A while back I read the phrase "ork in a suit" somewhere here and my brain took off making up a character based on that concept. I've not been active in SR for a while so I thought I'd post him here to see if anyone could give me any pointers; tell me what I'm missing and what I'm doing wrong. Also; from a GM perspective is this character legal to play at your table? If not, what would you ask to be changed? Thanks
I used the Karmagen rules from RC, I've never used them before but I think I figured it out.
I wasn't quite sure how the Race Cost worked. As near as I understand you don't pay anything for making an Ork.
I've never played with the genetics stuff from Augmentation so I decided to base my character around being a corporate genehack. It's controversial, but I've used the Genetic Herritage Quality, (Aug p20), to give him a permanent Sideways Genetic Infusion, (Aug p94)
The character’s mom was a test volunteer for Yamatetsu drug and genetics experiments. Her messed up genome was passed down to her children; The character has the Genetic Heritage quality (Aug p20) with the effects of the genetic infusion Sideways (Aug p94). He also has several transgenic modifications and genetic optimization for Strength (Yes I optimized a “Dumpstat”)
The character grew up and worked in a corporate environment. He was indoctrinated with corporate bias against poor, uneducated people and specifically the ‘goblin’ races. Later, forced to live on the streets, he’s been able to connect with the culture of his race but he still believes it’s wrong to be unintelligent, uneducated, ugly or uncouth. He’s obsessive about status, grooming, style and wealth. He holds himself above other orks and trolls, exaggerates the fact of his formal education and believes that all trogs should hold themselves to a higher standard instead of, “Begging to be treated as equals.”
When a propensity for violence ruined his budding career as a company man for Evo Corp. left him homeless and on the streets. He switched alliances and used a contact in the Cutters gang to find a new home. Working for the pseudo-corporate street gang is a perfect fit. It’s been simple for him to use his corporate training and natural talents to work his way up the ladder. He’s now a ‘made man’, one of the top enforcers in the [Seattle] chapter.
karma Cost SummaryRace; Ork, 0
atributes; 366
Skills: Active; 258
Skills: Knowledge; 0 (18 free skill points)
Resources; 100
Contacts; 7
QUALITIES20, Genetic Heritage; one free genetic modification (infusion: Sideways), -20% nuyen cost of transgenic modifications
10, Restricted Gear; Move by Wire rating 2
10, Biocompatibility; -10% essence costs for Cyber
20, Made Man; choose one criminal group for a contact Conection 8, Loyalty 4 (Cutters Gang)
10, Martial Art; Wildcat Style, +1 on called shots to bypass armor.
-10, In Debt; Owes 5000¥ to [Local] Vory v` Zakone
-20, Prejudiced (Biased); Poor people, Uneducated people, Goblin Races
-20, Records on File; Yamatetsu, (now EVO)
-20, Combat Monster; requires composure test to back down from a fight before all opponents are incapacitated
Agility; 6(9)
Reaction; 5(9)
Strength; 9(13)
Charisma; 4
Intuition; 3
Logic; 3
Willpower; 4
Edge; 2
Common Dice PoolsComposure 8
Judge Intentions 7
Dodge (ranged) 16(18)
Armor 11/7
Damage Soak 20/16
Close Combat (Spur) 17, 10P damage
Ranged Combat (rifle) 17, (-1 range modifier)
SKILLSBlades (implants); 5(7) [+1 infusion bonus]
Electronics Group; 3
Automatics (Rifles); 5(7) [+1 infusion bonus]
Pistols (Automatics); 3(5) [+1 infusion bonus]
Heavy Weapons (Grenade Launchers); 2(4) [+1 infusion bonus]
Influence Group; 4
Infiltration (Urban); 4(6)
Shadowing (Evasion); 3(5)
Dodge (Ranged); 3(5) [7(9): +2 Move by Wire, +2 Infusion bonus]
Perception; 3 [4(7 visual): +1 infusion bonus, +3 visual for enhanced vision cyber eyes]
GQ style; 3
Business Finance; 3
(Local) Gangs; 3
Police Procedures; 3
Black Marketing; 3
(Local) Criminal Syndicates; 3
GEAR: IMPLANTSGENETECH (bio essence costs are halved)
Genetic Optimization (Strength); 45000¥, .2(.1) Ess, Boosts both natural and augmented Atribute maximum potential by one point
Transgenic Muscle Aug level 4, 28000(22400)¥, .8(.4) ess, +4 Strength, (Genetic heritage reduces ¥¥ cost of transgenics by 20@)
Transgenic Muscle Toner level 3, 24000(19200)¥, .6(.3) ess, +3 Agility, (Genetic heritage reduces ¥¥ cost of transgenics by 20@)
Infusion: Sideways; (0 ¥), .4(.2) ess, +1 perception, +2 defense tests related to reaction, +1 all Combat Active Skill tests, Character can't feel pain and is not effected by wound modifiers. (This is the effect granted by the Genetic Heritage quality, it costs no ¥¥ but does have an essence cost)
CYBERTECH (Bio Compatability reduces essence cost for cyber by 10%)
Move by Wire level 2; 85000¥, 3(2.7) ess, +2 reaction, +2 IP, +2 Dodge, acts as skillwires level 4
Datajack (Alpha); 200¥, .1(.07) ess, Provides Direct Neural Interface for gear. (Alpah quality means it has a device rating of 4)
Cyber Eyes rating 3; 9500¥, .4(.36) ess, (Camera, Image link, Smart Link, Thermographic, Lowlight, Vision Magnification)
Biomonitor (Alpha); 2200¥, .3(.21)ess, Monitors health, may warn of wounds and damage.
Aluminum Bone Lace; 15000¥, .9 ess, +2 Body, +0/1 armor cumulative with worn armor, +2P unarmed attack damage
Dermal Plate level 1 (Alpha); 10000¥, .5(.35) ess, +1/1 Armor cumulative with worn armor
Cyber Spur (Alpha); 3600¥, .2(.21)ess, +3P blades attack damage, (alpha quality means a scanner has a threshold of 2 to find it.)
GEAR: EVERYTHING ELSELifestyle; 5000¥, (Comforts 3, Entertainment 4, Necessities 3, Neighborhood 2, Security 2)
Zoe Executive Suite; 1950¥, 6/2 armor
Vashon Synergist line; 1500¥, 5.3 armor, with concealed holsters
Mortimer Berwick line; 2850¥, 5/3 armor,
Actioneer suit; 1500¥ 5/3 armor with concealable holsters
Mortimer Greatcoat; 3000¥, with concealable holsters, adds +2 to concealment of other items
Vashon Long coat; 1300¥, adds +2 to concealment of other items
Form fitting armor; 900¥, +4/1 armor cumulative with other worn armor, half body suit
Ares Slivergun; 1000¥, Built in Supressor, +Built in smartgun system
Ares Executive Protector; 1500¥, Breifcase SMG, +built in smartgun, folding stock
Ares Alpha Combat rifle; 1700¥, integral grenade launcher and smartgun
Ammo; 510¥, 100 pistol, 100 rifle, 3 frag grenades
Concealed Holsters; 50¥, adds -1 to concealment
Victorinox Memory Blade; 1250¥, concealable and flexible blade. (I Like to think that it works like
Jane's whip knife thingy from Johny Mnemonic)
Shock Gloves; 200¥, 5S(e) damage
Comlink (main); 4500¥, Hermes Icon w/ Novatech Navi OS; Response 4, System 4, Firewall 3, Signal 3
-Sim Module; 100¥, Allows DNI AR
Comlink (public); Sony Emperor w/ Redcap Nix OS, Response 2, System 2, Firewall 1, Signal 3
Pro-User Software package; 600¥, Analise 4, Browse 4, Edit 4, Command 2
Encrypt rating 3, 150¥
Pocket Hacker suite; 4920¥, Browse 3, Exploit 3, Stealth 3, Agent 3
Fake Sin rating 3; 3000¥
Fake license 3; 300, Driver's license
Fake License 3; 300¥, Concealed Carry permit
Earbuds; 785¥, Select Sound filter 3, Radio Signal Scanner 4, Laser Microphone 1, Atmosphere Sensor 3
Signal Jammer rating 3; 1500¥
Auto picker rating 1; 200¥, +1 to Agility+Locksmithing tests
Maglock Sequencer rating 4, 800¥
Electronics Kit, 500¥