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Full Version: Can an A.I. or a Spirit be a Sinner
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What sapient character choices have the option to be legal citizens. Or at least don't have to hide what they are on their fake Sin's.

Also do people require an AI to have a fake Sin to be able to pay the lifestyle on their home Node.
Drakes are metahumans who shapeshift, so they can be SINners, regardless of where.

Almost no other sentients have full legal status, except in some rare cases (usually by location).
This is stated in the fluff section of Runners Companion.
Depends on the jurisdiction.

Shapeshifters - NAN States, Amazonia, Azania and Aztlan issue them SINs. In Yakut shapeshifters are the dominant political force.

Drakes - are special metahumans so no difference for them.

Free spirits - Amazonia, Yakut, Manchuria, Czech Republic, Pueblo and Bolivia allow citizenship as do Evo and Wuxing (and maybe others). In fact, Evo's biggest shareholder, Buttercup, is a free spirit.

SIs - Decided on a case by case basis. Horizon, Evo, Saeder-Krupp and Neonet have all granted individual citizenships, whilst in Japan it's illegal to do so.

Infected - 35 nations (not named in RC) allow citizenship but only to some types. But then a lot of the infected will already have a SIN from before infection and for the government to remove a SIN based on a medical condition would spark some pretty heated metahuman rights debates. I would expect even the most permissable types of infected to prefer their condition not be known officially though.
So if a shapshifter is a full legal citizen in the NAN. How will he be treated in UCAS territory. Do you assume that he wouldn't be able to get a legal visa so he's the equivilent of a nonhuman/noncitizen.
QUOTE (maine75man @ Feb 27 2012, 06:08 PM) *
So if a shapshifter is a full legal citizen in the NAN. How will he be treated in UCAS territory. Do you assume that he wouldn't be able to get a legal visa so he's the equivilent of a nonhuman/noncitizen.

Pretty much. He'd be refused entry at border control, unless in the charge of an appropriately-licenced individual and sufficiently restrained.
Modular Man
That's an interesting question - and mostly up to the GM. Stuff like visa aren't detailed in the rules or even fluff, I think. It's already hard for me to figure out wether corporate citizens are allowed to leave the extraterrtorial compounds into another state, as a lot of arcologies are in the middle of something else... often cities.
QUOTE (maine75man @ Feb 27 2012, 04:23 PM) *
Also do people require an AI to have a fake Sin to be able to pay the lifestyle on their home Node.

Well someone has to own the node, but not necessarily the AI. The AI in my game lives in the node of a retirement home and has a special deal with the manager. If the AI doesn't trust anyone else to keep the node in good shape then he'll need a SIN, but since some of the cost is for new hardware it may have trouble installing it...
I think it's ridiculous that an AI can have a legal SIN but cannot have a legal job (Day Job quality) or any debt (In Debt negative quality). Their list of Qualities was poorly thought out, in my opinion.
According to Running Wild, page 63, Amazonia, Asamando, Aztlan, California Free State, Czech Republic, Euskal Herria, France, Philippines, Salish-Shidhe Council, and Yakut are Infected Friendly Nations.
QUOTE (Neraph @ Feb 27 2012, 10:41 AM) *
I think it's ridiculous that an AI can have a legal SIN but cannot have a legal job (Day Job quality) or any debt (In Debt negative quality). Their list of Qualities was poorly thought out, in my opinion.

I would rule that an AI can have the Day Job quality, myself, assuming it was with one of the synth-friendly corps like Horizon, Evo, or Neonet. In the fluff, a considerable amount of "known" AIs work out a kind of special deal with the owners of the node that hosts them, and that could easily be justified as using the Day Job quality to pay one's rent. Arcturus collates social networking data to keep Evo up to date on popular trends, Rufus (protosapient!) curbs its more destructive behavior and plays nice to keep its home at EvoToys, Annabelle drives taxi cabs, Pulsar is in politics and media...the list of legitimate options open to AIs goes on...
Yes, but the list of valid qualities for AIs is pathetically short.
QUOTE (Neraph @ Feb 27 2012, 11:41 AM) *
I think it's ridiculous that an AI can have a legal SIN but cannot have a legal job (Day Job quality) or any debt (In Debt negative quality). Their list of Qualities was poorly thought out, in my opinion.

The majority of that book is poorly thought out. I don't think the AI writeup is as bad as the FS writeup, but that doesn't mean it is good.
QUOTE (maine75man @ Feb 27 2012, 11:08 AM) *
So if a shapshifter is a full legal citizen in the NAN. How will he be treated in UCAS territory. Do you assume that he wouldn't be able to get a legal visa so he's the equivilent of a nonhuman/noncitizen.

Treatment of non-metas can vary greatly country by country. RW, page 46 in the NAN centaur's blog mentions a fellow cop who's a wolf shifter that nearly got shot by another cop at a cop convention because Quebec still pays bounties on shifters (among other heavy prejudices). And apparently naga skin boots are still in fashion there, too.

And in RC about pixies, France will issue SINs to them, Portland only criminal SINs to convicted pixies, and NeoNET is the only corporation to have any pixie citizens. As the timeline progresses I'm sure there may be more that'll follow suit.

In the least, figure any country that still pays a bounty on a type of sapient or critter won't recognize that one's SIN issued by another country.
The UCAS will likely treat Non-Recognized types depending on the political atmosphere going on between the two countries.

Happy: They're welcomed like any other visitor with the proper documentation. Their Nuyen spends like anyone else's, neh?

Unhappy: Hope that documentation is in order, or else they're going to visit the Animal Shelter for awhile until "Exported" to their country of origin with a stern letter about letting "Wild Animals" loose in the country. They may also get all their shots, and fixed. nyahnyah.gif
The Jake
Spirits can certainly be SINners in states that recognise them as sapients. Ghostwalker has publicly stated it which is why so many flock to Denver. I think PCC and a few others do too but I'm AFB.

- J.
QUOTE (The Jake @ Feb 29 2012, 08:35 AM) *
Spirits can certainly be SINners in states that recognise them as sapients. Ghostwalker has publicly stated it which is why so many flock to Denver. I think PCC and a few others do too but I'm AFB.

- J.
IIRC, the amount of citizenship that a Free Spirit has in the NAN depends on the local tribe. Some are just people, others can hold positions of authority, including Judges.
I recall a passage about a Pueblo Guard member that happens to be a Centaur.

She mentions getting to fly out from her home nation in passenger sections, when traveling by air. But having to ride in the cargo area on the trip back from some places, as she's considered livestock there.

It's in Running Wild, KarmaInferno. Same journal styled entries in the book I referenced from about her wolf shifter cop friend who nearly got shot by another cop while in Quebec.
Kawaii and... I forget the shifter's name. Kawaii has a funny journal/blog entry in RC.
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