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Full Version: Aztechnology Already Exists?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
The Canterbury Tail
Browsing a site about skyscrapers and I saw this in downtown Mexico City (Tenochtitlan). So I wonder if it is owned by an Aztechnology front company.

Fresno Bob
Yep. Most all of the companies in Shadowrun are or at some point were real.
John Campbell
Aztechnology does, in fact, exist. I own a pair of Aztechnology-manufactured sound cards. I've posted pictures of them here before; the search can probably turn them up.
QUOTE (John Campbell)
Aztechnology does, in fact, exist. I own a pair of Aztechnology-manufactured sound cards. I've posted pictures of them here before; the search can probably turn them up.

No kidding?
Jason Farlander
While I still have an aversion to the search function (a holdover from the old forum days when the search engine hated me), A little Google-fu brought this up:

Aztec sound card

It's kinda small, but you can see the Aztec logo at the bottom (the white oval).
John Campbell
No kidding. Aztechnology Sound Galaxy BX2s. Pics here.
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