Also, weird experimentation has resumed on human subjects in private hospitals (this has been a theme in the campaign), things like freezing or heating patients to death, simulating strokes, heart attacks and hypothermia - last but not least, the medical staff kill subjects who live, vivisecting them alive to study the effects of their experimentation.
The only common factor has been that doctors in charge of various official experiments had suddenly lost all respect for human life and dignity, and started torturing and killing their charges. The two problems have intersected, as corporate facilities normally charged with containing and combating the viruses, now start killing and vivisecting new yorkers infected in the mysterious epidemy, all in the name of science.
What is really going on is that a certain Terrence Stamp has awakened late in life, after being dealt more than his fair share of problems there. Disfigured, sick, in debt, his entire family dead/fighting/wasting away and having only been met with ridicule when struggling for a better deal. Nearly ready to eat a bullet at the point of his magical awakening, he meets the mentor spirit Rabid Dog, and becomes a Reaper. Obsessed with exterminating his own species, he has acquired a fetish containing one of the most dangerous Contagion spirits that ever lived, Lt. Gen. Shiro Ishii who led Unit 731 during World War II.
Ishii, confused because he has been traveling with a museum exhibit about Unit 731s crimes in the 20th century since being banished to his typewriter by an irate spirit of one of his victims - but more than ready to bargain with a mage who will allow him free reign, agrees to poison the greater New York area for our villain, in return for getting Terrence his revenge on the universe he hates. The Saeder-Krupp man is part of the S-K Prime central in Manhattan, and has gotten orders from Big L that toxic spirit outbreaks in New York is "happening too soon" and must be contained - both so the dragons inscrutable plans are served, but also so that S-K can take credit in the MDC for stopping a dire magical threat and epidemic outbreak in the making.
I'm thinking a clue hunt leading to the toxic mage, who answers questions about his nighttime plumbing job in various buroughs stricken with disease, but can't be charged with the crime of tampering with water streams or filtration units as there is no evidence. However, Ishii is present in his home, and will attempt various poltergeist tricks to terrify or hurt the characters, and Terrence quickly ushers them out when things start to get weird.
No matter if a short fight or not ensues, I will have him and Ishii travel to a bolthole, and the characters pursue him to the safe house, where they must defeat Terrence and Ishii, now helping each other to kill the characters and/or infect them or nearby people with infectious disease - I'm thinking about whipping up stats for diseases or rifling the various sourcebooks for them, so he can attempt to infect with various contagions.
Here's my idea for Ishii, made as a Force 7 Harbing (Toxic SoM) as suggested in Street Magic.:
Body: 7 Agility: 9 Reaction: 10, Strength: 5, Charisma: 7 , Intuition: 7, Logic: 7, Willpower: 7
Astral Initiative: 14
Number of Passes, Astral: 3
Skills: Assensing 7, Astral Combat 7, Dodge 7, Perception 7, Unarmed 7
Powers: Accident, Astral Form, Accident, Desire Reflection, Enhanced Sight, Fear, Guard, Influence, Materialize, Noxious Breath, Sapience, Search
Would this be a suitable challenge for a green four-runner (earned 6 karma since campaign start, made with 400BP) team? I'm thinking Terrence will plead with and threaten the characters before a battle ensues, in order to build op a magical attack against them and allying with Ishii while ranting about his tragic fate to them.
Any and all feedback, no matter about what part is as always appreciated