Jan 29 2012, 06:55 PM
Hi. Murphy here. And this is where I'd like to feature my player runs that I do over on the MUD (, port 4000).
We'll start off with a summary of the current story arcs and move on from there. Currently I have about four different story arcs going.
The first concerns a strange ritual knife. About four months ago, RL time, a trio of Shadowrunners were hired to find a missing girl. Nacht, a Night One face/medico, Asharion, a physical adept and James, an ork samurai. The pair began by checking out the University District and the girls sorority house. There, they were told about a stalker ex-boyfriend and given a note with a weird tentacled symbol on it as well as a threat to sacrifice the missing girl at high tide to the Drowned God.
Ash hustled over to the Ex-BF's doss and upon breaking in, found it to be more than a little odd. James stood around in the parking lot for a bit and then did a little B&E himself on the missing girl's apartment.
The ExBFs place featured dim light, squishy and moldy carpet, a 'psycho wall' with over 200 pictures taped to the wall in front of a candle lit shrine to a little tentacled figure with bat wings, and something sloshing around in a large fish tank in the corner. Upon investigation, Ash found books on magic, some HP Lovecraft titles, and a huge Elder Sign burnt into the floor being used as a ritual circle.
James meanwhile snuck into the GF's apartment next door and scoped it out, finding that the girl had a roommate and a roomba. He was on his way out when the roommate comes home. After startling her to death, James fast talks her into telling him about the EXBF and his new buddies in the hoods and cloaks.
The pair of thieves call Nacht and he comes and picks them up. Time is running short as High Tide approaches and a careful toss of the EXBF's place reveals a warehouse he bought a few months back. The runners head that way at speed and nearly get stopped by a LS motorcycle cop. But, Nacht does some insane driving in his restored 1969 GTO and the runners escape.
They arrive at the warehouse and creep up. Three orks with Uzis are on guard detail but the runners neutralize them with silenced gunfire. They enter the warehouse in time to hear chanting and see three cultists standing around a scantily clad female while a fourth raises and ritual knife. A hail of silenced gunfire takes down most of the cult members, the leader gets off a flamethrower spell that is avoided, and the runners execute him. They grab the girl and take off, leaving seven bodies AND the knife behind.
Jan 29 2012, 06:55 PM
The next run involved a cold professional hitman named Frost.
He is hired by an unknown J at Syberspace, a bar/internet cafe, to track down and remove the left eye of a local street doc. He agrees and picks up a cryocase to store the eye in. He then heads to the address he was given and is greeted by a squat ferrocrete building with a security door, camera and intercom box.
He punches the intercom and pretends to be a courier for the doc. As the door buzzes open, Frost sees there is a MAD (Metal Detector) built into the frame, a door blocking his way and a fold-out bank drawer style box. He palms a smoke bomb and sticks it to the frame. The unseen guard tells him to put all his weapons in the box which folds out of the wall. Frost sets off the smoke bomb and feigns concern that the doc's failing tech will trap his gear and can he just deliver the PDA and go?
The guard relents. Frost enters and sets a PDA on the counter. He notes the Chinese ork guard with the obvious gang tats and the Uzi over the man's shoulder. He has the ork page the doc and as the clinic door opens, he stuns the ork with a taser and leaps the counter, pinning the doc. He has the terrified man erase the camera footage of him and then he tasers him and performs his nasty bit of surgery.
One hour later, he drops the case at the assigned locker and collects his pay.
Jan 29 2012, 06:56 PM
The following run took place about 3 months RL time after the previous two (Unfortunately RL trumps gaming sometimes)
Asharion (from the first run, physical adept), Kyle a Scottish teen adept with vehicle skills, and Elisando 'Greg' Moretti, a former Mafia hitter are hired to meet a client at Dante's Inferno at 2 am. The client insists they wear carnations on their lapels. The team assembles outside the closed club and are approached by a drunk man who leads them down an alley. (Yes our professional criminals followed an unknown man down an alley )
As they head down the alley, the man rambles and raves, spooking Ash into stunning him with a stunlance. The poor old guy's heart fails and Ash has a moment of pity and calls DW for a pickup. The other two have met with their client, Allan Smythe, who needs them to protect him for two days and then make sure he makes a flight out in the Salish-Shidhe territories. For some silly reason, the runners all brought their own vehicles and precious minutes are wasted loading Greg's motorcycle into Kyle's van with the target. It's decided that they will be heading to Council Island to hide out. Asharion takes off in his own car.
The two runner vehicles parellel each other and as DocWagon screams into the alley, they narrowly escaped. Suddenly, each vehicle is confronted by a riced up Honda 3220 Turbo. The runners keep their collective cool though and the street racers pass without incident. The team has an issue they are waiting on visas to the Salish-Shidhe but they won't be ready for about 8 hours. The decision is made to head to Redmond Barrens to wait.
Allan pulls out his cellphone and begins calling up some 'fun' as he puts it. (GM note: The tracker in his phone activates at this time.) As the team hits the I5 North, there are two black cars in the hammer lane that begin racing up to them. Unfortunately, there is a limo full of partiers in the middle lane. Kyle's van is in the lead in the runners' convoy with Ash tailing him when the action starts.
Asharion realizes he doesn't have any weapons that can help, so he sets his Gridguide and climbs into the back seat of his Mustang to gear up. His car slows to the legal speed and moves over to the slow lane. Black Car one pulls past the limo in the center and what looks like a rocket on the end of a rifle is pointed at the speeding van. Greg slides out the passenger window with his AK97 and in an action hero scene, holds on with his left hand while he fires over the van's roof at Black Car One.
He realizes the gel rounds may have not been the best choice AND narrowly avoids getting decapitated by the overpass as he slips back in.
Kyle hits the off ramp to Auburn and looks for a place to hide as Asharion rolls down his window and gets ready to fire.
Like a little parade, the van turns, then Ash, then with screaming tires, the two black cars follow. The runners lead them past the local Lonestar precinct and find a pair of alleys around the block to hide in and set up a hasty ambush. They wait...
A car rolls into the street, its tinted windows obscuring the driver. As it rolls to the runners positions, they open fire, shredding the Westwind with autofire. The care sedately rolls past (on Gridguide) and the runners notice three guys on Ash's side of the street and two more on Kyles. Apparently the bad guys snuck up while the runners were occupied
Ash reacts quickly, shredding the first bad guy and causing the second to dive for cover as Greg lights up one of his targets. Kyle moves to the rear of his van to protect the client. Ash and Greg use autoweapons and tactics to dispatch the hitters.
Kyle falls asleep (Actually his player fell asleep which is funny so I had to end the run on a scene).
The second car saw the carnage and sped away down the street. Moving quickly, the team made tracks as well due to the gunfight going down near the LS precinct. A few hours of back roads and they were at the Willy's Crash Shack.
The night passed uneventfully and the next day found Kyle picking up the fake passes and a large pet carrier labeled "DANGEROUS SPECIMEN" as well as coveralls and hats identifying the team as part of the Greater Seattle Metroplex Animal Control Squad. They waited until dark and Asharion met with Gina, picking up 90 rounds of EX ammo. From their the team piled into Kyle's van and headed for the wilderness. A quick scan and a bit of luck at the border saw them in Ellensburg an hour or so before a Gulfstream Platinum landed to collect thier charge. His father paid them all in certified cred and they left as the plane took to the sky.
Jan 29 2012, 06:56 PM
The following run took place about 2 weeks ago as I've found more time to GM. It's the first of the quick scenarios in 101 Instant Shadowruns thread.
Greg, Bennet (a dour Samurai), Stone (ork adept) and Tokiko (Night One samurai with no ware) are at the Shamrock (an in-game pub on the MUD that my char, Murphy, hosts runs from). They are told that the client wants a datachip retrieved from one of his employees. The target is a midlevel manager at an Ares subsidiary, uses a car service to get to work and has a round the clock live in bodyguard. The team finds out the target gets picked up and driven to work at 0800 daily and delivered home at 1800.
With this information in hand, an insane plot involving trailing the corp's car through rush hour morning traffic and two team members with sniper rifles disabling it while the other pair roar up on bikes is hatched. A couple hours of RealTime arguing later the suicidal potential is pointed out and the team decides to go with plan B. Since the corper is at work during the day, surely it will be much easier to go right now while he AND his bodyguard are home in thier A zone house. Game Time its about midnight and none of the runners look like the corp type. Response time for Knight Errant is about three minutes in that zone.
The PCs leave the bar, Stone headed for his motorcycle, Greg/Tokiko hailing a cab, and Bennet deciding that he left some piece of gear at his doss, heading off to get it. Tokiko notices a figure on a nearby rooftop...and the PCs break into full on sprints to pursue it. (Mind you there was no in game clue given that the figure was EVEN watching them). The trio of runners attempt to coordinate thier moves and realize thier headsets are being jammed. Tokiko runs down the alley after the cloaked figure while Greg and Stone parkour up the front to the roof.
Cloak makes it to HIS team's van and dives in, shutting the door. Greg and Stone leap off the building, Stone landing on the van's roof and Greg landing in the alley as Tokiko comes around the corner. The van screams away with Stone surfing on top as his teammates decide that shooting at the armored Bulldog is the right option. Tokiko fires past Greg's head as he lets go with several bursts of fire. They then proceed to chase the van down...on foot.
(I can't make this stuff up. lol)
Bennet appears on his bike and chases after the van on his motorcycle. He attempts to run it off the road which ends with his bike being Seriously damaged. Stone's player began arguing rules and getting mad that his Predator couldn't fire through the armored van so he was invited to leave which he did. The van stops, the door opens and Cloak steps out to find out who these idiots are. Bennet shoots him in the face (with gel rounds) and the Cloaked One drops in the street as the van takes off. Sirens in the distance as LoneStar rolls to respond to the automatic fire call. The pair of running runners (Greg and Tokiko) finally realize they aren't going to catch the van and decide to look for a car to steal. Luckily for the residents of Harbour Ave, they had decided to park indoors and thus the runners had to hail a cab.
Bennet heads for a local safehouse to ditch his bike and regroup, Cloak's teammate makes the block and scoops him up, and Greg/Tokiko go to a shopping center near the target's house. The runners confab in the parking lot and then sneak towards the target. (Greg's internet dropped so I had to NPC him). Greg goes into overwatch in a neighbor's hedge as Tokiko and Bennet sneak up to the house. They can see the blinds are closed but a trid is playing in the lighted living area. The back room is dark.
They decide to maglock passkey the FRONT door. The guard who was doing her job and watching them approach on a pinhole camera, readies her Narcoject and as the door pops open she fires two darts but misses Bennet. She leaps to her feet, dart gun tracking, as Tokiko rushes in with her monowhip. Tokiko swings and the guard ducks as the whip slices a corner off the couch. Stuffing flies and the guard sweeps Tokiko's feet out from under her. The bodyguard then steps up to Bennet, who takes a swing at her. She blocks with her off hand and pressing the Lethe to his vest drops him in the doorway. She then spins and puts two darts in the back of Tokiko's head.
(Greg's internet came back up at this point. It was hilarious)
Greg, seeing the action go down on thermal, rationalizes the sane course of action is to fire his UNSILENCED AK97 through the target's window. Lights pop on all up and down the street and sirens begin to wail as Greg charges and crashes through the front shattered time to take 2 darts to the forehead.
The runners are arrested by K-E and ferried to a holding cell at the Ares building. The second team of professional runners waits til the hubbub dies down and the corper goes to work then breaks into his empty house and steals the chip.
Jan 29 2012, 06:57 PM
This run starts my Kolmetz story arc.
Kyle (from the protection job) and Tusky, an ork delivery guy/boxer, are hired to go to a small village in the Salish-Shidhe and pick up a set of Force 6 summoning materials. They agree and Murphy gives them two one day visas with an export tag.
They meet up the next morning and head out. An hour or so of driving puts them at the border where they cleverly pay a 300y 'export tax' and roll on down a series of crappier roads to the tiny village.
The village of Shachu sits at the edge of a lake. The PCs are informed that they can rent a boat (both PCs have a deathly fear of water) or drive around the lake to where the talismonger lives. The locals who give them the info seem less than happy than city slickers are coming out here to 'take native magic' but they don't cause a fight.
Kyle and Tusky drive around to the rutted path leading to Alirez's house. Tusky opts to walk up the path while Kyle struggles his van up the incline. They get to a pre-War house and knock on the door.
It's answered by a wild haired Amerindian who leads them into a hot, stuffy backroom covered with half eaten plates of food and junk everywhere. He hands them a bundle, ranting the entire time, and when Tusky gives the man 500yen in script as a tip, he eats it.
The runners decide silently that it's time to go and leave quickly. Tusky again walks down the path as Kyle creeps his ungainly van down the narrow, narrow path. They rejoin at the bottom and boogie for Seattle.
As they hit the road back to the border crossing, they both see three figures clustered around a tree with a chainsaw. Kyle punches it and narrowly avoids the tree as the locals that were pissed at them run for thier truck to pursue. A chase is on, with the pickup guys firing rifles and Kyle trying to make it the 20 miles back to the border without sliding off the winding back road. A round hits one of his tires, causing a leak and another shatters his back window. The runners are unable to return fire as they left their guns in Seattle.
The pickup gets close and they see Running Bear apparently waving at them. The road in front of the van is suddenly covered in ice! Kyle's crazy driving and luck (burnt Karma dice) pull the van through a smoking 360 turn. Running Bear's truck hits the ice, it skids and then thinks better of it and flips. Kyle and Tusky make it back through the border crossing.
Kyle stops and changes the tire and the runners are nearly to Redmond when his LOW FUEL light pops on. They decide to gas up before delivering the package.
They pull into the GhettoMart and because the Gods hate them, see a sign reading CredReader broke. Come inside to pay. Tusky heads in as Kyle waits.
Tusky is in line behind three people, one a little old ork lady with eight bags of Chedd-R-Rinds. The clerk is slowly ringing them up one at a time. The last bag has a problem with the scanner. The clerk scans it, scans it, scans it, the guy in front of Tusky gets annoyed and leaves, scans it, and finally he begins manually punching in the barcode as Tusky contemplates robbing the store. He finishes only to have the little old lady announce she has coupons. The other guy in front of Tusky throws 5 yen at the clerk and storms out.
Kyle has seen two peope leave and his pump STILL isn't on. He's wondering what in the hell Tusky is up to as a Halloweener roars by, chucking a bottle that shatters near him.
The little old lady finally finishes buying her stuff after carefully smoothing out each bill before handing it to the clerk (Tusky got an instaKarma for mentioning that he was just glad giant jars of pennies were out of style) and s.l.o.w.l.y. hobbling out of the way. Tusky gives the kid 100 yen and escapes outside.
The runners fill the van and head for the drop point, a tenement with an old battered US mailbox as it's only marker. They pull up and as directed holler 'Kolmetz!'
A window slides open and a female yells at them for interrupting her stories as a door screeches and a tall, gangly figure in a cowl and robe walks up from a basement apartment. His face is obscured and he appears to be wearing huge oversized aviator shades. Weird lumps and bumps are under the robe and Tusky thinks he sees one move, but the runners keep thier cool and deliver the package. They roll back to the pub and get paid.
Jan 29 2012, 06:57 PM
This run took place before the 1st Kolmetz run.
The team consists of Minerva, a mage/decker, Mal, a Hispanic cyber adept, Kyle (vehicle Adept from the previous runs), and Tusky (ork delivery guy/boxer). They are hired to procure a case from a group of gangers called the Seven Plagues. They do some legwork and find out the case is being auctioned off to an unknown party in the morning. They head to a meet with a contact in the Redmond Barrens to try and get a location on the gang.
The contact lets the team know where the gang is hiding out at (a warehouse in Puyallup) and then he leaves. The team is getting ready to leave when two joygirls walk up and proposition Tusky. Minerva pulls a SMG and they run off. The team is discussing the situation when Tusky hears a weird sound coming from outside Minerva's SUV. The hoes came back and proving thier 'talents' siphoned most of Minerva's gas out onto the ground. Tusky tackles one of the joygirls while Minerva stunballs the other. Kyle and Mal drive off to the the meet.
Minerva and Tusky load back up and make it to I90 just as her SUV runs out of gas. She calls Bubba's Towing and Waffles and then a cab.
Kyle and Mal scope out the warehouse noting the fence and ten figures inside. They decide to hang back and when the rest of the team gets there, Minerva finds an astral barrier. They discuss and the decision is made to stakeout the place and hit the pickup men.
Cut to 8am. A black car pulls up and two suit wearing figures (One a black troll with an Afro and the other a pale human with slicked back hair) go inside and come back out with the briefcase. They get in their car and head for the interstate as the team (now all in Kyle's van) move to intercept. Kyle skids the van in front of the car, blocking its path. Minerva stunbolts the troll but the human suit fires through the windshield at Mal and Kyle. He misses and Mal fires her SMG through the car, killing the suit. Tusky gets the keys and gets the case.
The team had been told under NO circumstances to open the case and there were a few funny moments as Tusky debated whether or not to do it. He decides not to and the case is delivered to Murphy without incident.
Jan 29 2012, 06:58 PM
This run is the second part of the Cthulhu arc.
Nacht finds out their is an investigation going on regarding the dead bodies at the docks and organizes a team to break into LS property room and steal the evidence (the knife, the shell casings, etc etc).
The team consists of Omi (Asian female adept), Hiro (Asian male adept), Kyosami (Asian female samurai) and Nacht (German non-ASIAN Night One face).
They prepare with Hiro and Omi going to recon the precinct house. The team has waited til the wee morning hours on a Sunday to hit the place so there are only a half dozen people inside. They sneak around to the back and pop a maglock on the parking lot's gate. They have two choices on entry a camera/maglock protected security door or a dock door with a keylock.
Kyosami picks the keylock and they roll it up, Hiro stopping her so he can disable the alarm on it. The team sneaks inside, where Omi's passkey once again lets them into an interior hallway. They follow a sign to the lift and then down to the property room.
Inside the property room, an elderly LS reserve cop is watching 'Confessions of a Company Man' and doesn't even hear Omi as she slips up and slaps him with her shock glove. Hiro darts into the evidence area, finds the Dagon warehouse box and the team leaves.
On their way out, Kyosami stumbles in front of an interior camera and as the team exits, FLOODLIGHTS pop on and an alarm begins shrieking. Omi hauls hoop for the gate, popping the lock and fleeing. Hiro dives for cover behind a parked car as a LS Rover car whips into the lot and two cops jump out and do the LS *BLAMBLAMBLAM* FREEZE! Rounds whip past Kyosami's head as she sprints for the far side of the fence, pulling her grappel gun. She fires it ala Batman and sails up to a nearby office building's ledge.
Hiro runs between the cars, rounds cracking past him, and manages to flee as well. LS issues APBs but due to lack of information, doesn't catch any suspects. Nacht is given the evidence box.
Jan 29 2012, 06:58 PM
This run is Kolmetz part 2
The team is Billie, a West African initiate mage, Nacht (from the previous run), Madison (redhead covert ops specialist/physad), Aris (Minotaur ganger), and Greg (Mafia guy from the previous runs). The job is fairly simple: Meet a contact at the Elliot Bay Landing and pick up two boxes, taking them to the address in Redmond where Kolmetz lives.
Madison, being a new player, doesn't have a whole lot in the way of gear, so the boys (Aris, Nacht, and Greg) begin giving her stuff and going to get gear out of their loadout bags. Billie humors them for a while then decides it's time to work and not play dressup 'the hot redhead chyk' so she leaves on her bike to go to the Dock.
The team finds out through Aris the area is the turf of the Dockers, a troll/ork gang known for thier toughness and casual yet sturdy pants. Billie waits at the landing while Madison, Greg and Nacht pull up in her Americar. Aris roars up on his troll-sized Viking a few minutes later. A group of eight trolls and orks wanders over with clubs and such to greet them. Aris peacocks and trash talks and pays a 'use tax' to the Dockers, who piss off to go party. Billie, meanwhile, has collected the packages and secured them to her bike.
As the rest of the team wonders where Billie got off to, she roars by, headed for Redmond. Madison and Nacht jump in her car and she yells for Greg. Greg imitates a bump on the log and stands there, yakking it up with Aris. Madison counts down from 5 and takes off leaving Greg standing there. Aris and Greg realize thier paycheck is driving away and climb on Aris' hog, racing after the rest of the team.
Billies' ally spirit warns her of an ambush near the Redmond exit so she heads for a biker bar out on I 90 to plan a different tactic. Madison follows and arrives shortly after Billie has bribed her way inside. On the porch of the bar are a dozen or so drunk and high bikers glaring at the 'cage' that just pulled into their turf. Aris pulls up with Greg.
The Team hears mutterings about screwing with the Trog and Aris gets into a shouting match that turns into Trial by Combat for the right to keep hanging out there. Aris versus six bikers. No guns, no body armor. IF the bikers win, they get Madison (whom the Greasy Leader calls a stupid soccer mom). If Aris wins, the team can hang and Aris gets the leaders bike. A circle is drawn in the dirt...
Inside, Billie pays the bartender who resembles Kenny Rogers with an eyepatch for three boxes roughly the same size and shape as the two she already has. She has him put junk in one, booze in the other and she puts her leftover snack (a box of donut holes) in the third. She also hires escorts. Four bikers rush up, one pulling a gun and shooting his comrade through the leg. He holds up the smoking pistol as his buddy thrashes and says "So I get the gig, right?"
Outside, two biker rush Aris with chains. He backhands one and punches the other hard in the face with a skillet-sized fist. Both go down.
Bille collects her boxes and slips past the melee, headed for her bike. Aris piledrives another man and turns to face the fourth and fifth.
Billie exchanges her faux boxes for the delivery and leaves a box on the hood of Madison's car.
Aris plows through the last two guys and the final biker grabs his chest and falls over, playing dead
Billie levitates to the meet and has Nacht drive her bike back to Seattle. Madison sneaks over to Greasy and hits him with her Serious Killing Hands, breaking his neck.
The trio sees the box on the hood and don't know where it came from. Much discussion is had about it being a bomb while Billie touches down near Kolmetz' place. She yells Pizza for Kolmetz and meets the strange gent. Her ally spirit warns her that his aura is layered and that he's not all human. Kolmetz pulls a knife and opens one of the boxes, giving Billie four BTL chips. He then takes off back into his lair as Billie calls a cab.
In the lot, the box sits on Madison's hood until Aris and Greg grab it and ride off. Madison heads back to the pub as well.
The team meets at the Shamrock and are paid, even though Billie did all the work.
Jan 29 2012, 07:00 PM
This run happened last night.
The team consisted of Nacht (briefly and then he had to leave), Beez (a troll samurai), Madison (from the previous run), Greg (no longer looking obvious), Tracy (a redhead noob), and Tokiko (from the Ares run and she missed most of it until the end.)
The team is told to meet their J in a private room on the Ninth Hell of Dantes. They make it there and shortly are joined by an average looking man in a suit.
He wants them to waylay two Novatech vans that are picking up a cyberdeck prototype at the SeaTac airport in three days. He gives them the route, the personnel files on the guards (Cybereyes/ears, comms, [B]Spurs[B], and wired reflexes.) There are two riggers as well driving the vans. He also leaves an LTG number to contact him.
The job pays 25K but Greg negotiates it up to 40K. The team meets (through the room's speaker) Quint, NPC decker. After reviewing the guards files and having Quint do a little hacking they get the home addresses of the guards and a plan is hatched. Madison and Tracy get party clothes and head to Matchsticks while Beez and Greg roll to Jad's, the thought being that these were the two closest clubs to the guards' houses.
Madison and Tracy roll into Matchstick's and see thier target, Ray, chatting it up with an escort, Candy. They also notice Big Jiim the ork Pimp watching his new gal work. Madison goes over and aggressively tries to get Ray's attention while Tracy plays up to Big Jim as being a new hire.
Madision hauls Ray's drunk, staggering self out of the club and into a cab, which she takes back to her car.
Tracy meanwhile has been told by Big Jim that the guy who just left had a buddy but if she wants the gig she needs to get the info from Ray. She calls, Madison answers, Tracy tells her what she needs and Madison gives her the contact info.
Tracy calls Jim the Guard, mentions Ray and sets up a date. She heads for his apartment on Council Island.
Madison takes Ray to the No-Tell Motel and gets him to get in the shower while she freshens up the room.
Beez is chillin' in his white Ford van (no it doesn't have 'Free Candy' on the side but it should) as Greg yammers on. Finally, Beez tells him he should head into Jad's and see if any of the guards are partying in there. As Greg leaves, a troll in a ragged coat pushing a shopping cart full of metal coils rolls up to Beez and knocks on the window. 'Ya wanna buy a Slinky?' he asks. Beez is cool and buys 3 for his kids but turns down the Jazz inhalers Stan the Slinky Guy tries to sell him as well.
Greg wanders around the nightclub and sings along to a bad techno remix of 'Tainted Love' but sees no guards. He goes back outside and is accosted by Stan. He keeps cool though and actually adds Stan as a contact by offering to supply him better drugs. He also bought 5 slinkies. Beez is getting impatient and yells at Greg to Come On.
Madison, meanwhile, slips into the bathroom and tranq patches Ray. She drags him out, ties him up and throws him on the bed. She riffles through his clothes then calls the boys for backup and extraction. Beez and Greg head toward the No-Tell
Tracy shows up for her date and using her 'charms' convinces Jim to let her tie him to the bed. She then begins to riffle through his stuff, having forgot that the guards have SPURS. Jim cuts the ropes at his arms as Tracy pops her own spurs. She called-shots hiim to the eye and he screams, thrashing and spraying blood all over her arm and face before dying. Lights pop on as the neighbors hear the scream at 1 am. Tracy freaks out, grabs the loot, turns off the light with her ungloved bloody hand and makes sure she locks the door as she sprints for the nearby woods.
She stands in the woods changing clothes as a Council Island PD car pulls in. Two cops get out and find the supervisor to open the door to Jim's place. Tracy is changed and takes off running through the woods. The cops come back out and begin securing the scene, one of them notices the blood trail leading to the woods and reaches for his radio...calling in air support and having *ROADBLOCKS* set up on I 90 between Council Island and Redmond.
Beez and Greg get to the Motel and pick up Madison. They begin heading to Council Island to collect Tracy when they start hearing search efforts over the radio.
A half dozen cops chase Tracy through the woods towards the river as a helicopter begins sweeping overhead and a river patrol begins moving in. Tracy wastes time putting on lowlight goggles and dithering about whether to sneak or run. She opts for running and outdistances the cops, but not the chopper with it's thermal scope. She is spotlighted and ...finally showing *some* sense gives up. She is arrested and tossed in the back of a cruiser.
The rest of the team flips a U-turn and heads back to Seattle. They plan to text the J and demand thier money up front. Madison realizes the job is blown and as soon as Beez stops at Greg's apartment, she slips out and heads for her car.
Beez and Greg pick up Tokiko and heavy firepower as they expect the J to try to attack them or something (No, I have no clue either why that's where they went). They head to Redmond to send the 'Give us money' text and wait for a hit squad or something?
Tracy is interrogated and gives a description of Madison to the cops. The decker Quint texted everyone and then hacks CIPD to find out whats up. Novatech has issued an APB for a woman fitting Madison's description. When Madison hears about this, she checks into a motel and begins changing her appearance, planning to hide out until after Novatech picks up their deck.
Team BGT rolls out for Redmond on thier mission of sillyness. Beez took a moment to dress like a priest while Greg slings his AK97 under his coat and gets in the passenger seat. Tokiko follows in her van, not entirely sure what in the hell is going on or why she' s ready for war at 2am.
The runners had apparently forgotten about the roadblocks and for reasons I still don't know, calmly get in line with the other cars. The cops walk up and ask Beez for his credstick, registration, and proof of insurance. A second cop shines a light in Greg's window. Beez, playing the priest, tells Jacob (Greg) his 'acolyte' to get his ID out of the back. Greg gets up and his coat opens, revealing the AK. Tensions flare as the Cops level guns, but Beez talks them down with a bribe and a sad story. They are allowed to continue on their way.
Tokiko rolls up with a crazy, teary eyed story about a hurt relative or something. The cops let her through as well.
The pair of vans get to Redmond as a text from Quint comes through telling them the run is off because the team drew WAAAAY too much heat.
Tracy sits in her cell, contemplating her stint in prison for Murder One.
Madison dyes her hair and plots to ice Tracy if she sees her again.
More as it happens and please leave me any questions or comments you might have, thanks. If you think you'd like to get in on a run, go get a copy of Mushclient and look us up at, port 4000.
Jan 30 2012, 01:07 AM
For this,
"the Dockers, a troll/ork gang known for thier toughness and casual yet sturdy pants."
I award thee 1+ internet.
Thanks for the high-pitched giggles, my workmates are leaving me the hell alone right now...
Jan 30 2012, 01:27 AM
Thanks for sharing these. I'm on my way to bed but I plan on spending some time on my upcoming days off reading through these!
Jan 30 2012, 02:23 PM
Thanks, gents. And yeah, I'd advise not reading these any place you get in trouble for laughing too hard. There's a lot of comedy in my runs and it's not really intentional it's just the way I GM. I much rather have a bit of random goofyness and a lot of laughs than people arguing for six hours about rules. And if you guys have any ideas after reading through the them about how I can use the PCs actions (like the Cthulhu run), I'm listening.
Jan 31 2012, 06:26 AM
Baller. Sounds like everyone is having a great time.
Feb 3 2012, 01:15 AM
QUOTE (noonesshowmonkey @ Jan 31 2012, 12:26 AM)
Baller. Sounds like everyone is having a great time.
Generally, I try to bring the Rockshow and let everyone have the spotlight.
Feb 3 2012, 02:04 AM
The runners assemble at the pub. Beez, Greg, Jeremiah and Grim. When they are told they need a suit and tie, two runners quit, leaving the two G's to head to Matchsticks. They are shown to a private room and after a few minutes, a young man in a suit walks in, looks them over and tells them 'You'll do .Follow me.'
They are lead to a Rolls-Royce Phaeton and their radios and cellphones are collected. They ride to the estate of a local Mob don who wants them to kill the son of the local Seattle Yakuza Oyabun. They agree and are driven back.
Once thee, they head to Grim's place to plan. Greg attempts to use Grim's PC and after clicking all the popups manages to open 82 windows simultaneously before Grim pulls the plug. They were given chips with the layout of Tetsuo's estate and specs on his guards (wired to the hilt). They decide the only option is tol wait until he leaves to go back to Tokyo. Grim calls LoneStar from the front desk (he lives in a hotel) and asks them about the area of Renton where the Yak is. He finds out it is AA rated and patrolled by KE.
The clever two decide they need to hire a distraction so they go see the I-5ers gogang.
In my Seattle, the I-5ers leader Red-Eye refues to discuss biz unless you race him.
Greg negotiates the race and Grim (who is a vehicle adept) pulls his Saab up to the line.
The race is from Intercity 5 to the docks and back. The deriguer blonde hot chyk drops the flag and the pair leap off the line.
RedEye gets an early lead but Grim downshifts and punches it passing him. They speed toward the light at Roy Street which goes red. Grim whips his Saab up on the sidewalk, showering sparks and darts around the front of the oncoming gas truck. RedEye is forced to do a standie to stop his bike.
Grim slides through 2 90 degree turns and rips the last left onto Alaska Way. He looks back to see RedEye has nearly caught him. He does a screaming bootlegger and powers through the course heade back with the Rapier on his ass.
Suddenly, a cat runs in front of him amd is cat pate! Someone call PETA!
The two vehicles roar back into the I-5er base for a photo finish. RedEye agrees to help the. G's with five of his buddies. Grim gets the number of the blonde chyk as Greg nearly starts a riot with an impromptu rap song/Slamdance.
They call Tokiko, Greg's GF and teammate and the plan is hatched. Tokiko will get in front of the limo and brake so that Greg, riding in Grim's Saab can toss a bomb is a grease covered sock onto the hood while the I-5ers cause chaos. This plan doesn't survive contact though:
The day of the job, Grim is Auburn eating breakfast while Greg and Tokiko go to meet the I-5ers at the exit to Renton. It is at this point, the team realizes they have NO IDEA what Tetsuo's car looks like (This has happened bfore to Greg on the Ares job). They frantically send Tokiko and an Asian biker named Chico to scout out the target while the I5ers take Greg to meet Grim.
Grim has just gotten his order to go when the silence is shattered by the thunder of bikes as the I5ers arrive. Grim beautifully manages to get the waitress NOT to call the Star by claiming to be a minister attempting to convince the gogangers to give up their life of sin.
Meanwhile, Tokiko and Chico realize they are in Rich Corperville, what with the manicured lawns and estates and all. Chico is freaking out cause they stick out like the proverbial broken thumbs. Tokiko tells Chico to go check the estate's rear gate while she changes her van's color(chameleon paint). She then 0parks at ann empty house and for reasons that only she knows decides the way to stakeout the target is to stand next to a tree at the neighbor's house and watch. The neighbor is leaving for work and its only a freakishly high stealth roll that allows the Night-one to do the cartoon disappear-behind-a-tree trick. As she watches, TWO limos leave the estate. She gets the plates (455421, 455422) and has Chico follow the 421 as it heads out on surface streets throught Tacoma. 422 gets on the I-5 headed south.
She calls the Gs on the radio and let's them know. Redeye and crew race off to catch the 421 limo as Greg and Grim headout to intercept 422. Tokiko passes them heading into Auburn and is forced to turn around and play catch-up
The I5ers roll up on the first limo and toss Molotovs, one landing in the car through the sunroof. The limo stops, traffic begins sliding to a stop and the bikers brutally gun down Tetsuo's hairdresser and his massuese in a hail of gunfire. Further back, the Saab races up to the 422 limo and almost gets in position when they are cut off by ataxi. Grim swears he hears Hindi music *Alalalalalala* as he punches the gas and forces his way around Otis. (I like a self-referencing universe
Greg winds up and chucks the bomb which given his Throwing 1, lands on the hood. The driver hit the brakes, forcing traffic to swerve. The limo is rearended by a commuter as Grim manuevers the Saab to the shoulder and guns it for the off ramp. Greg counts down in Italian and then hits the switch. 4 KILOS of C-4.
Twin fireballs erupt as the flaming carcass of the limo and four other cars are blown skyward. Shrapnel,smoke, and fire turn the highway into hell and commuters plunge right into it. The G's take advantage of the chaos to flee the scene and go wash the Saab. Tokiko sees them from waay back and decides to head for home and lay low.
The report onthe radio says 22 dead, 37 wounded, and 16 vehicles destroyed as well as 1.2M nuyen damage to I5. The G's head to the pub abd get paid as well as conference call with the very happy Mob boss. Later that night, they party with their new buddies, the I5ers.
Seriously Mike
Feb 3 2012, 10:07 AM
...that last one was SHEER INSANITY. I don't want to be anywhere near these guys, are they always THIS killy?
Feb 3 2012, 10:09 AM
nothing wrong with a bit of the old ultra violence . .
Feb 3 2012, 11:19 AM
QUOTE (Seriously Mike @ Feb 3 2012, 04:07 AM)
...that last one was SHEER INSANITY. I don't want to be anywhere near these guys, are they always THIS killy?
Actually, not normally. But Greg has been good for like six runs so I had to give him a chance to use his boom-boom.
Also, had the trio of them tried anything else they probably would have died.
Feb 3 2012, 11:20 AM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Feb 3 2012, 04:09 AM)
nothing wrong with a bit of the old ultra violence . .
Brute Force...if it doesn't work you aren't using enough, right?
Feb 3 2012, 12:58 PM
I Play Trolls, need i say more? ^^
Overkill: No such thing.
Feb 5 2012, 07:32 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Feb 3 2012, 06:58 AM)
I Play Trolls, need i say more? ^^
Overkill: No such thing.
Still waiting for you to get past your numbers problem, cause I'd be interested in seeing what you come up with in oversized samurai flavor.
Feb 5 2012, 10:06 PM
QUOTE (Murphy01 @ Feb 5 2012, 08:32 PM)
Still waiting for you to get past your numbers problem, cause I'd be interested in seeing what you come up with in oversized samurai flavor.
It can be Hugs-Tiem nao! STR16 Bear-Hug with Ceramic Bone-Lace.
And when i have them and that's not enough, i sit on them and tell them to use the lifting rules *snickers*
Seriously Mike
Feb 5 2012, 10:35 PM
If my players ever do this kind of stuff, they will be either chased by the Pueblo military or chased by Pueblo military and pestered by Hollywood director Mark Harbor, known for his blockbusters featuring shitloads of pyrotechnics.
Feb 6 2012, 09:29 AM
Well, this time they ignored the J's rules, nearly died in a gunfight with Halloweeners, started a riot, got into an argument with their fixer, and then had the sense to call in magic support.
The runners were Greg, Kyle, and Graemor(aka Hagg). They were told by Murphy to meet the client at a Stuffer Shack in Redmond. Greg and Kyle piled into his Bulldog and Hagg hailed a cab. (Murphy Note: Hehe. Love my cabbies). A matte-black cab with antigrenade mesh on the windows, a spiked police ramplate, external speakers, and chariot spikes on the tires roars into the lot at the pub. Hagg nervously gets in and the doors click locked. He can barely think over the Cannibal Corpse death metal that is playing. The rear seat is an armored block and the driver is unseen through the dark ballistic glass that separates the two. A voice growls out of a speaker 'Where you going?'. Hagg yells 'Espanoza Mall' and the cab rockets out of the lot, tearing the mirror of a parked car and raking it's tire spikes across it. The cab blows through red lights, drives up on the sidewalk, and slams at least two commuter cars out of the way as the driver snarls out of the externally mounted speakers 'FRAG OFF AND DIE, YOU NONDRIVING SLOTS'. Hagg hangs out to the mesh for dear life and prays he lives through the cab ride. Finally, the HellCab jerks to a halt in front of the West Wing Car Lot. Unfortunately blocking in a BMW that is trying to leave. The elderly gent behind the wheel hooooooooooonks at the Cab. Angry Jack, the ex Desert Wars, ex Street Samurai with a roid rage and cyberarms, gets out, growling at Hagg to 'Wait here.' As Hagg watches in horror, AngryJack strides over, punches *through* the windshield and bounces the old guys head off the wheel several times. He stalks back over, gets in the cab and growls 'Forty nuyen and don't you *dare* forget my tip.' Hagg pays 140 and flees. The HellCab slams the BMW out of its way and screeches off, death metal shrieking, to find more victims.
The runners regroup in Redmond, Hagg parking his RV behind Kyle's van. They go inside the Shack and find a man waiting in the tiny eating area. He's wearing an armylike uniform with epaulets, a gold braid, and shoulder patches that read Saader-Krupp. Max Krieger introduces himself and tells the team that he needs contractors to go convince a gang that S-K and this facility are displeased with them. He tells them if they accept, he will take them to his facility for a indepth briefing. They agree and Max makes a gesture at the Stuffer Shack manager. The group is led through the kitchen to a walk-in freezer. Max lifts the cover on a wall panel and goes through a retinal scan while punching in his keycode. He says 'Standish, coming in with 3 contractors' and the rear wall opens to reveal a blond guard holding an HK assault rifle who lowers it and says 'Welcome to SK Research Station 333, y'all'. They are led to a briefing room where Max explains the facility has been in operation for a year. Per standard SK practice, they hired a local gang, the Skulls, for street level info. They also hired Barker, a snitch inside the gang. Barker gave regular reports, but two weeks ago said the leader Thorn had left to get cyberware. When Thorn returned, Barker quit the gang. This info gets ignored by the team even though they were given the address.
They are told that the Skulls were a typical gang controlling about ten blocks of turf, but in the last two weeks after the snitch left, they switched from drugs to BTLs and wiped out two smaller gangs expanding their territory. Then last night, they attacked the Stuffer Shack, knocking out the roof guard and trying to get in the third floor access. Luckily, the guards have biomonitors and were able to activate the automated systems to drive off the attacks. Max says they would deal with the problem internally but this is supposed to be a SECRET facility. The runners agree to take the job on and it is suggested they grab a Skull for interrogation.
The trio piles into Kyle's van to plan. Kyle is in the driver's seat, Greg is in the passenger seat, and Hagg is sitting on one of the bench seats in the back. Hagg hooks up his remote deck and remotes his RV past the GangHouse HQ. He notes it is two stories, with a heavy front door and boarded over windows. He turns the RV around and parks it about 50 feet the other side of the GangHouse.
LittleMike, a new Skull, is sent to the Stuffer Shack to buy beer. He walks down the street, whistling and not really paying much mind to anything. As he turns to go in the shack, Greg pops out and yells 'Surprise, motherfragger!'
Greg levels an AK97 at the surprised motherfragger who whirls around, his hand going under his coat. Greg fires a burst from his AK (silenced but with EXPLOSIVE ammo) and blows large holes in Mike's knee, abdomen, and left arm. The Skull slams against the front of the Shack, dead before he hits the ground. The credstick he was trying to give the guy jacking him rolls into the spreading pool of blood. The team screeches off, leaving a corpse.
They head to an abandoned warehouse to regroup as the S-K guys come out to recover the body. The gangers in the house having heard the explosions begin running around and getting in defensive positions (Hagg sees this on his RV's cameras). Time ticks past as the corpse is bodybagged and carried inside the Stuffer Shack. (Murphy Note: Apparently 'grab a Skull to interrogate' means 'murder the dude in broad daylight') As Hagg watches, two raggedy street dudes run over to the GangHouse and talk to the people inside. About 5 minutes later, a phalanx of six Trolls in Halloweener colors come roaring out of the CarYards and heading right for Kyle's van.
Greg sticks his AK out the window and fires two bursts into the lead pair of bikers' front tires, causing them to wreck. One of the trolls gets up out of the wreck and one doesn't. Kyle punches the gas on his idling van and runs over three of the four that are left, killing one instantly and hurting the others. The team tears around the corner on to Burton, and instead of making for the freeway, stops.
As Kyle made the turn onto Burton, one of the trolls fired an autoshotgun, breaking the lock on the rear doors which flap and bang and the left one falls off. As the team stops and waits, two troll bikers come around the corner with blood in their eyes and shotguns braced on thier handlebars. The trolls let fly, shredding Kyle's van with 13 bullet holes and shattering glass in the rear window as Hagg hits the deck. Greg returns fire, clipping one of the trolls in the chest and the other in the arm.
The troll hit in the chest fires again but misses, tearing up concrete as the second troll gets within range and lobs a molotov. Greg fires two headshot bursts, killing the shotgun troll and causing the molotov troll to dodge into a phone pole. Kyle punches the van in reverse, tires smoking and whips it around in a J-turn, slinging all his camping gear out the hole in the rear and poor Hagg into a wall.
Hagg has vomited all over himself and the team makes the decision to head for a safehouse. They roll to Willy's Crash Shack on Council Island and pay 1500 each to crash their overnight. Willy calls Jethro and has him come out to fix the doors on Kyle's van. More money is spent and the team has dinner at the Shack. Kyle's phone rings and Max Kreiger reams him out and threatens the team. Kyle quickly responds that the team will get the job done within 24 hours and for a quarter of the promised 20k
Feb 6 2012, 09:32 AM
The next day, Murphy calls Greg and tells him that the J called him and has fired the team from the job. Greg takes this news badly and says he will meet Murphy at the pub to 'discuss' the situation. Murphy heads to the pub and sits at his corner stool, his EX loaded Adder on the bar under a paper. Omi comes in drops off a photo and leaves. Kali comes in, notices the fixer's tension, and is hired for backup. She gets her AK97 and sits at a booth, waiting. Greg and Kitten show up. Greg and Murphy have a very tense conversation where finally Greg reveals why he's been acting so nuts lately. He's in severe withdrawal and needs help. Murphy promises not to fire him and the tension goes out of the room. Murphy contacts Kyle, who shows up and Hagg, who doesn't. (Murphy Note: Poor Hagg was probably ignoring his phone and vowing never to leave his apartment again. lol) Kitten leaves and the group adjourns to the War Room. Greg calls Billie in and they pay her 10K to join them on the run. (Yes at this point the team has paid double what the run is worth). The runners talk to Murphy who calls a rigger contact and gets them three photos (normal, thermo, and low light) of the GangHouse. Sidenote, rioting happens in the Barrens as three dozen Halloweeners hit the streets looking for Kyle's van. Hagg and Kyle had to talk Greg out of a suicide run the last night. This is mentioned in the news.
The photos come back and show five orks (2 front, 2 back one roof) clustered around the house, with five humans inside. Billie sends her ally spirit Rex who reports that there are two trolls in the basement, one a normal one, and one a troll like thing with NO aura.
The team digests this and heads for Redmond. Billie rolls up to a tenement to get an above angle on the GangHouse while Kyle and Greg go to his apartment to gear up. Billie calls up two Great Form Spirits of the Sky and has them increase the wind and lower the temperature. Within 30 minutes, the gangers have all gone in the house. Kyle and Greg move in for the takedown, but Greg starts freaking out (he has a phobia of wailing and screaming). He hears dead voices and such in the wind. The two move within 20m of the house and as Rex watches, Kyle, attempting to tell Greg that the lights are on in the basement, clicks his flashlight on and sets it on the ground. Billie takes this as the Go signal
She conjures up a trid phantasm of a massive blue dragon that slams into the ground, facing the house and roaring 'LEAVE NOW OR DIE' while simultaneously dropping a Force 5 Forboding spell in the house. The house's back door and two of the boarded windows explode open as gangers flee in terror.
Greg sees a troll with large black round eyes running towards him as he holds his gun in both hands. The troll swings a fist and Greg is knocked on his ass as the troll-thing runs straight *UP* the alley wall and disappears over the edge of the roof. Kyle is watching the house as a second troll levels an AK98 at him. He fires, grazing the troll's face. The trolls finger tightens on the trigger and a bolt of lightning fries him on the spot. Lightning cracks down over and over, killing five of the gangers.
Kyle collects Greg, who's cermoplast vest now sports cracked plates and they head off, job completed, to take Greg to get paid and then to a clinic. Billie collects Rex and heads for the El Diablo for a beer before meeting with Murphy
The guys get paid half of the fee plus a bonus. The J isn't paying subcontractors, but to keep her on his good side, Murphy pays Billie with a credstick.
Feb 6 2012, 10:24 AM
Important Note: The server host is port 4000. The host is having issues. For those of you who think you'd like to give this a shot.
Feb 7 2012, 05:57 AM
Hey Murphy01, did you ever GM a run against a boat of overly stereotyped Canadian smugglers?
Feb 7 2012, 10:35 AM
QUOTE (Froggie @ Feb 6 2012, 11:57 PM)
Hey Murphy01, did you ever GM a run against a boat of overly stereotyped Canadian smugglers?
Nope. That might have been Nacht or Leon as they have done GMing in the past, but it sounds fun,eh?
Feb 7 2012, 09:14 PM
It was a tricky run iirc. If I had more time i'd probably start up again, though I'd have to tear my mind out of the SR4 rule and mind set.
Feb 11 2012, 04:05 AM
Am SO stealing AngryJack - Combat Cabbie and general menace to all that don't drive....