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Does anyone have a complete list of all the archetypes from Shadowrun? The four editions, Shadowbeat, etc?

No need for stats, just which ones were out there and, if possible, where they are?

I know that the Dwarf, Elf, Ork, and Troll samurai all came out together, for instance, bt COmbat Mage was added in a suppliment book rather than the main one (The GM screen? No. Contacts? No... shoot.)

My 1st ed is still oaned out to someone, so I can't do the research myself. Grf!
In case you're still searching: The Combat Mage appeared in Sprawl Sites (FASA 7103) alongside the Bodyguard, Dwarf mercenary, Elf Mage, Former Mage Detective, Former Military Officer, Former Tribal Warrior and Former Troll Bounty Hunter.
I managed to get my book back and dig in to the whole suite. 16 archetypes in each of the 4 main books, Sprawl Sites for those extra, another group dropped in ... shoot. Samurai Survival Guide? Feilds of Fire? I forget ... had Elf, Dwarf, Ork, and Troll Samurai. Shadowbeat added several more.

The big shifts, reading them in order, were A) the art style and B) the reversal of humanity. Shadowrun 1 and 2 had 14 (of 16!) humans, 3rd ed had only two, and 4th had 5 of 16.

Which probably only I really think about, but. smile.gif
I managed to get my book back and dig in to the whole suite. 16 archetypes in each of the 4 main books, Sprawl Sites for those extra, another group dropped in ... shoot. Samurai Survival Guide? Feilds of Fire? I forget ... had Elf, Dwarf, Ork, and Troll Samurai. Shadowbeat added several more.

The big shifts, reading them in order, were A) the art style and B) the reversal of humanity. Shadowrun 1 and 2 had 14 (of 16!) humans, 3rd ed had only two, and 4th had 5 of 16.

Which probably only I really think about, but. smile.gif
It's weird, they used to add new archetypes in the books a lot more. In addition to the main books, there was the Sprawl Survival Guide (where everyone wanted the mage detective, who somehow had a rating: 5 power focus), the Street Samurai Catalog (which had the aforementioned street samurai of non-human metatypes), one of the magic books had a few (houngan, ghost hunter, street sorcerer, and maybe more I can't remember), and Shadowbeat kind of had some, even though they were presented as characters, rather than archetypes (a trid reporter, a cybersnoop, and three rockers). One of the matrix books had a couple of decker archetypes in it, and one of the cyber books had some archetypes that looked more like NPCs (including some cyberzombies).
I confess, I'd love to see that have a comeback. The main book would have sixteen (Or twelve!), then the big expansions (Magic, decking, guns, cars) would each sport for more, help serve as examples for the expanded rules. I don't think that that's how it's done anymore, since you kind of want to avoid bloat and lord knows that pagecount is always hurting as it is, but it'd be nice.
QUOTE (Glyph @ Dec 20 2011, 08:24 AM) *
It's weird, they used to add new archetypes in the books a lot more. In addition to the main books, there was the Sprawl Survival Guide (where everyone wanted the mage detective, who somehow had a rating: 5 power focus), the Street Samurai Catalog (which had the aforementioned street samurai of non-human metatypes), one of the magic books had a few (houngan, ghost hunter, street sorcerer, and maybe more I can't remember), and Shadowbeat kind of had some, even though they were presented as characters, rather than archetypes (a trid reporter, a cybersnoop, and three rockers). One of the matrix books had a couple of decker archetypes in it, and one of the cyber books had some archetypes that looked more like NPCs (including some cyberzombies).

Awakenings for the magic types, Virtual Realities 2.0 for the matrix types. Cybertechnology for the Augmented should count IMO, despite the explicit "not an Archtype" statement.
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