points of karma. Again, just as in Razorblade Smile, this isn’t a blank check to create a new character and then ‘age’ her by 200 points of karma. What I’m looking for are the characters that have been played for a couple of years, professional shadowrunners capable of maneuvering against serious opposition. When submitting your characters text or .htm format is preferable, but please include them as attachments to your email instead of as the text of the message. Also, please include in your background an explanation of any unique or custom gear/spells/foci/skills/etc. your character has acquired. You can post your character to the OOC thread if you like, but I don’t require it. There is no deadline for character submissions, per se, but the earlier you are in the queue, the more likely it is that you will be selected.

All the established rules and conventions of Razorblade Smile will apply to Eyes of Long Knives. For those who are just joining us, I will summarize them below:

The game will be run utilizing all 3rd Edition core rules, as well as most optional rules. A listing of my house rules can be found at The game date is November, 2061, although skills and gear from SOTA: 2063 are available.

Most of the games that work out well on these boards are ones that move along at a good pace. Pursuant to that, I've come ready to work. In most cases I'm able to check the boards daily and make updates as required, so be prepared. The game will move and if a character gets left behind, so be it.

Mechanics wise, most success tests will be handled cinematically unless you desire otherwise. If that's the case, detail your test on an OOC post including skill and pool dice used and the results. We're going to be on the honor system here, as I trust any good player to realize that if you cheat, you're only cheating yourself and your fellow players.

To contact me, you can either use email:, or post to this topic. I check daily and responses should come quickly as long as I'm in the office.
Yeah baby! Woohoo. Ivan is back!

Unfortunetly there was a tragic computer virus that claimed his character sheet, luckily I was thinking using him in another game so I wil just translate him again smile.gif
Gabriel would be in, but I odnt have his sheet either... 4 moves changes things a lot.
If you have an opening, I have someone who fits in there. Hes at around 150 karma currently (though I had dumbed him down a bit for another game on here, I'd love a chance to play him in his full glory again).
Oh man, Ivan and Gabe together again, there will be blood tonight!
If anyone needs copies of his/her original character sheet I still have them and can forward them on. Shadow, BGMFH expect copies tonight.

Grey, send me your character.
A Clockwork Lime
Argh... too many... games...... not enough.... time. Rosebud.
Shadow, if Ivan and Gabe get together, there will be death and recriminations.... death from them, and recriminations from us as e try to figure out hy we didn't save some for later.
Trust me Clock, this game is worth playing in, Razorblade smile was one of the best games on the forum.
Here are the links for IC and OOC threads of Razorblades Smile. For anyone who wants to bone up on it. A very good read.
A Clockwork Lime
All right, with you fawning over the game here and Grey doing it in private messages, I'm going to go through my sheets later and find someone suitable and hope Grendel thinks him to be a groovy addition to the team when the time comes.

If I spontaneously explode, though, I'm holding you both responsible.
Fresno Bob
I'd play, but I don't have any characters with karma, aside from Nick, who I don't think is appropriate for this game.
Digital Heroin
I have a charcter I'd love to stretch out a bit, if there's room... a mundane, non augmented human hitman/face... tried him once, group didn't mesh with him, but can adapt this time...
Damn, this sounds kinda interesting...but I'm a complete shadowrunner n00b so I've no character that powerful, just a few beginner characters frown.gif

Argh...far to many interesting games on here, not enough time frown.gif biggrin.gif

The only thing Ivan would like to do in the mean time is have his Spurs Dikoted. That is assuming they got paid, and or made, enough money from the last job to cover the costs.
I have a few questions...

1. I assume that the surgery was performed under the watchful eyes of Ivan. (only because I believe Morganna isn't playing anymore.

2. Can you just remind us about the horror that we ran into...what the other post referred to as Rapi...

3. And are you going to layout the characters IC or OOC that apply for the job? We will eventually need to make a decision and Im not sure how you plan to handle that.

Also...send me a PM when you have some time...Id like to have a little dialogue with the scary elf dude. wink.gif
1. I assume that the surgery was performed under the watchful eyes of Ivan. (only because I believe Morganna isn't playing anymore.

Yes. I sent email to Morganna but haven't received a response yet.

2. Can you just remind us about the horror that we ran into...what the other post referred to as Rapi...

Bravo flinches away from the autofire filling the hallway, the heavy muzzle blasts from the LMG slapping concentric whorls through the haze of powdersmoke. The sharper reports from Gabriel's assault rifle are a counterpoint to the troll's thunderous fire. Drawn by the unmistakable sound of combat, as well as the radio calls from their teammates, the remaining two members of the Fast Reaction Squad turn the corner heading south towards Ivan and Gabriel's position. Assault rifles butted to their shoulders, they draw down on the pair. The attack never comes. Moving at unnatural speeds, wearing a cloak of light that blurs its skin into a mere ripple in the air, the creature rips into the guards. Composite armor, reinforced by trauma plates, shreds like tissue paper beneath the serrated claws. Blood fantails against the walls, viscera and organs slushing against the floor. Red eyes gleam in the semi-darkness.

3. And are you going to layout the characters IC or OOC that apply for the job? We will eventually need to make a decision and Im not sure how you plan to handle that.

Which would you prefer? I would prefer some type of open call for runners, but ultimately it's up to the characters and which contacts you call.
Well...when it comes right down to it, Blitz is under the assumption that Nikiado knows exactly who was responsible and is right on her heels. It's the safest assumption to make at this point, so her request for extra help will be very quiet. Probably only through Grendel or Fury.
I happen to know Grendel has an excellent fixer named Zoe who we could use under the 'friend of a friend' rules.
I'd like to get in but any character I have with that much experience is at home and I'm not going to be there for a few more days. Can it wait?
Morganna has been out of touch for a while as far as I know, will attempt to get ahold of her.

Um, grendel, can I get a copy of my sheet? romandirewolf at

If I remember right, Gabriel doesnt have much essence left, so I will have to see if there is any gear he will need...
The Burning One
Bah for reasons beyond my comprehension someone out there has still some faith in me and I've been invited back. I'm going to be aiming for a guaranteed one post a day. Appologies about the earlier disappearance life simply conspired to make things difficult for me.

I'll throw in a post on the IC thread once I get some spare time.
The Burning One
Hmm, ok I'm not certain if I missed something. I looked up the old thread in the archived forum posts and as best I can tell it never ran to conclusion. I'm assuming from the inital posts in both OOC and IC threads that the team somehow survived the encounter with the Horror but there seems to be a largish blank space in the timeline. Any details on that or was the thread continued somewhere else that I wasn't able to locate.

Yes, due to circumstances beyond my control I was forced to end the run prematurely. However, given the way events were progressing, I felt confident that the team would have brought about a successful conclusion to the mission. However, few, if any, details about the creature you encountered would have been uncovered and I've left that particular area of the run in shadows.
Damn, i was kinda hoping to play my namesake in a "Prime Runner" style for a second (out of retirement) but the Karma caps, stops him.

And i've got no one else in that range.

Arseholes, gonna follow though, seems good already.
Character sent.
QUOTE (grendel)
1. I assume that the surgery was performed under the watchful eyes of Ivan. (only because I believe Morganna isn't playing anymore.

Yes. I sent email to Morganna but haven't received a response yet.

Still here; still alive. *sigh* Despite being busy as all hell I DO have a net connection that I can count on again so I'll be around.

I've missed this place like crazy....
And we've missed you, girlfriend!
Yeah! Morgannah has returned! Woot (again). You do a lot of triumphant returning.

It will be cool to have Cosmo along, the more original people the better.
*Nods, grinning, and waves frantically to Blitz and Shadow*

That I do, though I'm hoping not to stage another dramatic comeback for a very, very long time. wink.gif It'll be great to get back with some of the 'RS Originals' but just as great, I think, to bring in some new blood....

Looking at my character sheet, though, I'm noticing a horrible lack of available funds; anyone know if we managed to grab any loot on our way out?
Although I imagine it doesn't help much, everyone should have received 7k from finding Rogue. Should cover a month at middle lifestyle, at the least, right? wink.gif
That it does, that it does.... Too bad Cosmo's a little more high maintenance than that, hmm? wink.gif In any case, thank you, Fenris, for reminding me.
<kicks a rock and waits his turn>
I have to ask 'cause I would like to know... Fenris your creation date is newer then the game we all played, barring you reading the thread how did you know we got paid 7k for finding Rogue?


@ Grendel, did you see my question about dikoting Ivan's Spurs?
I read the thread. Sorry, should have stated that I was Stormsbane back then. Ayuda?

Are you going to be joining us then?
Smed was playing Dos Equis and has declined the invitation to join the game.
Yes, I had planned on it. Just waiting for a copy of my character sheet from Grendel. Unless, of course, he didn't get my PM, which means I should re-request a copy here in the forum biggrin.gif

So were going to need a Decker. Has anyone sent in a submission that is a Decker?
I'd love to play, but thought I'd better pass. I can't find the time to post often enough anymore.
Post modified smile.gif
If it's at all helpful, Cosmo has a decker contact that may be able to point us in the right direction or possibly even fill in as a temp until we can find a PC. He's a solid investment too, trustworthy as anyone else that refuses to meet in person or even use 'his' real voice.... grinbig.gif
A Clockwork Lime
Hmm, I had already submitted a character to Grendel, but I do have a decker character who fits the bill nicely. I was planning on playing him in Shadow's game, but if you guys really think you need a decker, I'm sure I can find someone else to play in that one. The only problem is that he wasn't designed or played as a shadowrunner, per se, but was made for an all-Matrix otaku tribe scenario. I'd probably need to tinker with a few minor things to make him more suited to a general game, assuming that would be all right.

Somehow I don't think you guys would benefit from a retired troll combat biker (which is what I submitted) as much, anyway. smile.gif
Good thinking Clock smile.gif

Besides...Ivan & Gabe are all the muscle I need. wink.gif
Gabriel flexes, "Thanks Bosslady"

Waiting on a copy of Gabe from Grendel is all.
Sorry, brain cramp.
That email went out a couple of days ago. If you haven't received it, let me know and I'll resend.
As of this post I still have no copy of Gabriel.

Can I get you to try romandirewolf at and rex_skaterum at ?
Email sent.
Hey gren, you never let me know about the dikoting of Ivans spurs.
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